Sevika (Smut & Yandere)

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Tw: Slight Violence, kidnapping

Today has been really touch. It's one of those days at work that makes you question humanity further. I work at the Brothel alongside Madam. She handles clients and the employees. Madam is more of the face of the establishment. I handle the business and finances and normally stay in our shared office. I do help Madam out when needed. Like today, for example.

Today, a group of clients had an appointment and reserved the Brothel for a few hours. When they arrived, you could tell these men had extreme egos. Normally, I would be in my office, but with special events and reservations, I was with Madam at the door to greet them. A couple of the men thought I was one of the girls who would be partaking in sexual activities and grabbed my ass. Madam jumped in before I could do anything and corrected them, and led the men to the large army room.

About halfway through their time, the group of men decided our services didn't meet up to their standards and took it out on the employees and demanded a full refund. Madam and I had to help the body gaurds in tossing them out. Unfortunately, I kicked in the stomach in the process. We had to shut down the Brothel early, and the rest of the day was dedicated to spending some calm tike with the employees and making sure they were okay.

I make my way through the dangerous streets of Zaun to the Last Drop. I normally go there for a drink after a long day at work and meet up with friends. Unfortunately, my friends had other plans, but that didn't stop me from going to have a few drinks. The closer I got, the louder the muffled music got. Soon enough, I arrived, and after showing my ID, the doors opened, allowing the blaring music to fill my ears. I been here so often that the loud music no longer bothers me.

Walking through the dancing people, I made my way to the bar. I ordered my usual and quickly downed it. The bar tender gave me a look before refilling my glass. "Tough day, huh?"

"One that would you requesting humanities existence." The bar tender  laughed. "Well, I'll be sure to keep them coming. Do you have a tab already open?" I nodded and sipped my drink. "Yes. It's under Aria."

For a while, I say at the bar, drinking. completely undisturbed, finally feeling less stressed and kind of drunk. I finished my drink and got ready to close my tab when someone sat next to me. "What's a pretty thing like you drinking all alone." I sighed before turning to see Sevika. The right hand of Silco. I never had a conversation with the intimidating woman. I saw her regularly when I came here or when she came by the Brothel, but that was rare. So her sitting down starting a conversation with me shocked me, to say the least.

"Sometimes a woman needs a little break from life." The bar tender refilled my drink and gave Sevika one. Also, leaving her the bottle. Sevika laughed, finding my statement amusing. "I can understand that," She said before she downed her drink. "What are you taking a break from?"

"Work. Now, why are you sitting and drinking with me?" I'm not sure where this courage came from, but I'm going to blame it on the alcohol. "Saw a pretty thing who seemed like she could use the company." Her eyes looked me over before winking at me.

Was she flirting with me!? Well, I don't mind at all. Sure, she's intimidating and dangerous but hot as hell. Normally, I'm not one for hookups, but I can not say no to her. I quickly finished my glass of liquid courage. Knowing I'm going to need it.

"You're not so bad looking yourself." Giving her a seductive grin. She returned the guester with one of her own. Her mechanical arm trailed up my my exposed thigh, leaving a trail of goosebumps in trail. The clothes I was wearing were sexy and revealing. A black leather skirt with a matching top but the chest area and sleeves had mesh. Further showing that I work at the Brothel.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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