Chapter One: Out in the Desert

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A tall, feminine cloaked figure was fleeing across the sandy dunes of the desert. She didn't dare look for any help due to folks had backstabbed her more than once. The sun was low, and the sky was on fire with a blazing sunset and into a calming twilight. Up there, she'd be as easy to spot as one of the dark, circling buzzards that seemed to be waiting for her to die.
But I'm not going to die, she thought fiercely. Not today.
The air was still and hot down on the desert floor. Her fur was baking; her back had never been so hot; her body was a sack of fire-heated stones she had to drag along behind her. Her earrings felt like twin pieces of the river shimmering against her head. Brief, dazed visions of roasted mice drifted in and out of her head. Sometimes, she was the one on the spit, turning above the fire. Sometimes, she had fallen in and was staring up at them as they rotated slowly overhead and the flames licked around her. Was that the sound of paws in the distance?
"Get back here kitty cat!" barked a scratchy voice.
The mentioned feline gasped and started running away from the Diamond Dogs again. She was simply minding her own business, drinking some refreshing cool strawberry smoothie when those Diamond Dogs had caught her scent and had started chasing her nonstop. She doesn't want to hurt the Diamond Dogs due to her annoyance, so she ran to lose them. But that clearly didn't work.
A dry wind whipped through the air, making snaky patterns in the sand. The lone traveler lowered her eyes and pulled the hood of her cloak over her eyes. Her eyes were both glowing in the shadows of her hood.
As the traveler walked over the restless desert, the wind picked up loose sand and tossed it into the air. More and more sand started blowing in the restless wind. The desert seemed to have started to become alive as the sand shifted and swirled around.
The traveler stopped at the top of a sandy and rocky dune, and she immediately knew that a great sandstorm was approaching. The snaky patterns in the sand were blowing into round, curly patterns. It was soon followed by a weird moaning sound.
"A sandstorm is approaching!" One of the Diamond Dogs yelped to the others, his voice sounded hoarse from thirst. At this news, the pack of Diamond Dogs had each ran away from the cloaked traveler.
In the distance, a familiar haze of sand was spreading over the desert. As the wind picked up, the sky turned red-gold and the haze has been thickened into a huge brown cloud. The cloud began gliding towards her like a moving wall. The traveler waited for the sandstorm to come, but for some reason, it didn't.
"Keep moving everypony!" yelled a strong black unicorn stallion with an electric blue mane and tail in a blue linen tunic that's wrapped by a brown belt.
"Keep going everyone!" A white earth pony stallion pony in a dark brown vest while he carried on walking after his companion. They both disappeared into the blowing sand. Walking behind them was a green pegasus mare with a curly blue mane and tail while wearing a pale blue tunic with a pair of golden earrings on her right ear.
Stepping out of the depths of the sandstorm was a massive herd of ponies walking together through the desert. Many of the stallions were all wearing long and bright colored robes tied with cords, white head clothes, and leather saddlebags. Many of the mares wore the similar clothes, but many of them have pretty veils and/or jewelry. The ponies were a mix of pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies. Most of the stallions were pulling wagons with either their foals or their elders or some of the stallions were carrying their supplies in their saddlebags while some mares were carrying supplies or looking after their families. There were also dogs herding the cows, the sheep, and goats. In the midst of the herd, a group of teenage ponies (of all three types) were talking to each other. But standing all around the herd were skilled warriors and protectors of their traveling tribe.
"Sweet Abyssinia," whispered the feline.
But she soon heard vicious barking and growling. The feline looked over her cloaked shoulder to see the five Diamond Dogs again, ready to chase her yet again. They were growling, and they looked hungry and ready to chase her again. The feline immediately ran away yet again from the Diamond Dogs and unintentionally joining the huge herd of curious, but confused ponies who all started watching the scene before their eyes.
One of the unicorn mares looked angry at the sight of the Diamond Dogs chasing a scared cat. The unicorn has a light golden coat with a wavy orange mane and tail, and her peridot green eyes that are shining with an inner fire. Her cutie mark couldn't be seen, due to her wearing a orange tunic with a belt while her only accessories were a headband with a decoration of crystals and beads (in the colors of amber, red, orange, and yellow) and around her horn she has a star shaped crystal on it, with a smaller star shaped crystal hanging from it. She hated such violence and wants to make a stop to it.
As the cat continued running, she ended up with the ponies. She soon realized that she had been backed into a corner. The dogs are going to toss her around like a chew toy... or worse.
But when the cat expected the worst to happen yet again, one of the pegasi hastily step in front of the cloaked cat, acting as a shield and a buffer. The cat blinked in surprise, clearly stunned by the bold pegasus' defiance towards the Diamond Dogs and touched by the young pegasus.
Everyone soon heard a loud "Slap!" from the unicorn's magical floating newspaper that was radiating in an orange aura. "Bad! Bad dogs!" The unicorn's fierce glare was fixed on the Diamond Dogs firmly while the Diamond Dogs were whimpering pitifully. "Don't let me see you torment this poor cat again, or I will make you take a bath. Got it?"
"We're sorry ma'am," whimpered one of the Diamond Dogs. "We'll never bother you or your cat again."
At that, the pack of Diamond Dogs each ran away from them. But the cat smirked in dry amusement when her eyes had caught them whimpering still as they ran away from the annoyed herd of ponies.
"You better be!" The unicorn yelled after them.
The traveler sighed in relief as the Diamond Dogs retreated from her and the team of ponies. She turned to look at the unicorn, heavy relief vivid in her covered eyes. "Thank you! I thought I'll never get rid of those mutts!"
The unicorn's peridot green eyes softened as she looked at the traveler. There was something regal about her, and gentle at the same time, which clearly opposed her firmness and anger towards the Diamond Dogs. "You're welcome. What's your name?"
The traveling she-cat pulled off her hood from her face, revealing her features to the ponies. "My name is Dawn Silverfeather." Dawn is a slender and sleek dappled golden tabby with bright amber eyes, dark golden spots decorated her pelt, and her long, sleek tail was poking out from her cloak. She could be seen wearing a simple copper chain with a moonstone pendant around her neck and two earrings on her right ear; the smaller earring was blue, while the other one was green. "It's nice to meet you all."
"You too." Dawn's eyes rested on the brave mare pegasus as she took off her cloak and stored it away, showing her features to Dawn as she spoke with her light, youthful voice that had the vaguest hint of a lilt to it. "I'm Storm Blaze by the way." She has a sky-blue coat dotted in light gold and a golden-yellow mane and tail streaked in sky-blue while her cerulean eyes sparkled with curious empathy and courageous loyalty. Her wings have a gradient of different shades of blue, teal, and gold. Her cutie mark is a teal shield with a golden lightning bolt. She was wearing a pair of dark brown saddlebags underneath her cloak. She was wearing a dark blue scarf with an amber brooch on her scarf. 
"I suggest you stay here for the night." Everypony made room for a proud pegasus stallion. He is strong and well-muscled with a bright orange coat with a coppery-orange mane and tail while his eyes were piercing blue. His wings were folded neatly, not a feather out of place. He was wearing a beige linen tunic with silvery armor on top of his tunic, hiding his cutie mark too. "I'm Fireheart." He soon smiled at the light golden unicorn warmly. "And this is my wife, Sandstorm."
"Nice to meet you all," said Dawn.
That's when the leading unicorn stallion had came up to them and met Dawn's eyes calmly before he spoke in a strong voice. "You can stay here with us if you want."
Dawn smiled and nodded. "Yes please."
The pegasus stallion nodded as he and his two comrades went up to the nearest, but tallest hill.
"I forgot to ask their names," Dawn whispered out loud.
"The one who spoke to you was Thundersky," replied Storm Blaze softly. "The stallion with him was Rainfall and the mare was Ivypool, Thundersky's sister."
"Everyone!" The huge group turned to look at Thundersky curiously. "We shall rest here for the night. We'll leave tomorrow morning as soon as we can."

