Chapter 12 - June, 1989

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It was Tuesday, June 6th and all the new Party members are graduated.  The teens are in front of the Wheeler  house packing Will's car for the camping trip.  "So Lucas and Isabel are meeting us at Indiana Dunes.  Does he know which camping spots we picked?"  Will was happy all of the Party are together.  "Yeah, he has his Supercom so we should be able to get ahold of him when we arrive if he's lost."  Mike said.  "Are you ready to spend time with me baby in the Coleman."  Ziggy wiggled his eyebrows.  "Yeah, but I'm not looking forward to your flatulence."  Ziggy hit Will lightly "Hey, it was only one time.  It's hard not to be nervous when I'm trying to impress you."  Mike looked annoyed "come on lovebirds.  We want to leave this century."  Ziggy flicked off Mike.

The 4 sang and had a great time driving the 215 miles to the campground.  Ziggy and Will sat in the back seat annoying each other playfully while Mike and Max rolled their eyes.  The car was hot so the windows were rolled down some and everyone's hair was ruffled up.  After stopping a couple times, they arrived at the campgrounds.

"I'm going to call Lucas now.  Why don't you guys set up our tents."  Mike was ordering Will and Ziggy.  "Okay Wheels."  Ziggy answered his brother.  "Paladin calling Ranger.  Paladin calling Ranger over."  "This is the Ranger over."  "We are at site 158, repeat we are at camp site 158 over."  "Copy Paladin.  Ranger is on his way over and out."  Mike put his Supercom away.  "Alright now we can enjoy our vacation."  Will was setting up Ziggy's new tent he bought.  The tent looks to be nice and Will can't wait to sleep in it tonight.  "Byers, you have to set up our tent also because Mike can't do it right."  Max brought Will to Mike's red and grey tent.  Will found some of the tent poles and started to line them up trying to figure things out.  After studying the tent shell he started to assemble the tent.  Will heard in the background that Lucas and Isabel arrived and Mike, Ziggy and Max were chatting with him.  Will set up most of the tent when Will heard Lucas loud and clear.  "What is this?  You have Byers doing all the work now.  You might be the Paladin Wheeler, but you suck at practical things."  Will snorted silently because Mike is very intelligent, but is lost on certain things.  After Will pounded in the tent stakes, Lucas grabbed Will and did a shoulder hug with somekind of handshake.  "I'm glad you and Isabel made it here Lucas.  I want to see you beat these guys in Chicken fight."  "Yeah, we can have a tournament and everything.  But I just want to lounge on the tubes after one run though."  "Yeah, me too."  Will said.

After an hour the Party went to the Lake and started to swim.  A game of Marco Polo turned into a game of Chicken Fight.  Mike and Max won the game over Ziggy and Will when Max found a way to get Ziggy to trip up with Will on his shoulders.  Both boys fell into the water.  "That is how you do it bitches!"  Max splashed water at the losers.  "Let's switch teams.  Byers you're with me."  Lucas sat on Will's shoulders.  Will strained holding up a muscular Lucas as he started grappling with Max.  After two minutes Max found Lucas's weakness and he brought Will down with him.  "Suck it losers.  We are the best."  Max went down in the water and kissed Mike while Lucas threw his arm at the water splashing Max and Mike.  "Screw you stalker" a splashed Max yelled at Lucas.

Will pumped up 6 animal tubes for everyone.  Isabel got a pink flamingo.  Lucas a yellow ducky.  Max got a shark while Mike had the giraffe.  Ziggy got the sea turtle while Will got the beaver.  The 6 teens floated on the Lake enjoying the calming time while the sun dried off their bodies.  The time was peaceful until Max started flipping the others' floaties.  A swimming fight erupted but Max is good at finding fun in the moment.  After swimming around the Party went to the beach.  "Did you see me knock Mike into the water!"  Ziggy was beaming.  "That was because my giraffe has such a long neck he tips over easy."  "Yeah man, like your real neck isn't just as long."  Lucas teased Mike.  "You know what they say, long neck, long..."  "That's enough Mike."  Will didn't want him getting crude.  "I can't help it you are So average."  Mike fired back.  "Yeah, whatever."  Will didn't want to make a scene.  The Party went back to the campground with their tubes and went to use the showers.

