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"Juni, wake up," Jak said, shaking her slightly.

"Hm?" she said confused, lifting her head up.

"It's 5pm,"


"What do you mean how you fell asleep," He laughed.

"Did your dad want you home by a certain time?"

"no," she said, shaking her head.

"Alright, because we could go get dinner or something, just you and me."

"yeah, now?"

"No, whenever," He said, pushing some hair out of her face.

"Okay," June said, finally sitting up.

"Where should we go?"

"I don't know, I've only been here once before."

"Hmm" Jak said, pulling out his phone.

"This?" He questioned, showing an option.

"Where is it?"

"A few miles away, I can drive,"

"Okay we can try it," She hesitated.


JuneRusso posted a story!

———June was always hesitant to try new things, she just liked sticking to what she knew

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June was always hesitant to try new things, she just liked sticking to what she knew. Jak would always force her to try new things though. He would always make her go to a new restaurant and try new foods with him. She enjoyed it, she trusted him and it made her feel more comfortable.

"So Juni, your birthdays coming up,"

"Yeah?" She questioned.

"What do you want?"

"i don't know, nothing really,"

"Come one Juni, there has to be at least one thing."

"I really don't know,"

"Clothes, makeup, a new phone case," Jak tried to suggest.

"Ooo, I need a new phone case,"

"Hmm, I might have to get one for you," Jak jokes.

"Any plans for you birthday though," He adds on.

"Not really, it not a race weekend this year,"

"Why don't we go somewhere; me, you, and Ollie. It's between Saudi Arabia and Australia right?"

"Yeah, but what if my dad won't let me,"

"It's your birthday Juni, you should be able to do what you want."

"Yeah, but you know him,"

"Yeah, I do. Maybe I'll try to talk to him, it couldn't hurt."

"You could try," She said, smiling at him.

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