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She put her hands over her helmet, how could she have done that. Why did she do so bad?

She kept her helmet on as she got out of the car, her trainer following after her closely. She didn't really know her trainer yet, it wasn't like she was meaning to avoid him but she had only met him a week ago and she got busy. It was also someone her dad hired so she didn't quite know how to feel.

She finally took off her helmet once she got back to the garage, she sat next to her engineer, hoping he thought it was okay.

"I know you seem disappointed, but we're not in a bad spot. Yuki finished behind you with Bottas in front. You can make up spots tomorrow."

"I know,"
After the meeting June didn't want to leave, she didn't want to see her dad, and that pit in her stomach returning made her feel worse.

"June you done for the night?" her engineer asked.

"mhm, I think so."

"Alright then, get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow." he said, leaving her in the room by herself.

She watched as her dad entered the room as her engineer left.

"Hi," she said quietly.

"What happened out there?"

She shook her head, "I don't know."

"Don't, Don't even give me that, you know what happened. You're slow, I didn't even think you were trying out there."

"I did try, other people are going to be quicker than me."

"You didn't try hard enough, it was extremely disappointing what you did today."

June looked down at her feet, "I'm sorry,"

"Are you done here for today?" her dad asked, wanting to ignore her previous response.


"Let's go then," her dad said, leaving the meeting room.

June grabbed her bag, following close behind him.


The ride to the hotel was quiet, she didn't want to say anything to her dad and she was sure he felt the same way about her.

All she wanted to do once she got to the hotel was go to bed, she wasn't used to the long days f1 drives experienced.

As June started to set her bag down her dad snapped.

"What are you doing?" he asked, pointing at her bag on the floor.

"Pick that up right now, I know you have data in there you could be studying. It's probably what everyone else is doing right now, that's why they're not out there disappointing their families."

June slowly stepped back, grabbing the folder from her backpack.

"You're going to study that until you figure out what you're doing wrong. I don't care if you are up all night, do you understand?"

"I understand," she said, sitting on her bed with the folder in her hands.


June waited until she heard the slight snoring of her dad. She carefully put the papers back into the folder before putting it back in her bag. She sat there for a moment contemplating if what she was about to do was truly the right thing, she didn't care.

She walked over to her suitcase, quietly taking out her clothes for tomorrow and shoving them into her backpack. She tried to open and close her door as quietly as possible, turning around to check if her dad was still asleep, she was in the clear. She made the short walk over to Jaks room, pausing for a moment before knocking on the door.

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