"I'll cook us some food."  Will brought out the camp stove and made some chicken flavored rice.  He also had the gas grill going and threw on some hamburgers and all beef hotdogs on it.  Mrs. Wheeler made a good potato salad and Will dug out one container.  Ziggy came up behind Will and hugged him from behind.  Will jumped.  "How's it going Will.  It smells good."  "Shit Ziggy, you scared me."  Ziggy whispered in a husky voice "wait until later.  I have something that will scare the hell out of you.  You will like it I think."  Ziggy kissed Will on the neck a couple times.  "I..I'm getting stuff ready.  We can do this later?"  Will sounded annoyed but not overwhelmingly so.  "I need some honey from my Will bear now."  Ziggy protested.  "What the hell is taking you so long Byers.  We are starving."  Max yelled out.  "It's coming out now."  Will brought food to the picnic table where they all sat.  "This is good Byers."  Lucas was chowing down on a burger.  The group talked about random things.

The Party was sitting by a campfire while people were telling different scary campfire stories.  Max just finished with a story about a young man in California who ran across a man with a hook and something bad happened to him.  Will saw that Ziggy didn't really like scary stories, especially the way that Max told them.  She was too graphic.  Will lived through stuff worse so he held Ziggy.  Will was more scared of people in real life like the psychos in Hawkins and Ziggy seems to be the opposite and not like fictional horror.

"So, what are your plans for college or jobs?"  Lucas was curious.  "In case all you didn't know I got into Indiana University at Indianapolis so I'll be moving to Indy with Isabel.  I decided to get a degree in Criminal Justice."  "That's great Lucas, you were always the level headed one in our campaigns, so being a police officer is right up your alley.  Besides you are built for it.  No person would dare to disrespect your authority."  Will thought Lucas always had a protective streak for the Party back in the D&D days and in 1984.

"I can see it now.  Detective Sinclair, during the day a donut-munching no-bs detective who is not too old for this shit.  But at night, he tells his wife he is going out to buy milk but is actually driving his squad car..."  Max took over from Mike's narration. "He is driving his squad car to stalk a notorious drug dealer who killed his last partner..."  Mike took over "and he is going to dispense justice using his gun and his wits.  He is the Ranger!"  Everyone was rolling, laughing at their silly narration, except Lucas of course.  "Donut-munching!  I'll let you know not everyone has these."  Lucas rolled up his shirt to show off his abs.  "Yeah, take it off cowboy!"  Max yelled.  Ziggy was on the ground in tears.  Everyone gave each other crap and had a good time.  The 12 pack of cheap beer Lucas snatched from his Uncle's house made everyone a little silly, especially since they aren't used to drinking.

"Seriously though, what are your plans?"  He was looking mainly at Will and Mike.  "Will, Max, Ziggy and I are moving to California this summer."  Will took over "as you might not now, Bob recieved a job offer at the Signal Research Laboratory in Torrance.  Mom and Bob bought a house there and we all are going to stay there until we find a place to rent."  "Yeah, Will and I are attending El Camino College for the first two years in Computer Science until we transfer later.  Will and I will run BW Games out of their garage until it grows.  Bob will be too busy to help so it will just be Will and I."  "That's cool guys.  What will you be doing Ziggy?"  Ziggy told Lucas "after recording the tracks for Stallion at my home recording studio (in Ziggy's parents garage), a music producer in LA wants me to work for him at his studio.  He said that I had talent and it's a great opportunity for me so I will be working as an assistant recording engineer at Precision Sound Records.  My parents said they would be happy to get their garage back." 

Laughter was heard all around.  "It sucks you will all be leaving after getting back together.  I guess life is that way, right Byers."  "Yeah Lucas, it has been for me.  I can't complain how things turned out though."  "Yeah man, it turned out way better than I thought it would.  If you said 2 years ago this was how it would of turned out I would of laughed in your face.  I guess we should go to bed so we can get up and see Chicago since we're close."  Lucas grabbed Isabel and went to their tent and Ziggy grabbed Will leaving Mike and Max out by the campfire.  "Goodnight guys."  Max told Ziggy and Will.  "Goodnight Michael and Maxine."  Ziggy told his brother and Max.  Max flicked off the two while Will snorted.

Inside the tent Ziggy made out with Will by the soft glow of the lantern.  "Are you ready for me to show you how much I care for you baby."  Ziggy left another kiss on Will's neck.  "Not tonight Zig.  I want to experience this in a real bed, preferably at your house."  Ziggy whispered into Will's ear "anything you wish my Will bear."  Ziggy held Will close as they drifted off to sleep.

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