The fight (journal)

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Pffft my chapters are so basic

Also this is basically Akaza's journal, I wanted to try writing like this

Idk if I'll write like this more often but I just wanted to try it

Also in this chapter they aren't dating their just friends-ish


Me and douma had just gotten into a huge fight.

I don't even know why I didn't do anything wrong...

I'm just going to wait for him to apologize to me.


It's been a week and he still hasn't apologized to me..

Maybe he's waiting for me to apologize to him...

I'm not going to though, i didn't do anything wrong.


It's been over a month and we still haven't talked....maybe I did do something wrong but i don't know.

I tried talking to him this morning but he just ignored me.


I tried asking douma why he was mad at me and he wouldn't say. He just said "you know why" and walked away.

Except I don't remember doing anything wrong...I wish he'd just tell me what I did.


I think I should apologize to him soon...I really miss having him around.


I tried to apologize to him but he just walked away from me. I still don't know what I did...


It's been a week since I last tried talking to him, I don't see the point he's just going to walk away or ignore me.


Im starting to think of reasons why he would be mad at me...but I can't think of much.


I think I might have figured out why he's mad at me...during the fight I did say some pretty hurtful things, I didn't mean any of them though! I was just angry.


Im going to apologize to douma soon....I just hope he'll listen to me.


So I finally apologized to him. He accepted it but still seems mad. I offered to hang out with him this week and he said yes....hopefully we can be friends again.


We hung out today. It was nice but he still seems a bit tense.


We've been hanging out more this past week, I think he's starting to open up.


I don't think he's mad me anymore, which is a good sign.


Me and douma have been hanging out regularly and are friends again, it took a while but I'm glad everything worked out.

Plot twist: Douma was never really mad at akaza but he wanted to see what akaza would do

Also I'm not sure how to feel about's really simple to write but doesn't give much detail so I prob won't write like this much in the future unless it's requested

Oh yeah and 2 chapters in 1 day yay :D

Word count: 427

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