Yandere Marilyn Thornhill

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This is Marilyn × Wednesday's older sister.

TW: blood, and needles

"Hesperia, we need to talk." My little sister Wednesday said, walking into my room like she owns it. "Not now, Wednesday. I'm busy grading." I'm not a student here at Nevermore like Wednesday. I'm a teacher assistant. I was the assistant for Mrs. Myres the dance teacher, but recently I got changed to Miss Thornhill the botanical science. I don't know why I got changed. Dance is my specialty, not plants. That's more of my mother's thing. Yes, she taught me almost everything that is known about all sorts of plants, but like is said, dance is where I shine.

"I need you to take me to see Eugene." I gotta say, Nevermore has started to change my sister for the better. She is starting to make friends and care for others. Sure, she always cared for our family, but she always preferred solitude. "Sure, let me finish grading these last three tests, then we can go. By the way, you got 100%. Good job!"


I'm sitting in the waiting room on my phone reading while Wednesday is visiting Eugene. The poor boy has yet to wake up. The book I am reading is about a girl who falls in love with a killer. The killer just so happens to be her aunts best friend.

"Hesperia Addams! It's lovely seeing you." I look up to Marilyn holding a bouquet of flowers. "Hi Marilyn! Lovely seeing you too. What are you doing here?"

"Just came to drop off flowers for Eugene. Thought he might like to see them when or if he wakes up."

"I'm pretty sure he will wake up. From what I heard, he is doing better. Wednesday is in there right now." I thought I saw her smile falter for a split second, but that might have been my imagination. "That is sweet that she is visiting her friend. Honestly, it is surprising that she is making friends to begin with." I laugh in agreeance. "Well, I am going to drop these off. Do you want to go get some coffee while we wait?" She said with a super sweet smile.

Ever since I was switched to her classroom I been spending most of my time with her outside of the classroom. Either following me around or bringing me with her to her errands, meals, or outings. I do say no, but she keeps insisting or ignores it all together.

Now I know what you're thinking: Why don't you tell Principle Weems?

Well, that's a complicated question. First, I'm afraid of losing my job. I really do love being at Nevermore. I also don't want Marilyn to lose her job over something small. Second, I know Marilyn has little to no friends besides me and Larissa. She is the first and only normie at Nevermore, so most of the staff don't like her or they just tolerate her. So I guess you can say I feel bad for her.

I really want to decline and sit here by myself, but my people pleasing said otherwise. After she dropped off the flowers and I told Wednesday we headed towards the Weathervane.


"Why don't you pick somewhere for us to sit while I order. Your usual?"

"Yes, that would be great." I handed her some money, but she pushed it back. "No no sweetheart I got it." She left to go order, leaving me flustered. These pet names are new. She started using them about a week ago.

I quickly find a booth in the corner of the cafe. Like my sister, we find people unbearable. In similar yet different ways. As I was reading on my phone, I heard a fililar voice. "Well, look who it is? Hesperia Addams!" I look up to see a very old friend of mine. "Amelia!"

I quickly jump up and give her a big hug. "It's good to see you! How long has it been!?" I pulled away but took her hands in mine. Fun fact about us. We used to date. We dated for a while, but once her family found out she was a lesbian they moved and forced us to break up. My family offered to murder her entire family, but I told them not to. Trust me, I wanted to, but I didn't want her to be made at me. I never got over my feelings for her.

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