Regina Mills (smut)

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Regina Mills x wife reader

"Alright, give it a try now." Snow turned on the stove top, hoping it would work. It didn't. "Nope. Still nothing." She let out an annoyed sigh. "Can't you fix it with your magic?"

"I could, yes, but I like working with my hands. Plus, this gives me something to do. Everyone beside us is busy today." Snow leans against the counter. "It's so weird not having a crisis or monster to take care of." She said, and I got back to fixing the stove. "True, but what even weirder is that everything is going back to being normal. It just isn't exciting. I'm also seeing Regina less." I said the last part with some sadness.

"I know what you mean. I'm seeing Emma and David less and less. And when they are home, they are tired."

"Regina is the same way. I miss her so much. It's weird. Remember in the Enchanted Forest? All we did was run away from her?" Snow let out a laugh. "Yea. And now you can't stand being away from her for more a few days." That was true. In the Enchanted Forest Snow and I kind of became partners in crime. It wasn't until I came to Storybrooke that I found out that Regina was my true love. Enemies to lovers.

"Hey, in my defense, I didn't know she was my true love. Also, you hate being separated from David. Soooo....." Snow laughed, saying how I had a point.

"OK, try it now." Snow turns on the stove, finding that it works. "You did it!"

"Whoohoo! Finally! Do you have anything else that needs fixing?"

"Nope. Thank you so much for your help. How about I make us some tea. I got a working stove top, after all." My phone dinged. I went over to see who texted. "Sure thing." I looked to see I got a message from Regina.

R- Come home. I have a surprise for you.

I smiled widely. "Actually, I gotta go. But I'll be back tomorrow." Snow seeing how happy I was gave me a teasing smile. "Guessing Regina couldn't stay away from you long either."

"OH, haha. I'll see you tomorrow!" I basically ran to my car. Somewhat speeding home.

I park my car behind Regina's. Excitement weeling up inside me. Hwr surprises vary. The last time Regina had a surprise for me, it was very romantic. Who knows what this one would be. Stepping inside, I take off my shoes, put them on the shoe rack, and place my purse on the small table right beside it. "I'm home!"

I walk into the kitchen to see Regina enjoying a glass of wine. "You got here fast. Weren't you at the apartment?"

"Well, when I get a text from my wife saying that she has a surprise for me after barely seeing her for days, I couldn't help but rush home." Regina placed her wine glass on the island and walked over to me. Shaking her head in amusement. "You're adorable."

She places her hand behind my head, pulling me into a kiss. "I'm sorry I been so busy, but I have something to make it up to you." She takes my hand leading me up to our room where she pushes me on the bed. Wasting no time, she slowly takes off her clothes. Giving me a show. When I tried to help, she slapped my hand away, telling me to sit still.

She's the sexiest woman in all the realms, and I'm very lucky to have her as my wife. There she is, this gorgeous woman standing naked in front of me. She took off my clothes also. Keeping eyecontact with me the entire time. The same pace she took hers off. Also, I'm not letting me help her.

"Now I want you to lay on your back and close your eyes for me." Her voice full of lust and dominance. I do as I'm told. I lay back and close my eyes. Full of butterflies and excitement. I was embarrassingly wet.

I hear her open what sounds like a drawer before closing it soon after. I felt the bed dip beside me. Causing more excitement to swell up. Regina lifts my head up before placing a blindfold over my eyes. Securing it behind my head.

My head hit the pillow and felt her crawl between my legs, spreading them open. Regina takes one of my sensitive nipples into her mouth while rolling the other one between her fingers. Sucking and bitting them, causing me to moan and squeal.

She scratches up and down my belly, leaving red marks. "You're so responsive, love." I could just feel the smirk eating grin she is wearing. "Please don't tease me, mistress. I been so good." My voice sounding pathetic.

Regina captures my lips while she fingers slowly make their way to my entrance before slowly pushing two fingers inside of me, causing me to moan into her mouth. Gripping the sheets. "You're my good girl. Only mine." She slowly picks up the pace. "Yes.....only yours." I say between moans. Regina approvingly hums. "That's right, only mine."

Regina continues to kiss me, her fingers moving in a steady rhythm as she delves deeper inside me. Her touch is gentle yet firm, and I feel myself growing wetter and more sensitive with each passing moment. "I love having you all to myself,"

"Regina." I throw my head back. My climax approaching. Regina speeds up her movements, her fingers digging into my skin as she drives me to the edge of ecstasy. With a sharp cry, I shatter, my body pulsing around her fingers as pleasure rushes through me in waves. "That's it."

I sink into the bed, recovering from my orgasm. I go to take off my blind fold be regina stops me. silently giving me the hint that we are not done. Regina removes her fingers from inside me, licking them clean as she watches me panting. "We're not done yet."

I feel her leave the bed and hear rustling around the room before feeling her breath on my ear she seductively whispers. "Are you ready for your real surprise?"

"Yes, mistress." Regina, take my wrist and ties each of them to the bed posts. Then doing the same to my ankles. Bondage has always been our favorite.

The bed dips again as Regina placed herself between my legs. She places a forin object against my clit. "Surprise." She says as she turns on the object. Causing it to vibrate against my clit.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I scream and try to get away from the vibrator. Regina grabs my hips, holding me still as the vibrator continues to work its magic on my sensitive clit. "You like that, don't you? You been bugging me to get one." It's true. I been bugging her for a while to get one for us. She really wasn't sure on the idea of using toys. Now it seems I wore her down.

It take me a minute to respond but between moans I answered "Fuck..... yes.....feels so.... good!" I could feel Regina smirk as I squirmed beneath her, unable to contain the pleasure coursing through me. She held the vibrator in place, increasing the intensity a little while I was writhing and screaming into the pillow. "Cum for me."

I scream her name as I cum. My body jerking and shaking. After I came she doesn't take off the vibrator. Instead she turns it up on the highest setting. "Fuck Regina! Please I can't take anymore." My body was shaking. My clit overstumilated.

Regina took off my blind fold. I could see barely see her evil smirk with the tears in my eyes. "You can give me one more. You done it before." She slammed two fingers in me causing me too scream louder.

Soon I felt my third orgams building. Regina's relentless were relentless. Fucking me so hard and fast. I was a crying and moaning mess beneath her. She loved every second of it.  "Come for me my love."

"Regina!" I screamed as I came for the third time. Regina slowed took off the vibrator off of my swollen clit and slowed the pace of her fingers. Helping me down from my very intense orgasm. "Beautiful." She moaned as she watched the last of the  tremors leave my body. She leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead, slowly taking her fingers out "You did wonderfully darling.''

I lied a panting mess. "That..... was.... amazing."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Regina purred. She lays next to me. placing my top half on her. My with my head on her chest and our legs tangled together.

Regina strokes my hair humming. accationally giving me kisses ontop of my head. "next time I'm the top." I move my head to look at her giving her a smirk. knowing she doesn't like to be the bottom.

Raising an eyebrow she said. "While I love the enthusiasm that is not going to happen." I pouted a little. "Fine but next time it's your turn." I put my head back on her chest. I could feel her heart beating steadily under my ear. Making me sleepy. "Thats next time but for now get some rest."

1555 words

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