Knight Girlfriend Fluff

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Your knight Girlfriend x reader


I sit in my little cottage, waiting for my girlfriend Sarah to get home. She is a very well-respected knight of the royal army. I'm am so proud of her. Growing up, Sarah always wanted to be a knight, but the problem was that women were not allowed to be knighted. So how did she become the well-respected knight she is today? Simple. She challenged their best dueler and won. And by won, I mean she killed him, but those are the rules. Thanks to Sarah, more women joined, and people look up to her.

Again, I am proud. Her job has many dangers, though. Every time she leaves to fight in battle or whatever journey she is sent on, I worry about her. Anything could happen, and she could easily get killed.

Sarah left about a month ago with another task. She couldn't give me too much detail as it was top secret, but told me she would be back in a months time at the latest. Since it's been the latest, I am re cleaning the house. Making sure everything is perfect for when she gets home.

I go out to our garden and pick some of her favorite flowers, pink carnations, and purple Azalea. I also made sure to put some white allium and some green plant I forgot the name of. I own a successful flower shop in our village. I absolutely love my job. Bringing in the flowers, I forgot to wipe my feet before coming in, leaving muddy footprints.

"Shit! Ugh, I'll take care of that after I put these pretties in a vase." I said to myself. I tent to talk to myself quite often. I think some of the villagers think I'm a bit crazy, but I don't care. It helps me think and remember. I also tend to be a little forgetful.

After carefully arranging the flowers in the biggest vase we have, I made sure to sweep all the little bits of greenery that have fallen onto the table and floor. Once that was done, I got to mopping the floor and putting my muddy shoes outside. I'll be sure to clean those later.

Seeing as it was almost dinner, I decided that if Sarah was coming home tonight, I would make her favorite. Beef stew and for dessert chocolate cake. Personally, I'm not a high fan of chocolate, but Sarah loves it. Sometimes, I think she loves chocolate more than me.

The cake was cooling, so I decided to start making the stew. Thankfully, I decided to precut the veggies earlier today when I got back from the market, knowing I wouldn't want to do them later.

Dinner was about done when I heard the front door open. Quickly, I dropped everything before running towards the door. "Sweetheat, I'm ho..." I cut her off by running into her, giving her a huge hug. "Welcome back. I missed you so much." She returned the huge kissing on top of my head. "I missed you too. I'm so glad to be home."

Something I forgot to mention was that she was six inches taller than me. And really muscular. But I guess you have to be strong for her job. "How are you feeling? Are you hurt? Tired? Injured?" I say like an over worried mother. I slightly pull back from the hug but still holding each other.

"Darling, I am fine. I'm a bit tired, yes, but I'm good." She giggled. I let out a sigh in relief. "Good. I worry about you when you get sent off."

"I know you do. And I am grateful to have suck a caring girlfriend, but I think you worry too much sometimes."

"How could I not! You leave to fight and risk yourself! Of course I worry!"

Sarah laughs before leaning down, placing her lips upon mine. This kiss was the first in a month, was long, and passionate. Nothing but full of love. We only pull away when I hear the pot boiling over the sides. "Shit!" I scream, running to the stove to remove the pot from the fire onto the counter.

"Well, good news is that dinner is done. Now sit down while I make you a bowl." I demanded pointing to her chair at the table. She does as I said, giving me a giggly " Yes, ma'am." I poured us each a bowl, bringing it over to the table. "Mmmmmm, my favorite! You're too good for me. And these flowers are so beautiful."

As we ate, she told me stories about what she encountered on her journey. One story was about how she had to save a comrade from some rogue people living in the south woods. Apparently, they were cannibals and wanted to eat him. Gross. I also told her how things we are going here. My flower shop has been busy. Many people are getting married. The thing I noticed was that weddings and funerals mean big business.

After dinner, I put the dishes in the sink. I'm planning on doing them in the morning. "Crap Sarah, I forgot to ice the cake." I pointed to the united cake and the big bowl of frosting that was waiting for me. "It's okay, love. We can do it together." She dragged me over to the cake and icing. Holding me with one hand as the other held mine that was holding a spoon full of icing. We iced the cake together. Her holding me.

She would come up with any excuse to hold me. Not that I didn't mind. I love it when she holds me. She is a huge cuddle bug. Most of the time, when she wants cuddles, she will pick me up and bring me to the couch or just hold me while I was busy doing what I was doing.

After the cake was iced. We each got a slice before going to the couch. That was in front of the lit fireplace. Once again, her holding me as we ate our cake. Accationally feeding each other. It's sappy I know but I can't help but love it and her.

When we were done eating I placed our dishes in the sink and put the cake up. Walking back into the living room I see Sarah down on one knee with a ring in her hand.

"Y/n we have known each other for many years now. And each day that you are in my life has been one of the greatest. You are the most caring and supportive person I have ever known. I love you so much and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

I couldn't stop the tears that are rolling down my cheeks "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" I yelled quickly joining her on the floor and kiss her. Pulling back she places the ring on my finger. It was so beautiful. Sarah was so beautiful. I am the luckiest girl in the world.

1179 words

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