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Bahrain free practice 1, she couldn't tell if she was excited for it or dreading it. She just had that deep pit in her stomach that made her feel sick.

"June?" She snapped out of her daze, turning around to see where the voice came from.

"Max? Hi," She said, confused.

"Sorry I just thought I'd wish you luck." He said, almost apologetic.

"Oh thank you!" She said, smiling at him.

"I remember my first free practice. I was so nervous."

"Yeah, I just feel like I have a giant pit in my stomach."

"You'll get used to it."

"To the pit in my stomach?" She said worriedly.

"No," He laughed.

"You'll get used to going out there, everyone watching you."

P14 in FP1

It wasn't terrible but it wasn't good either. She had expectations she had to live up too, she felt like she had let them down. Everyone had thought of her like some superstar that was going to lead the team, she wasn't, she was just a kid. 

She wanted to rush through the debrief, she had to prove herself. Time had felt like it was slowing down, an hour feeling like a century to her. It seemed like every person's words were slowed down.


"June?" A voice said, knocking her out of her trance.

"Oh, sorry, what did you ask?"

"What did you think about the car?"

"For the most part it's good but we're quite slow in the corners and I feel at some points the car can be quite oversteery." She said before zoning back out.

"That's all for now, thank you all, see you all in 2 hours for FP2." he said as everyone filed out of the meeting room.

"Hey June," Yuki said, walking over to where she had been sitting.

"Hi Yuki,"

"You did good in FP1." He said, not really knowing what to talk to the young girl about.

"Thanks! You did too, P12 right?"

"Yeah, got some good laps in as well that'll help with the set up."

"Oh yeah, I think I did too, the car wasn't at its best during that session though." She laughed.

"It'll get there, just give it a bit."

"Mhm, just hoping for the best for quali."

"Oh you have plenty of time before then."

"Yeah, I know."


P11 in FP2

She had started to build up her confidence for the track, understanding her racing line more, when to break, her setup had gotten better too it had felt she had less oversteer throughout the entire session. It felt like she got a few good laps in, but still 11th wasn't good. She tried to remember what Jak had told her, to not expect a Q3 already, but she could help it. It felt like she was drowning in the expectation thousands of people had for her.

"Juni?" Jak asked, she had been quiet the whole car ride to the hotel, ignoring everything Jak had been asking her.

"June!" He finally yelled.

June finally looked up from her lap, "mhm,"

"What's up, you've been quiet? It's worrying me if i'm honest."

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