Character Ocs

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Name: Storm Blaze.
Species: Equestrian Pegasus.
Storm Blaze is tall and slim as Rainbow Dash and Fluttersky. She has a sky-blue coat dotted in light gold, cerulean eyes, and a golden-yellow mane and tail streaked in sky-blue. Her wings have a gradient of different shades of blue, teal, and gold. Her cutie mark is a teal shield with a golden lightning bolt.
She was wearing a dark blue scarf with an amber brooch on her scarf.
Storm Blaze started off as an insecure and timid pony at first because of her ignorance of her true origins, her amnesia, and being an outcast. She can also be impatient and stubborn, with a short temper. But as a warrior pony, Storm Blaze is independent and full of attitude. Even though she does not have the drive to kill, she does have the dedication of a warrior to the point of being pridefully stubborn, as she was willing to die while defending her family.
Storm Blaze is also quite sensitive and respectful to others most of the time. She also has a sense of humility when admitting her own mistakes and changed her opinions about others when she saw their true colors. She also has a sarcastic, mischievous sense of humor, as she is quick to make witty or snarky remarks, much to the chagrin of others. Despite how she was treated, Storm Blaze still has a heart of gold. She cares for all of her friends, allies, and families (both adopted and biological) deeply, and is always willing to help and fight for a good cause. She has shown herself to be selfless, caring, brave, loyal, and a true capable warrior. Storm Blaze is tough when needed to be and always lends a helping hand to living beings in need.
Storm Blaze was found as a filly in the wasteland of the desert of Somnambula with amnesia and was adopted by a pair of desert nomads, a pegasus pony and unicorn pony (Fireheart and Sandstorm). During her time with the traveling desert nomads, Storm Blaze was teased by the other foals due to her being a dud with a left wing, but she had a best friend named Lightning Bolt. But as a few years passed, he had to leave the desert nomads with another group of nomads because it was getting too big. She soon met another new friend and let her join the caravan.
Name: Dawn Dawnflame.
Species: Abyssinian.
Capper Dapperpaws (adoptive brother).
Chummer (adoptive brother).
Shadow (adoptive sister).
Admiral Fluffington (adoptive brother).
Max (adoptive brother).
Molly (adoptive little sister).
Dawn is a slender and sleek dappled golden tabby she-cat with bright amber eyes, dark golden spots decorated her pelt, and has a long, sleek tail.
She only wears a tan-colored cloak when traveling through the desert. But when removed, she could be seen wearing a simple copper chain with a moonstone pendant around her neck. Dawn also wore two earrings on her right ear, fashioned from an unknown substance. The smaller earring was blue, while the other one was green.
Dawn is super outgoing and jokes around a lot. She is also very calm, witty, sarcastic, generous, and bold. She sometimes jumps to conclusions through her observations. But she is a warm, caring, and strong cat who deeply cares about her family and is willing to fight to protect them. She is also incredibly loyal to her families and friends. She will do everything in her power to protect those in need, even if it means placing herself in harm's way
Dawn is shown to be rather sensitive and generous towards those she cares about. She doesn't respond to taking orders well and is very rebellious, which is one of the many reasons why she dislikes kingdoms. She has no problem disrespecting larger and stronger beings.
She is rather bold in her opinions and is quick to act. She seems to be a little prickly and very bold, and seems to hold grudges against those she dislikes. Dawn has a strong sense of justice and a sense for the morally right thing to do. Dawn is very cunning, clever and has good instincts when it comes to suspecting something about enemies.
Despite how she was raised, Dawn still has a heart of gold. She has shown herself to be selfless, caring, brave, and a true capable warrior.
Dawn has lost her parents in a terrible plague, which left her as an orphan and forcing her to fend for herself. Dawn hardly received a formal education, nor had a positive role model to guide her through life. With no form of income, she was forced to learn to survive on the streets of Abyssinia.
Then one day, she had found a gang of street cats who were planning to steal from a fruit stand. With her good heart, she distracted the keeper which gave the team of cats to secretly rob from him. After she met the team in the sewers, Dawn started living with Capper, Chummer, Shadow, Admiral Fluffington, Max, and Molly in their hometown of Panthera. She became a sleek aristocrat living the high-life with pride and dignity. That is, until Storm King came into power.
Dawn accidentally gotten separated from her adopted family and secretly hitched a ride on a pirate's ship. Once it had docked at Somnambula Port, Dawn had secretly left the pirate crew and went into the desert.
Name: Fathom 
Species: Hippogriff.
Stratus Skyranger (father).
Raine Starseeker (mother).
Fathom is a tall and strong Hippogriff, with a sea-green coat, a pale green mane and tail, and hints of gold in his dark green eyes. The only piece of jewelry he wears is a simple blue string necklace with two sea-green beads and a pink piece from the Pearl of Transformation.
Fathom is compassionate and a pacifist. He is described as brave and kind by many Hippogriffs and sea-ponies. He is also known to be selfless, as he often puts others before his own needs. Like his father, he is caring and considerate towards everyone, not wishing for anyone innocent to fight in a war that can be prevented. Due to being an outcast in his childhood, Fathom generally feels more comfortable around animals, as he finds it easy to see things from their point of view and has developed a certain level of empathy, which allows him to understand their feelings and thoughts. His love for animals also grants him the instinct to rescue them from danger. He also does not like it when those he cares about are stuck in the past, finding it better to make a mistake, learn from it and move on. Stated to have lived underwater for most of his life, he is very curious about the world around him and unfamiliar with creatures like Abyssinians and griffons. Fathom loves writing poems, drawing and romance. He is very artistic and he is not afraid of making important decisions and doing what is right, even if his friends disagree with him. He is a deep thinker, shown when he explained that often, the true context of "nothing" means a lot. He is also witty. Fathom is very open-minded and understanding, and therefore, he does not jump to conclusions.
