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 ♥︎ liked by MaxVerstappen1 and 298 072 othersJuneRusso f1 testing ✅

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♥︎ liked by MaxVerstappen1 and 298 072 others
JuneRusso f1 testing ✅


username rookie of the year???
1h 57 likes reply

username first race 🔜
1h 38 likes reply

olliebearman juniii 🔥🔥
1h 82 likes reply

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username 👏👏👏
1h 25 likes reply

jakcrawford_ let's go juniii!!!
1h 60 likes reply

JuneRusso liked this comment

username overhyped 🥱
1h 24 likes reply

username can't wait to see what you bring in bahrain 💪🙌
1h 30 likes reply


"You can't mess up June, you have to make a good impression." Her dad said, pacing around the hotel room.

"I felt like testing was a good first impression,"

"Testing is not enough, people can just go easy, for all we know your probably the slowest driver out there."

"I got 11th on the last day, i'm not the slowest," She said, trying to defend herself.

"Testing is not what matters, people are going to start judging you off of this weekend and I will not have you embarrass me, do you understand?"

"I understand," She said quietly.

"Huh?" He said, just quieter than a yell.

"I understand," She said louder.

"God, you have to start speaking up when I talk to you, it's fucking disrespectful."

"I'm sorry,"



are you doing anything?

i'm just chilling rn juni

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