Everyone started to settle down and get ready for the night. Several large tents, all made of tan or beige linen, circled around the main bonfire while the others made smaller fires for their evening meals. One of the unicorns blew a dog whistle, and a dozen dogs appeared out of the farm animals. They began circling the camp like guard dogs. Many of the ponies walked amongst them and fed them treats, completely unafraid. Many of the ponies have put on their armor for night guard duties while the rest of them were getting ready for the night.
But at the back of the group was Storm Blaze and Dawn sitting around an aflame campfire. Storm Blaze was poking at the campfire with a slightly burnt stick. Dawn watched as Storm Blaze poked the campfire, her eyes looked like they were both set aflame.
"Storm Blaze?" Dawn said, a clear question in the area. "What exactly is this place?" But Stormblaze could sense another question, regarding herself and her past.
Storm Blaze gave Dawn a small smile. "You're in Equestria, the mixed lands of four types of ponies, though there's a tribe of proud griffons at Griffonstone and a tribe of dragons in the Dragon Lands. There are earth ponies, who are closely connected to the land and work on it. While unicorns can perform magic from their horns and can perform magical talents. Then, there's pegasi. My kind." The young mare showed her wings to Dawn with a sad smile. "Pegasi have the ability to fly, walk on clouds, and control the weather." Storm Blaze soon glanced up at the elegant full moon glowing in the night sky. 
Dawn followed her gaze, feeling curious about her new companion looking at the moon. "Who's the fourth tribe?"
Storm Blaze looked at Dawn uncertainly and rubbed her mane against her hoof. "I'm not sure how to put this right, but I'll try my best." She soon mixed her gaze on the moon yet again. "The fourth tribe are Alicorns, who are our royalties to us ponies. They are combinations of earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi. But they each have respective duties." She smiled at Dawn and continued looking up at the moon. "Princess Celestia is one of the leaders of Equestria, she has the power to raise the sun and helps ponies find their equality with each other. Princess Luna is the other leader of Equestria, she also has the ability to raise the moon and helps ponies with their nightmares. Then, there's Princess Cadence whose love for others is great and sworn protector of the Crystal Empire. There's also Princess Twilight Sparkle, a former student of Princess Celestia and the Princess of Friendship. Lastly, there's Princess Flurry Heart, the first born Alicorn daughter of Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor."
Dawn nodded understandingly. "But... What about you?" She gazed at Storm Blaze in concern. "I mean... What's your story?"
Storm Blaze let out a weary sigh. "It's pretty complicated. When I was filly, I was found in the midst of an electric storm by the desert nomads. I was adopted by Fireheart and Sandstorm. But we recently discovered that I am a dud." Storm Blaze unfolded her wings, revealing that her left wing was slightly smaller than her right wing. "I can't fly with mismatched wings, like mine." A single tear streaked down from her right eye and fell to the ground. "That's why hardly anypony wants to be around me. Due to my lack of flight."
Dawn frowned at Storm Blaze's sadness and loneliness, but she smiled softly at her new pony friend. "Their loss. I think you're great... and is it okay that I'll call you my friend?"
Storm Blaze blinked in surprise, but she smiled at her new feline friend. "Fine by me, my friend."
The two of them chatted, soon Fireheart and Sandstorm joined in their conversation as they waited for the soup to be ready. They enjoyed the time with laughs and making amusing jokes. The traveling feline and the flightless pegasus both accepted each other as sisters and friends.

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