Chapter Six: Reunion of Friends

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As the herd started to walk out of an underground tunnel, everyone was blinded by the brightness until finally she could see. When her vision cleared of the dust and they stepped onto luscious grass, everyone's eyes widened to stare at the magnificent scenery before them. A lake shimmered in the early morning sunlight next to a snow-capped mountain. Spread out before them was a beautiful valley several miles wide. The basin floor was rumpled with smaller hills, plains, and stretches of forest.
When the sun rose from the horizon, the village (Unity) has started to come to life. Birds started singing their morning songs as the sun had started to rise to from the mountains and the faint silver of the moon could hardly be seen in the morning sky. As the sun had started to rise from the golden and blue sky, the villagers (earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi, griffins, hippogriffs, zebras, Abyssinians, and Kirins) had started to awakening and get ready to start their day. The villagers had started heading towards nearby markets or started heading towards work. The villagers had started working their morning jobs or meeting up with each other in their favorite hangout spots. While the younglings had started helping their parents, playing with their older siblings or playing with their pets. The village has a lot of cottages, with thatched roofs and smoke drifting from the stone chimneys. There was a firm stone-made bank, a beautiful wooden town hall, a few smithies, and a couple storehouses in the mix.
Sounds of joy and excitement filled the air as the ponies eagerly went towards the newly repaired village. The village was destroyed for the twelfth time by the Storm King's minions, which caused everyone to evacuate in four separate directions to confuse their enemies. One group had went to hide out in the depths of the woods. The second group was hiding in the caves of a distant mountain. The third group had hid themselves in a valley, both in the water and in the sky. Lastly, the fourth group (Storm Blaze and Dawn's group) hides themselves out in the desert.
Storm Blaze looked around, searching for the third group and yet she became worried to see that they haven't arrived yet. But her worries had washed away when she saw her and Dawn's four other friends. She saw a dark green male hippogriff speaking softly to a silvery-gray female griffin and a light brown female kirin while a female zebra seemed to be looking around every few times from the conversation.
"Dawn!" Storm Blaze patted the golden tabby Abyssinian's side.
Dawn glanced at Storm Blaze curiously, but when she followed her gaze, Dawn's eyes lit up with joy and excitement. "Fathom!" The dark green hippogriff looked towards them, amazed. "Grace!" The silvery-gray griffin turned to look at them, relieved. "Rowan Mist!" The light brown female kirin looked at them with a bright smile. "Kenya!" The zebra looked at them, her eyes bright with relief and joy.
As the six of them went towards each other, they reunited with each other like a group of long-lost siblings. Then they give each other a hug. They were so glad to see each other again. Laughter and overjoyed greetings filled the air.
"Sorry for taking so long," said Storm Blaze with a smile. "We have to take the long way around after being attacked by a winged serpent."
"Not just that, Storm Blaze has done something incredible." Dawn smiled warmly at Storm Blaze and gently nudged her winged flank. "Show them girl."
She nodded as she pushed herself down on her hooves and jumping into the air, unfolding her wings and flapping them to keep herself up. "I'm not sure how this happened. When I led the serpent away from the others, the dang thing chased me to a canyon and caused to fall. When I was about to use my wings to glide out of there, I felt a wave of magic wash over me and, well..." Storm Blaze landed on the ground and unfolded her wings, showing her strong and healed wings from the magical force. "It healed my left wing and gave me the ability to fly."
"That's amazing!" exclaimed Rowan Mist.
"That's great news Stormy!" Fathom smiled at her warmly.
"At least we don't have to worry about you carrying you again," teased Grace, causing the others to laugh at their griffin's playful tease.
Kenya gently brushed her shoulder against Storm Blaze's shoulder. "I'm glad you two had returned."
"Same here," said Storm Blaze.
"Me too," Dawn agreed.

