Chapter 1 - Chemistry Partner

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It was the next Tuesday and Will walked into the school.  Will saw some members of last years Decathlon team standing by their lockers.  Will saw Lila Lasnesky standing with her friends.  "Hi William.  You know you can hang out with us.  You don't need to hide yourself."  Will gave a small smile to Lila who grinned.  "I know, but I don't want to be a bother."  "So, are you coming after school tomorrow to Revolutionary Arts?  I think you would like hanging out there."  Will heard of the place but it was too political for him.  "I'll think about it Lila."  Will said goodbye and left for his first class.

Will sat with Bradley from the Cross-Country team at lunch in the cafeteria.  After lunch was his Chemistry class.  Chemistry class had people in it that he never had in any other class, except Lila.  Will had to take this class so he could fulfill a science class requirement and get his advanced art class next hour.  Tuesdays were lab day so the class met up in the chemistry lab.  Will sat near the front, in the corner alone waiting for the teacher. 

Will saw him enter the room.  Not the teacher, but the tall guy with long raven hair, hooded dark-brown eyes and a face with freckles that reminded Will of a face he tried to forget.  The guy was named Ziggy and he was someone Will couldn't stop looking at.  He was very attractive to Will, but was pretty much a self important bullshit artist as General Sline in the movie Spies Like Us would say.  He carries his guitar everywhere like he is a big star, and treats his acquaintance Jackie like shit sometimes.  Will seen him around school and sometimes felt sorry for him because he isn't as bad as he portrays himself.  There is hope for him.  Will would like to know him better, but there is a high price to pay to know people who look like him if his past is any indication.

"Alright class, after the issues we had the last two weeks, I am switching out everyone's lab partners for the rest of the term."  Mr. Gagner was tired of half the class screwing off and last week's beaker explosion was the last straw.  "I've picked new lab partners..."  Mr. Gagner was naming off the pairs.  "Jackie, you are with Lila.  Last but not least Ziggy will be with William.  Now pair up and I will hand you your lab assignment."  Will walked over to where Ziggy was sitting.

"I guess we are lab partners.  Do you want to set up the experiment or do you want to gather supplies?"  Will was trying to break the ice with Ziggy, but Ziggy rolled his eyes at Will.  "No shit we are lab partners William.  I'm no scientist so you can set up the experiments and I'll gather supplies.  I hope you are better at this shit than Jackie is."  Will involuntary shook because he heard rumors about Ziggy being a difficult person but now he is on the end of his tirade.  Why do the hottest guys have to be such assholes Will thought.

Ziggy POV

Ziggy noticed that William shook.  Ziggy is pissed at himself for being such an asshole.  He is used to drama because his parents are so into themselves he has to act out to get attention.  Ziggy noticed William around school and felt drawn to him, like an invisible line pulled him in whenever William was around.  Ziggy found himself wanting to get to know William, but their paths never crossed until now.  "Uhh, sorry man.  I didn't mean to be a dick."  Ziggy felt himself starting to blush as he quietly told William so nobody else could hear.

"Um, thanks Ziggy.  Now we need to run this experiment before we run out of time."  Will and Ziggy worked together.  Ziggy noticed how diligent William worked.  He heard about him being some kind of nerd in school that also liked running sports.  Ziggy felt at ease knowing he had a partner that is going to help him pass this class.

Ziggy and Will were filling out their worksheet and they finished 5 minutes before lab ended.  With their stuff cleaned up and put away, the two boys sat near each other.

"So William, what do you do for fun?"  Ziggy saw William's large hazel eyes look back at him in confusion.  "Um, I prefer Will please.  I never did like William."  Ziggy smiled "yeah, I like Will better too.  William is too formal.  You never answered my question.  And yes you can call me Ziggy."  Ziggy wiggled his eyebrows.  When Will looked at Ziggy he noticed a red spot over Ziggy's LH eye and forehead going over to his temple.  It must be a birthmark.  Will never noticed it before due to Ziggy wearing a beanie which covered up his forehead.  "Uhh, I like art, especially drawing.  And I like to listen to music and watch movies and play games."  Ziggy smiled at Will and Will was going to ask Ziggy the same thing, but Mr. Gagner spoke to the class.  Will never did find out what Ziggy did for fun.  Ziggy left before Will could catch up with him.

Will rode his bike home after practice.  The team lost to Lincoln High last Saturday and the Cougars are still in 6th place out of 16 teams.  Lincoln High is still in 5th place so far and coach wanted to slide into their spot.  Will seems to be stuck in improving his time so hopefully the team can help him out.

At home his mother Joyce was super happy for some reason.  Bob and her brought home a meal from Kentucky Fried Chicken which is odd because she usually cooks Tuesday nights.  "Will, have a seat.  Your Mom has some big news."  Bob motioned Will to sit at the table.  "Tell him Bob."  Will hopes they are not moving away from town or something. 

"Will, back in high school your mother wrote a stage play called "The Dark of the Moon."  Joyce took over "I wrote that play because I was trying to get a scholarship to the Indianapolis School of the Arts (A/N: made up for the story- same for the Theatre Company).  Anyway life happened, actually Lonnie happened, but I had that play written.  I abandoned the idea of ever doing anything with it over time with everything going on.  Over a year ago Bob and I were reminiscing over high school when he reminded me of the play.  For some reason I still had a copy of my play.  I reviewed it, rewrote it, and renamed it The Shadowed Moon.  It is about whether or not love can overcome the destructive power of fear."  Bob took over "well your mother sent the play to the Indianapolis Theatre Company a few months ago and they loved it." 

Joyce was almost bouncing in her seat "Opening night of the play is Thursday October 15th at 7:30."  Will was excited.  His Mom sacrificed all those years for Jonathan and him and now she gets to show people her talent.  "That is great Mom!"  Will went to Joyce and hugged her.  Both Mother and son started to tear up; tears of joy sprang forth.  No words could escape Will's mouth he was so glad for Joyce. 

For some reason Hopper came to Will's mind at that moment.  Will owes Hopper his life because he saved him from dying in the Upside Down, but with that being said, Will is glad his Mom married Bob instead of Hopper.  Joyce tried to start something with Hopper, but Hopper and his Mom weren't in the right frame of mind to proceed at the time.  Bob came around and his Mom dated him.  Bob being around helped make their lives better by his encouragement and support.  If his Mom was with Hopper, would she even have this good news to share, or would they be sharing a pack of Camels together lamenting on their lives instead.  If the Parallel Worlds Theory is true, there is a Will Byers out there living that reality now.


It was Wednesday after school and Will didn't have practice.  Will went to the Revolutionary Arts building to hear Lila read her poem.  Will noticed some people from school at the place and he saw Lila and..Jackie?  Lila came over "welcome to the revolution Byers."  Will laughed "um, I'm not very political Lila."  "Yeah, yeah.  Jackie isn't either but he is engaging more with the people here so there is hope for you.  I would talk some more but I have a poem to read."  Jackie came up to Will "what's up Byers?"  Will smiled a little seeing Jackie more relaxed "I'm just here because Lila asked me to come.  I'm not into this sort of thing usually."  "Me neither, but it starts to grow on you."  Jackie clapped Will on the back and went to visit another person. 

That person was Ziggy.

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