Chapter Two: Traveling The Desert

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Shades of violet, sapphire, magenta, and gold shimmered and shined, like a giant rainbow had blanketed the sky and stretched out over the land. It was early morning, but the night stars continued to shine. Despite the lightness of the dawning sky, the stars were so bright and clear like distant diamonds sparkling in the morning sky. While the faint outline of the moon was in a pale circle of silver, glowing faintly in the dawning sky. As the sun started to rise, it had caught the colors of a blazing, aflame ember as it rise in the east.
But in the campsite of the traveling desert nomads, many ponies (including Dawn) and their farm animals have started waking up at the sight of the sunrise. All of them were having their respective breakfasts with their families and friends while some of the stallions and mares were getting dressed in their armor (much like the ones from Royal Legion). The parents were guiding their foals and their parents into wagons. The guard dogs were sent with the goats, sheep, and cows.
A loud blow of a horn blew over the area. Though, Dawn hadn't heard it before, she knew who it was. The horn was blew by Rainfall — Thundersky's second-in-command — who was standing on top of a sandy hill and watching them with Thundersky and Ivypool. "If this is your first crossing, listen up: there is no water 'till we reach the other side." Some of the herd began muttering among themselves. The rest stayed still, evidently already knowing this. "And you better keep up, 'cause if a predator catches you, our warriors shall fight alongside you. Move out!" With the final command, the entire herd began to shift forwards, heads bowed low with weariness.

Without a ceremony, Thundersky and his two siblings began the journey north followed about two hundred ponies with farm animals (and Dawn). When pegasi migrated by air, they flew in V formations, like geese. The bigger steeds took turns bearing the headwinds while the smaller ones drafted in their wakes. But when the desert nomads traveled on the ground, they lacked such organization. As the nomads started walking through the desert together, the desert seemed to never end, it went on forever and ever well beyond the horizon. Dawn found it harder and harder to keep up with the main herd, finding herself trailing behind more as she started to travel. But she wasn't alone, she was traveling with Storm Blaze and her pony friend's two parents. She learned that they were heading towards a nearby oasis as they continued traveling through the desert. But it didn't take long for the heat to rise. Without the sandstorm, air was clear and clean. The only dust that was disturbed was from everyone's footsteps. There was not a cloud in the sky all day. It felt ominous to look up and see only blue without a spot of white in the sky.
By now, the sun was high up in the sky, beating down on the animals. What little of the horizon Storm Blaze and Dawn both could see that the desert seemed to have waves, like ripples from a disturbed puddle. When she asked, Sandstorm explained that they were desert illusions. "Sometimes, you'll think ya see trees, water, or even another creature. But it ain't real. So, don't go runnin' yourself ragged."
"But how far is this oasis?" Dawn asked.
"Quite a while," admitted Storm Blaze.
A cloud of sand and dust quickly formed as they headed north and left their old campsite behind. Storm Blaze coughed and snorted, trying to clear her nose and throat. Since Storm Blaze had never flown, she picked up on the secret to ground walking pretty fast.
Storm Blaze often found herself walking with Fireheart, Sandstorm, and Dawn. Fireheart is a sworn protector against the other ponies who made fun of Storm Blaze and Dawn. Sandstorm entertained her and Dawn with stories. Dawn told her past adventures since her sudden arrival to Equestria.
But Storm Blaze remembers that Dawn hasn't told her about her backstory before her sudden arrival to Equestria yet. Maybe it would be fair to encourage her to tell her story. "Hey Dawn. Can I ask you something?"
Dawn smirked at her playfully. "Well, you just did."
"Very funny," snarked Storm Blaze with an amused smile. The two of them have been teasing each other for a while with playful sarcasm and witty remarks. "But seriously though. Where did you come from? Which country did you hail from?"
Dawn blinked in surprise at her new friend's question. "How much time we have?" Dawn had her back to Storm Blaze, but this couldn't hide the fact that her ears pinned back with worried guilt and regret. Her head nodded down slightly and her eyes dropped to her feet. "After I have lost my parents, I've started to live off the streets of Abyssinia. But one day, I crossed paths with a group of street cats. There were the two partners in crime; Capper and Chummer. The slyest cat that I have ever met is Shadow. Then there's Admiral Fluffington, a kind fellow and what you'll call a gentle-cat. Then there's Max, the most strongest and honest cat that I have ever met. Lastly, there's Molly, she's kind of like our little sister... with a knack for explosions." Storm Blaze let out an impressive whistle at that. "But then all of that changed when the Storm King had suddenly attacked our kingdom and put the place into ruins. I gotten separated from my family by a falling building, so I secretly hitched a ride on a pirate ship and ended up in Equestria."
Storm Blaze frowned at that and gave her feline a sidelong hug. "I'm so sorry Dawn." Dawn's eyes softened with appreciation and warmth while returning the embrace by gently placing her hand on Storm Blaze's back.