When Princess Luna had brought forth her moon slowly rising in the place of honor on the darkening navy backdrop, the stars around it had deviated drastically from the night before. Prominent constellations moved in a wide arc parallel to the moon's path, while the lesser ones framed them intermittently. The North Star was shining brightly in the night sky. The other stars swirled playfully through the sky, drifting softly in a current. Through, several of these currents ran subtle auras of lavender.
As night fell upon the Valley, they had gathered baskets of food, bottles of drinks, and logs for the bonfire in the center of the village. Storm Blaze, Dawn, Fathom, Grace, Rowan Mist, and Kenya all sat together on the colorful carpets with bowls of fruit and bread, along with bottles of water. Grace was holding a wooden guitar, Rowan Mist was holding a tambourine, Dawn was holding a flute, and Kenya has a drum on her lap. Once the bonfire was set aflame, Thundersky had stepped in front of everyone.
"Welcome our brothers and sisters from the evacuation," said Thundersky. "Now, it's time for us to see who we are." At that, Dawn and the others had started playing warm, beautiful music as Thundersky started singing.
"A single thread in a tapestry.
Though its color brightly shines.
Can never see its purpose.
In the pattern of the grand design."
Thundersky gestures towards one of the mountains in the distance.
"And the stone that sits on the very top,
Of the mountains mighty face.
Does it think it's more important,
Than the stones that form the base?"
Storm Blaze flinched back as Thundersky stood next to her, a little surprised and unnerved by his sudden action.
It wasn't long till everyone started singing along too.
"So how can you see what your life is worth,
Or where your value lies?
You can never see through the eyes of man.
You must look at your life.
Look at your life through heaven's eyes."
Storm Blaze looked thoughtful about that, but she smiled and started clapping at the same time as the song and watched as some every creature had started dancing around the bonfire.
"A lake of gold in the desert sand,
Is less than a cool fresh spring."
Storm Blaze and Dawn both exchanged a sheepish look as they both remembered they had both accidentally slipped into a fresh spring.
"And to one lost sheep, a shepherd boy,
Is greater than the richest king."
Grace and Kenya both smiled at each other, since they both had to work on their family's farms and tend to the animals.
"If a man loses everything he owns,
Has he truly lost his worth?
Or is it the beginning,
Of a new and brighter birth?"
Grace smirked at Fathom, who gave her a look as he remembered he had to help birth a newborn lamb and Grace had to clean the lamb.
"So how do you measure the worth of a man.
In wealth or strength or size?
In how much he gained or how much he gave?
The answer will come.
The answer will come to them who tries.
To look at their lives through heaven's eyes."
Storm Blaze felt warm inside, something about this gathering was doing her good. She looked up at the moon and twinkling stars with a bright smile.
"And that's why we share all we have with you.
Though there's little to be found.
When all you've got is nothing,
There's a lot to go around."
Storm Blaze passed out a bowl of apples to a couple of shy kids. She smiled at the kids before she returned to her friends.
"No life can escape being blown about.
By the winds of change and chance."
Storm Blaze smiled when she saw her mother dancing and seemingly to have disappeared into the flames.
"And though you never know all the steps.
You must learn to join the dance.
You must learn to join the dance."
Storm Blaze smirked as her mother made her father danced with her in front of the bonfire. Whenever her mother puts something in mind, she doesn't let go of it.
Everybody started singing along,
Thundersky started singing again with fierce love and pride.
"So, how do you judge what a man is worth?
By what he builds or buys?
You can never see with your eyes on earth."
That's when everyone had started to sing along with Thundersky too.
"Look through heaven's eyes.
Look at your life.
Look at your life.
Look at your life through heaven's eyes."
Storm Blaze smiled at this and could see her friends' happinesses too. She looked up at the stars sparkling like distant diamonds in the sky, while the sky is like deep sapphire blue velvet. As the clouds cleared, a silver circle of the full moon had also appeared in the night sky and had casted its soft silvery beams of light over the mountains. She never felt so happy and free before, but she wonders how long it's going to last.

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