22| Fame

22 11 4

Present Hannah's POV

"Gosh, I can't believe that I didn't realise this sooner," I sighed.

"I'm actually really surprised that you didn't realise until I told you," Mark laughed.

Apparently, my brother was more than just a classical musician. People knew him as a prodigy, of course. But he was also a part of the band 'Cheer Up!' How did I not realise that this was why my brother was super famous? Why did nobody tell me? Gosh, I was a horrible detective. Plus, I was a HUGE fan of the group. How did I not realise that my own brother was a part of it?

Mark knocked on the door. We were outside a huge building in the city, around two hours away from our school. Mark and I managed to lie about going to visit our family and when the school called our family, they just said "Sure, why not?" But, of course, we weren't actually going to visit them. I mean, we had a murder case to solve!

"Who is this?" A voice said on the Intercom.

"Hannah Dubois."

There was a moment of silence before I heard a buzzing sound and the door opened. I was still shocked at the fact that my brother played in such a famous band and I didnt even realise it. Did our parents know? Probably not, they wouldn't have allowed him. They never went on tour and they didn't live too far from our school. My brother must've been recording on weekends with them.

I looked up the band on my phone and Mark took my arm, leading me somewhere. My brother's picture was on the internet with the rest of them. I didn't know what any of the group members looked like, honestly, I just listened to their songs.

The lead singer was Asher Kim, a Korean boy around my age that also played lead guitar. The bassist was Naomi Kimura, a Japanese girl around my age. Lastly, the drummer was Ace Brooks, a British teenager that was also around my age.

Knock, knock. "Hello?" Mark whispered.

The door swung open and a guy with red highlights eyed us both intensely. "I know you, Mark. But, you. You said your last name is Dubois?"

"Yeah, you knew my brother, Micheal Dubois."

"There's no way. Guys, he had a sister!"

"Shocking!" A girl sarcastically exclaimed, "It's not like he mentioned his twin sister like what? A thousand times? Maybe more?"

"My brother was a lot more famous than I thought," I sighed, "I can't believe I didn't even realise this. I actually used to be a fan."

"Ever since Micheal died," a guy in the back began to say, "We haven't released any songs. We'll probably disband soon."

"What?!" I exclaimed, "No, you can't!" I struggled to find the right words to say. I mean yes, they needed a stellar pianist to play in the background because that's what made their songs so good, but they couldn't just disband! "Can't you just find another pianist?"

"Hannah, none of them are as good as your brother was. He was a prodigy and you don't see those everyday."

"I guess you're right," I sighed, "I'm still flabbergasted, though. My brother was in this famous band that I used to listen to. So many people knew him for it, yet I'm only finding this out now?"

"I mean, he was also a classical musician. A lot of people knew him for that as well. I think he was more famous for our band pop culture wise, though."

"Yeah you're definitely right on that one."

"So," the girl in the back began, "Did they find out who killed him yet?"

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