When the Storm King attacked Mount Aris, all of the Hippogriffs had transformed into sea-pony forms and hid in themselves in Seaquestria. Despite the horror of having to flee their former home, Fathom enjoyed playing and looking after the sea creatures. But he longs to return to the surface. When he learns that the Storm King has been defeated, he returns to Mount Aris in his Hippogriff form and starts exploring his home. But something seems to be calling for him from Equestria.
Name: Kenya.
Species: Zebra.
Kenya has a more masculine appearance than the other female characters: her muzzle is squared off and she has thin eyelashes. She has bright amber eyes and is white with silvery-gray and light amber stripes. Her cutie mark is a gray stylized spiral star.
Her only jewelry is two gold hoop earrings and four gold bangles. She sometimes wears a brown cloak with her brown saddlebags hidden underneath it.
Kenya speaks in a strong African-eques accent, since she's originally from Farasian Coast. Kenya is a smart and strong-willed young zebra, who wants more than anything to become a mage like her cousin and her father. Kenya is a sweet and shy zebra, but is very strict and orderly. She holds a very high sense of responsibility, and values hard work and education for finding any way for her to perform. She is also extremely organized. During her childhood and adolescence living in Farasian Coast, Kenya started as a bit of a loner, valuing schoolwork and education over friendship and social interaction, which led to many disappointments from her acquaintances when they attempted to invite her to join social gatherings and parties, or generally to have fun. But once she had discovered magic, she became optimistic, always having a positive and cheerful attitude when it comes to situations and having fun.
Kenya used to live in the village of Farasian Coast with the other Abadans and Kelpies neighbors. But she has always been fascinated by unicorn magic and legends from Equestria. Though, many Zebras, Abadans, and Kelpies have left her alone and making her feel alone because of her obsession and curiosity with magic. When Kenya had came to of age, she had set sail to Equestria to learn more about magic.
Name: Grace.
Species: Griffin.
Gabby (little sister).
Grace is a sleek and slender Griffin, with the body of a lion and the wings of an eagle. Grace has silvery-gray fur, with a white underbelly and paws. She also has bright blue eyes, much like her little sister.
Grace is portrayed as sarcastic and blunt, similar to most griffons. But once she gets to know her new companions, she starts acting friendly and warm, but maintains some level of nonchalance.
But underneath her tough and sarcastic exterior, Grace is known to be warm, caring, honest, and strong griffin who deeply cares about her family and is willing to fight to protect them. She also has a sense of humility when admitting her own mistakes. She also has a good intuition and has a pure heart of strong conviction.
Grace is distrustful and dubious of new people or people she feels aren't honest with her, though she becomes slightly more relaxed and friendly with people she trusts and cares about. Despite showing herself as a cold and unfriendly person, Grace is extremely selfless, caring, loving, and compassionate, like caring deeply about and comforting her sister and friends. She is often seen putting her family's needs before her own, always being willing to put her life on the line for others. Grace is also a very brave and strong character, as stated by many characters. She's also intelligent and quick-witted as shown by her knowledge of the Knights of Harmony and many Equestrian legends.
Grace hails from Griffonstone on the Griffon continent, east of Greater Equestria. She was working as a mail delivery griffon in Griffonstone, Grace has always felt different from other griffons in that she tries to help in her village and through her deliveries — with little success. But something seems to be calling for her from Northern Equestria.
Name: Rowan Mist.
Species: Kirin.
Star Wind (older brother).
Dawn Flower (sister).
Rowan Mist has a light brown coat, and a marigold mane and tail, and bright green eyes.
Rowan Mist is depicted, both as a filly and a grown mare, as being very optimistic and having a childlike innocence. She has compassion and often communicates with creatures. Much of Rowan Mist's innocence carries over into young adulthood, she is considerably independent. She also proves herself to be a talented artist. She loves doing arts and crafts, such as making friendship bracelets for her new best friends.
Rowan Mist also cares deeply about her friends and family, not just herself. She possesses a big heart and is often the one to try to make the most out of a situation. She will stick to the people she loves and do anything to keep them safe. Rowan Mist is not always seen wearing a smile on her face, but she does crack jokes to cheer her friends up when they are sad. Essentially, Rowan Mist has a cheerful and optimistic personality.
She uses her magic for anything, but she mostly wants to help her friends as deep inside she is a mischievous and helpful kirin. Although she might disagree with her friends, Rowan Mist is very supportive and protective, and will not hesitate to help them. She learns to accept that love and friendship are far more important than hiding, fashion, and shopping. Sometimes, she hides her true personality because of her upbringing. In short, her cheerful exterior masks great sorrow.
Rowan Mist was among the Kirin who, after an argument led to a fire in Kirin Grove, entered the Stream of Silence on the orders of Rain Shine. But after they realized the truth, Foal's Breath has returned their voices. But when she was stargazing, something seems to be calling for Rowan Mist from Northern Equestria.

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