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"You're lucky to still have me, Colby. If it wasn't for me, you'd be alone. Stuck. Without me you are nothing. Don't ever forget that."




Not a single day passed through with peace in the brunette's mind, something always seemed to torment him, no matter where he was. There was this feeling that lay in his gut for hours, a feeling filled with disappointment, self-hatred, worry--almost everything. He couldn't get a break. That feeling always surrounded him, held him hostage to the point where he was bound to it.

Bound to him.

A sigh passed from Colby's plump lips as he leaned his head against the couch cushion, basking in the overwhelming feeling that consumed him. He couldn't remember where this feeling even came from, it just lurked; It haunted him day in and day out ever since they moved out to Los Angeles, ever since he met him.

Somehow, Colby managed to push the draining feeling aside as he grasped the remote, forcing it forward toward the screen that stood on the table. The brunette pressed the button gently, which turned on the Television. He scrolled through the channels, finding a bunch of results but not one that stayed worthy of his time that was longer than five seconds. 

Suddenly, Colby's eye caught a scene that played in front of him--it seemed like a movie of some sort, and all he could see was a man and his wife.

Brows furrowing, words started to flow freely from the man's throat. "You can't leave me, Caroline. You're nothing without me. You have nobody to go to, this is the only home you have left!" 

Gulping, the brunette felt the feeling come back.

"Start making yourself useful." He spat before continuing, "If you don't, I'll leave you... alone."

The once calm breathing Colby had vanished as his breathing started to pick up, feeling his hands move on their own as they shook--his head spinning with those familiar words playing.

"You're useless."

Tears pricked at Colby's eyes as he felt himself falling further into the past memories that stayed engraved into his mind. 

"Start making yourself useful for once and do the dishes! I don't care if you're tired, Colby, just fucking do them!" Arlo shouted boldly at the sobbing brunette whose nose bled to the floor, his bruised eye swollen. 

"I-I'm sorry, Arlo!-"

"Shut the fuck up! Stop crying and get going or else I'll give you a reason to cry!" His harsh, piercing voice screamed at Colby. Sniffles and loud cries escaped him as Arlo gripped a lock of his hair and tugged at it, forcing Colby to look at him.

A small, wild smirk flooded onto his face.

"You'll never find someone else."

Colby curled into a ball on the couch, stuffing his face into his knees and gripping his hair as he cried, letting out a few sobs and pleads.

He was alone.

He'd never be good enough.

"I'm- I'm sorry..." He sobbed, muffled from his knees. 

"I don't want you talking to him again, you hear me?!" Arlo's angered voice criticized the younger male, pointing a finger straight at him as he got all up in his face. 

"What? No! That's my best friend, you can't do that!" Colby argued, anger flowing through his veins, drowning out the fear that was laced within them. 

"Oh, yeah? Fine! Who are you gonna choose, me or him?"

"Both! I'm not choosing-"

A stinging, harsh slap hit the side of his cheek, forcing his head to the side before his chin was gripped painfully, forcing him to look at the one responsible for it.


"Hey, Colby-" A soothing voice seemed to come up from above him, but Colby couldn't focus on it. He couldn't. Everything was surrounding him, hurting him--His ex wasn't gone. He was still there. He was hurting him again. He was touching him again. He was-

"Colby, dude, calm down..." Arms wrapped around him tightly, causing him to jump into surprise and cower away.

"No! No, no, please, stop, I'm sorry!" He cried, his eyes wide and filled with fresh tears as dried ones stayed on his cheeks, trailing down slowly.

"Hey, Colby, it's just me, Sam. You're okay, I'm here..."



A sad smile appeared on the blonde's face.

"Yeah, buddy. Just me, Colby. It's just Sam." He whispered, walking slowly toward Colby. "I'm not gonna hurt you, okay?" He promised, slowly reaching toward the brunette and holding his hand. "I'm here."

Another sob escaped his lips, calmer this time.

The older male sat beside Colby, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him into his chest softly. Again, he whispered, "Just me, just Sam. You're safe with me, Colby..."

His gentle voice brought Colby back.

Kept him safe.

Kept him sane.

His arms kept him okay.

Kept him safe.

Kept him sane.

"Colby, I won't ever let him near you again," Sam whispered, kissing his forehead gently.



𝗦𝗢𝗟𝗕𝗬 𝗔𝗡𝗚𝗦𝗧 𝗢𝗡𝗘-𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗧 (𝗣𝘁. 𝟮)Where stories live. Discover now