Cordelia Goode (little space)

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"Mama!" I run through the bathroom that connects our room. Picture I painted in hand."Mama! Lookie lookie!" Mama is sitting at her vanity brushing her hair. She was already in her nightgown. Turning to me with a soft smile. "Let me see, baby." She takes my picture and looks at it. "OH sweetheart, it's beautiful! Is this us?" Very proud of my work. I nod my head.

Mama stands and walks to her board. "I'll hang it here so I can see it every day." She hangs it up with the little pointy things I'm not allowed to touch. Walking over to me and kissing me on my forehead. "I think it's time to get ready for bed."

I pouted, crossing my arms. "Not tired." I wasn't tired. I should have to go to bed if I wasn't tired. Mama raised an eyebrow, giving me that warning look I know all too well. "You might not be tired, but you still have a bedtime. Even Mama has a bedtime. Along with everyone here at the academy."

I huffed still, not wanting to go to bed, but I got an idea. "I want a bedtime story." Mama laughed a little. "OK, sweet girl. If you are a good girl, I'll read you a bedtime story." I smiled brightly. Yes, I win! I skipped to the bathroom with Mama following. As usual, I sit on the toilet, kicking my feet while Mama picks my PJs.

Mama came back with a light blue nightgown with white stars on the bottom. Mama helped me get dressed, bushed my hair, brushed my teeth, and my face. I hate getting my face washed.

"I know, sweetie, but I'm almost done. Stay still for me." I whined and pouted but stayed still for the most part. Once she was done, Mama took me to my room. "Alright, little one, go pick a book and a stuffie for tonight." I waddled over to the small blue book case. I had to find the perfect book. Eventually, I chose a book with duckies. Then I went over to my stuffies and picked out my duckie Waddles.

Mama was waiting for me on my bed. With my paci. I crawled up in my bed. Handing Mama my book. Mama tucked me and Waddles in before laying next to me after giving my my paci. I cuddled closer to her as she got comfy. "Let's see what book you picked out." Mama put the book up so we both could see. "OH, this little duckie looks like Waddles."

Mama petted Waddles, making me giggle, almost dropping my paci. Mama started reading me the duckie book. It was so good. The duckie went to a party for their friends birthday and made more friends! There was a raccoon, a pig, chicken, and a turtle!

After Mama finished the book, I was sleepy but didn't want Mama to leave. I cuddled into her more, gripping her shirt tighter. Waddles was squished between my arm and side. "No leave." The paci in my mouth made it hard for me to talk.  I heard and felt Mama laugh a little. "Don't worry, baby. I'm not going anywhere." She kissed my forehead, wrapping her arms around me. "Now get some sleep, little one." She drew circles on my arm humming as I fell asleep.


553 words


This is my birthday present to yall. I like giving more than receiving. So, I am updating both of my books today.

I hope yall liked this! Please give me feedback. Sorry this is so short. This is the first time I have written anything to do with little space. I promise the chapters will get longer. Feedback is appreciated as long as it isn't rude. I will delete it if it is rude.

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