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No, no, no, this can't be happening!

The feeling of terror and worry was consuming Colby, causing his hands to shake uncontrollably as he clutched onto his white t-shirt. He found himself spiraling deeper and deeper into a state of fear, with no one around to comfort him. He was completely alone in his anguish, and the tears streaming down his cheeks only added to the overwhelming sense of hopelessness he felt. As he fell to his knees, he couldn't help but cry out in despair, feeling utterly helpless and lost.

Please, come back, please, anyone!

He couldn't think--one moment he was smiling and calling Sam, and now, he's here, struggling to find peace, struggling to find a calm state of mind as he cried and shook in fear. The brunette needed someone, needed someone who could ground him, someone who could protect him, he needed it all; His mind was in a state of chaos, he just needed someone who could stabilize it all.

It felt as if his lungs were being crushed and his throat was clogging up, making it harder and harder to breathe with each second passing by him. It didn't stop, his body continuing to shake rapidly as tears continued to stream down his delicate face as if it were a waterfall, not ever stopping. 

Stop, please!

The anxiety didn't stop. His genuine fear, and tears, never stopped. It stuck around like magnets and metal, never letting go unless pulled apart, but nobody was here to pull it apart for him; the only thing being pulled apart was Colby as he tore himself up inside, his own body making it hard for him to breathe, to feel anything other than terror.

And then, realization crashed down on him.


He needed Sam.

Sobs continued to escape him as his chest heaved up and down while he reached over toward the couch which held his phone on the cushion. Shakily, he grasped the phone, crying. He turned it on before dialing Sam's number, and as he did, he couldn't help the lingering anxiety that continued to tower over him—each second got worse, getting harsh and tormenting him as it rose in intensity.

A spec of relief flooded through him when he pressed call, the ringing sound bouncing off the walls and into his ears, which gave him the slightest reassurance.

"Hey, Colby, what's up? I thought you were heading out." Sam's voice rang through the phone, seeming calm and tired, but happy. The brunette couldn't respond, just shaking and sobbing, which was the only sound coming from him. "Colby?- dude, you okay?" The blonde's voice changed from calm to concerned and nervous.

"S-Sam..." Colby whimpered, tears falling down his cheeks. "Please... p-please, c-come ov...over, I-I can't..."

The rustling that came from the phone alerted Colby of Sam's movements. "I'm on my way, okay? I'll be there in a minute, I'm just across the hall man." Sam reassured, feeling waves of protectiveness flow through him, even the sound of Colby sobbing making his walls crash down. Colby heard keys jingling together as he heard footsteps get closer, not being able to focus on anything. 

His door was now unlocking, and a fluff of blonde hair appeared from the blonde hallway into his room. "Colby, hey, I'm here..." The older rushed over toward where the younger sat on his knees, trembling. His arms wrapped around the other quickly, holding him. "Dude, I'm here, you're okay..." He whispered.

Sniffling, Colby's shaky voice muttered, "I-I don't know... what ha-happened..." He cried, teary eyes looking up at Sam in desperation. 

Sam swore he felt his heart shrivel up and break at that look.

"It's okay, that's okay... you don't have to know, but you're safe, I promise." Sam kissed the brunette's forehead gently as the sobs slowly died down, still prominent, but fading. 

A few minutes passed, and the blonde found himself holding Colby--who was limp in his arms. Fatigue seemed to consume him, Sam thought. Slowly, Sam picked him up and carried him into the brunette's bedroom. He placed him on the bed, his tear-streaked cheeks glistening in the faded moonlight. 

Smiling at the sight of Colby peaceful, Sam lay beside him, holding him close to his chest. 

Whispering, Sam said, "You're safe..." he paused before continuing, "I'll always keep you safe..."

Sam always got him through this, through the anxiety.

𝗦𝗢𝗟𝗕𝗬 𝗔𝗡𝗚𝗦𝗧 𝗢𝗡𝗘-𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗧 (𝗣𝘁. 𝟮)Where stories live. Discover now