Chapter Eight: A Surprising Dream

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After the gathering, everyone went back to their respective homes to get their sleep. But one of the restless sleep, Storm Blaze tossed and turned in her sleep. Her fur felt cold yet she was sweating as if she had been traversing an aimless desert for days on end.
In her dream, all around her seemed to be the faint outlines of the mountains from the mist. She seemed to be plunged into sea mist and everything around her had became light blue and white. Storm Blaze was surprised to feel a soft, gentle breeze blowing through. But she soon another, but taller figure stepping out of the mist.
"Dawn!" exclaimed Storm Blaze.
The golden female tabby Abyssinian's ears perked up and saw Storm Blaze. "Storm? How did we get here?"
"You're not the only ones," said a familiar voice bluntly.
Stepping out of the mist was Fathom, Grace, Kenya, and Rowan Mist. Fathom looked a little spooked, but he stood close to his friends. Grace seemed wary about the situation, but seemed ready to stand her ground. Kenya looked curious about the situation, but she was cautious as Grace is. But Rowan Mist, on the other hoof, looked ready to ask one hundred questions about their new situation.
"Did Princess Luna combine our dreams again?" Kenya asked curiously.
Dawn looked around curiously, but nothing seemed to be the same nor it's from Princess Luna's summons. "I don't think so."
Storm Blaze discovered that someone was walking towards her and her friends. It was hard to see anything in the light blue mist and could only see the faint outlines of the surrounding mountains around her. The unknown person was watching her so quietly that she could hardly hear anything from anyone.
She swallowed as she pushed her fear away and called out to the foggy space warily. "Hello? Is anyone there?" No reply, she decided to try again. "Who are you?"
"One who has waited for you to speak," said the person. The voice sounded like a stallion, but his voice was very deep and wise.
"A-Are you a spirit?" Kenya asked the stallion curiously.
"You might call me a spirit," said the stallion. "But I am not like the creatures you call spirits."
"We can't see you." Rowan Mist looked around, trying to find the stallion curiously. "Where are you?"
Stepping out of the mist was a strong-looking stallion with a white cloak covering him, he soon pushed back his hood and revealed his features to them. He is strong and well-muscled with a beautiful golden coat with a bright amber mane and tail while his eyes were brilliant amber. His wings were folded neatly, not a feather out of place. He was wearing a white linen tunic with golden armor on top of his tunic, hiding his cutie mark too.
Storm Blaze felt a warm, but gentle and comforting blow of the wind from the stallion and felt grateful to him. She still has a few questions about this mysterious, but compassionate pegasus. "Who are you?"
"I am who I am," said the pegasus, his voice was deep and clear that made the earth shook slightly. "I am Eoin." His voice was so soft, she almost missed it and seemed to have come all around her as if leaves were rustling through an unknown wind around the six of them.
"But why did you summoned us through our dream realms?" Grace asked the pegasus warily.
Eoin smiled at her patiently. "Let me tell you something about the Knights of Harmony. After they had wrongfully attacked Canterlot in search of the Elements of Friendship, me and my companions had withdrew their powers and their immortality (It's kind of like the Huntresses of Artemis's immortality. Read the Percy Jackson series to understand). They are no longer the Knights of Harmony after raising such terror and destruction in their wake. But the Tree of Patriotism longs other creatures with close bonds that won't cause complete destruction in their wake."
"But we're not from any royal families," admitted Storm Blaze.
"She's not wrong," agreed Dawn.
"Many of us have gotten separated from our parents during unexpected events," Grace said honestly. "How could you see us as worthy as the other Barriers of the Elements?"
"You've learned about humility, the ability of empathy, and the companionship that you all have when you first met each other," and Eoin. "The lessons that the former Knights had lacked in. They have let their anger, pride, and greed enter their minds without a second thought." Eoin soon smiled at the summoned six. "You may not be from Cunabula. But you six have let your empathy and compassion rule your minds." Eoin looked at the six of them, seeing into their souls and understanding their respective pasts. "You six are from different walks of life, quite the opposite from the former Knights of Harmony."
"A-Are you sure we're ready for this?" Grace asked nervously.
"Aye, we're not like Princess Twilight or her friends," spoke up Fathom. "How do you know that we can do this?"
"I don't think any of us have fought in any magical battles like the Mane Six or the Pillars of Equestria," Dawn said.
Eoin smiled at the six friends, he could see true potential through the bond of their friendship. He hardly seen any of that bond from the former Knights of Harmony with arrogance and frustration. "When you feel doubt, look towards your companions and let the stars guide your paths."
"How can you know for sure?" asked Kenya.
Eoin smiled at the six unique group of friends. "Sometimes, you just have to have faith."
Without another word, he gently nuzzled a stunned Storm Blaze as if he was passing forth a blessing. Eoin soon stepped towards Dawn and gently patted her left hand with a warm smile. He walked towards Fathom and gently brushed the edge of his wings against his. Eoin soon went towards Grace and gracefully brushed the edge of his wings against hers. Eoin gently nuzzled a surprisingly quiet Rowan Mist. Lastly, he stepped towards Kenya and brushed shoulders with her.
Eoin smiled at them one last time. "Farewell young Knights of Harmony."

By the next sunrise, that's when the six of them had suddenly woken up in their respective bedrooms from their dreams. But their dreams with Eoin has been forgotten.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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