Chapter 5 - The End of the Show

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It was Sunday morning just after 9am and Joyce was in the kitchen with the radio on. "Bob and Will, come and eat breakfast." "Ooh, pancakes and turkey sausage." Bob was hungry. "Good morning Mom and Dad." Will pulled up a chair. "My interview should be on around 9:30 so we should be done eating before it starts." The three ate with some conversation like a typical Sunday morning.

Sunday Morning - Wheeler Trailer

It was just before 9:30 am and Mike dragged his skinny frame over to the table. It was a rare sight these days to see Karen at the stove making French toast and bacon. It was quiet when Karen had her radio on.

"...This is the Indiana Today program on Indiana Public Radio. Today our spotlight is on a woman who is very unique. She is a mother of two who lived through divorce, her youngest being kidnapped at the age of 12, and raising a family while working alot so she could put food on the table. Her life took her from Hawkins to Bloomington where she resides now." Mike thinks he knows who this is. "I think this is Joyce." Mike said "She had a lifelong dream come true last month when the Indianapolis Theatre Company performed the play The Darkened Moon. Her name, Joyce Newby. Welcome to our program Joyce." Karen wiped her hands on her apron "I remember she wrote a play in High School but I think Lonnie threw it away because he didn't want her to go to art school after she graduated." Mike liked Joyce and was pissed that Lonnie ruined her dream. She deserved a dream after everything she went through.

"Yeah, my family has been very supportive about this new adventure in my life. My son Will helped draw scenes because he's good at that, even with being busy with sports and school. It allowed us to see how I wanted the asthetics to look...." Mike listened on while she talked about her play. "So your play ended its run last week in Indianapolis, is it going to be ran elsewhere?" "Why yes, we just made a deal for The Darkened Moon to play in NYC off Broadway...." Joyce went on and he could tell his Mom seemed kind of jealous in a way. "Well, that is nice that Joyce gets to live her dream. Not all of us get to sweetie."

"I'm sure you will get to experience one of your dreams coming true." Mike thought his Mom could overcome their present predictiment and find her own happiness. "Maybe honey. Now finish eating so I can clean up dear." Mike couldn't believe Will would be in any sports. He wonders what he looks like now. Mike decided to write to Will and he had an idea what to say.


It was Tuesday the 17th and Will was biking to school. He made it to the entrance when he saw Ziggy waiting for him. Now that they are somewhat friends, Ziggy hangs out with Will at lunch and mornings before the bell. "Are you terra-excited for chemistry lab later?" Ziggy asked Will. "Yeah, I think this one is a discovery lab. Lucky we have you Ziggy to figure it all out for us." Ziggy rubbed his eyes "its too early for this shit." Will laughed while a guy made his way toward Will.

"Yo Byers, are you joining Decathlon this year?" Lila's friend Bennett asked Will. "Yes, maybe. I am interested in joining." "Good, there is a meeting after school in the history room, um, 231. Be there if you're interested." Bennett clapped Will on the shoulder and walked away.

"Why do you do such nerd shit Will?" Will stopped him, "what, it is fun Ziggy. It isn't just remembering what we learned. Maybe you want to join." Ziggy had a sour look "yea right. I have an obligation to my fans in the Real Ziggy Katz nation to keep entertained. Maybe you want to come with Friday night to watch me in action." Ziggy wiggled his eyebrows. Will noticed the birthmark above his left eyebrow on his forehead. Ziggy usually has long hair and wears beanies so you can't see it very well. Will thinks it makes Ziggy attractive and unique. "Yea maybe. Right now I have to get to class." The two separated.

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