Chapter 13 - Wheeler-Coleman Wedding

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Wednesday May 26, 1993

It was almost 4 years since Will was in Indiana. Karen Wheeler stayed in Bloomington while Mike lived in California with Max, Ziggy and the Newbys. BW Games is doing well, so well in fact that Mike and Will dropped out of College after their 3rd year to run the growing computer game business. With the internet coming online around the world, Will sees a day that players can compete against each other from their homes anywhere in the world. Will and Mike are developing a new game to take advantage of this new tool of communication.

Right now Will was packing up for the early flight tomorrow to Indianapolis. Karen was marrying a man called Bryson Coleman in Jackson, which is just 10 miles from Hawkins. Karen will be living in Jackson and running the business she and Bryson built. His Mom and Dad are going along with Mike and Max. They will fly out together but rent separate cars as Will and his parents are staying in a hotel in Jackson. Ziggy couldn't make it because he is busy helping to produce a new album for a very popular national rock band. Ziggy got a new job a year ago at International Music Group as one of their head producers. Ziggy had rare talent and was very good at pulling the elements together to make a decent recording session into a great one. Ziggy was given a free hand to find talent and develop them. Will doesn't see him much because they are both very busy. Will hoped he could stay home to spend some time with Ziggy this weekend, but Mike made sure Will was coming to the wedding. Mrs. Wheeler was there for him growing up so he owed her his presence at her big event.


At the office of the Cult Action Network in Hawkins, a blonde haired man sat at his desk reading the Roane County Record which was based in Jackson. In the paper's announcement section was a blurb about the wedding of Karen Wheeler and Bryson Coleman. "Are you sure Will Byers is going to be at the wedding?" A dark haired man that was a member of the 86' Tigers basketball team spoke up "yes Jason, Erica Sinclair told my sister he was attending the wedding along with the rest of the freaks." Jason intertwined his hands together then pointed his two index fingers together and looked up and pointed at the man named Chance "you and Andy will go to Jackson and snatch Will during the practice ceremony at the church Friday evening. Bring him out to the spot outside of town near the Trailer Park where the split is. Ryan and I will prepare the spot where we will do the ceremony. When we complete the ceremony, Hawkins will be healed of the disease that William Byers brought in when he went missing. The bridge he is to the underworld will be closed off forever." "My pleasure Jason." Chance walked out of Jason's office. He grabbed a folder from his desk drawer. Jason had clippings from all of Will's mentions in articles from Hawkins and Bloomington. Jason had photos from the North High School yearbook with Will on his various sports teams he was on. Jason stared at his swim team group photo and saw that Will was a good-looking young man who was holding a huge secret. Jason knows he is the reason behind everything that happened in Hawkins. His uncle worked at the lab in 1984 and said that Will was connected to another world and controlled hellish creatures. His uncle told Jason this back in 1988 just before he died from cancer. Jason should of shot Will in that cemetery but he couldn't at the time. Now he is determined to end things. "Soon, you won't be smiling." Jason said to Will's yearbook photo.

Little did Jason know about the piece of tech hidden in Jason's ceiling.


It was the wedding rehearsal at the church and Will was there as just an observer. His Mom Joyce was in the wedding party and Mike was going to walk up Karen and also be a groomsman. Will and Bob were there before the supper the wedding party were holding at the local restaurant. It was going okay until two masked men entered the church to grab Will. "What is going on here?" Bob stood in front of the unidentified men. "Give us Will Byers." The man pulled out a large revolver while the other pulled out a handgun. "Or we will start shooting." Will was scared and didn't know why anyone wanted him. He started toward them. "Please don't hurt anyone, I'll cooperate with you." Will said. Bob was blocking Will from the men. Bob looked at Will and then Joyce. Joyce cried out "no, don't take my baby." She was anguished and Bob stood in front of Will. "Move fatso before you get it." Bob looked at Will and mouthed run. Bob attacked the two men while Will helped Bob. The revolver went off and the bark echoed as Bob fell down in a bloody mess. Will was frozen as a gun was shoved in his face. A couple gunshots pierced a side window and slammed into a pew with wood splintering. "Shut up and lay down on your stomachs!" Everyone except Will did because the other man was dragging Will out who was crying at what happened to Bob.

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