As they took another break that night, everyone looked up to see the earth ponies and pegasi returning from their scouting trips. They had reported that they had stumbled upon some ancient ruins, but it's sturdy enough for camping out.
Once they arrived, everyone stood on a wide avenue flanked by pony-headed beasties, most of which were broken. The road went on behind us as far as Storm Blaze could see, but in front of them it ended at a temple much bigger than the one in the village. The walls were at least six stories high. Big stone pharaohs stood guard on either side of the entrance, and a single obelisk stood on the left-hand side. It looked as if one used to stand on the right as well, but it was now gone. Soft chatter rose from the ponies as they carefully explored the ruins. Storm Blaze and Dawn walked into a dusty courtyard surrounded by crumbling pillars and statues with various missing body parts.
Though, Storm Blaze could tell the place had once been quite impressive. But before she could have any further thoughts about it, Storm Blaze started to feel the ground shaking beneath her.
"Storm!" yelled Dawn.
Everyone look around to see the ground Storm Blaze was standing on begins to crack. The cracking has surrounds the area where Storm Blaze is on. Unable to support the weight, the floor gives out creating a giant hole, and the pony screamed as she fell into the hole.
She felt ice cold. Her body shivered and trembled uncontrollably as she felt herself sink deeper and deeper into the dark hole, the surface far from her reach. She could barely breathe and when she tried her chest felt like it was on fire. Her last breath escaped her mouth and the faint, distant echoing of voices faded as the cold darkness consumed her.
When Storm Blaze woke up, her body was no longer cold. She coughed hoarsely and shook off the sand. She grunted as she struggled to get up like a newborn fawn. She staggered a bit, but she managed to find her balance. She shook her head, remembering what happened.
"Storm Blaze!" Storm Blaze jumped in place when she heard Dawn's voice. "Are you alright?!"
"I'm okay!" yelled Storm Blaze back to her friend. "But it's going to take some time for me to get out of here."
"Just be careful!" Dawn called to her.
Storm Blaze could see the ancient temple walls floors from where she's standing at. The underground temple was made of hard bricks. It was cooler than from the overpowering heat from outside. It was silent, except the rustle of a small critter. Storm Blaze marveled as the underground temple becomes to life with beautiful Southern Equestrian paintings and symbols.
"By Celestia's sun, whatever happened here?" muttered Storm Blaze to herself.
As Storm Blaze continued heading towards the temple, she felt her hoof bump something warm and hard. It was soon followed by a electric shock that startled her down to her hooves. When Storm Blaze looked down, she was surprised when see a beautiful and surprisingly undented golden choker with a single sapphire blue gem on the ground.
"What's this doing here?" Storm Blaze carefully picked up the choker and before she could do anything, the choker wrapped itself around her neck below her necklace and the choker sent a bit of magical electricity go down her back to the tips of her wings. "That was odd."
"Storm Blaze!" She jumped in place at the mentioned voice and turned to see Sandstorm had opened up a portal back outside. Storm Blaze smiled at the sight and jumped through the portal, unaware what will happen to her.

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