Chapter 29: A Dinner Function

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"We don't have to go if you don't want to," Erin comments as she glances in the bathroom, giving her hair the final nod of approval finally after having played around with it for the past 20 minutes. 

She should've taken Hailey and Kim up on the advice. Instead of being up and looking fancy like probably every other person would there, she was just going to stick with the lone ponytail as nothing else seemed to want to stay in or look good.

"I don't think Deputy Miller would be pleased if I skipped out - or Trudy for that matter," Jay states as he fixes the sleeve of his shirt on his arm. He was glad it was a formal event with long dress shirts and jackets for the guys. He wasn't about to share the scars that remained just yet  with anyone. Hopefully it stayed cool in Chicago so he could wear some long sleeves for a couple weeks. "We both know what it's like to have Trudy on your case."

He takes a deep breath as he feels satisfied with the fit, knowing it didn't show anything or appear bulky. He was glad he had been given permission to not wear the sling on a constant basis.

It had been a couple weeks since the investigation closed, and Jay was stuck on medical leave against his own wishes. He had spent the first week at home, cranky as ever as being forced to rest without doing much never went over with him. However, it was the requirement thanks to not only the arm injury, but the chest injury. 

He hoped a week of co-operation would have allowed clearance to return to work, but that was not the case. Although getting better, Will nor Connor for that matter were comfortable with him trying to do anything stress related. He truly believed Will had paid off Connor to say that out of her own, though. 

The past two weeks had not only been challenging in that regard. The incident at the office was just a preview of how much the bombing had brought back his PTSD. It seemed every single night, he was waking up drenched in sweat, either crying or screaming from some nightmare he was having. He had skipped a firework display that Erin had talked about on the pier. He had thankfully escaped feeling the anxiety day-to-day or flashbacks that held him in a moment, but could only wonder if those triggers would return if he ever got cleared to return back to work.

"Besides, pretty sure it'd be wrong for one of the guests of honor to skip out on his own dinner," he adds as he watches Erin walk down the hallway. He couldn't help but smirk right away, his eyes locking on her crystal ones in return. Her lips looked that much tender with the lip gloss. The hair pinned back showcased every single facial feature he loved. There was the perfect peak at her chest as he couldn't help but smile in knowing how soft they were. The dress may be flowy in one way, but yet it also showed off those curves nicely. "It'd also be wrong for me to leave my date hanging." 

"We both know that if you didn't come, I could easily hang out with Hailey as she's going by herself," Erin comments, biting her tongue right afterwards as they both knew if it was earlier in the year, that would probably not be the case as they'd still be married. They also had not talked much who Hailey was possibly constantly texting in the office lately. Why couldn't he attend the dinner? "I could also enjoy conversation with Kelly and Stella, or with Trudy or Hank for that matter. I don't want you to feel forced to come, Jay..." 

"I am going to be fine," he assures her, pulling her close to him, placing a kiss on his lips. "Besides, it will be nice to see everyone. I am not about to hand back my get out of jail free card easily to you for that matter." She then chuckles a little, leaning back against the wall as his lips meet hers. "A party for two could be more fun than a formal dinner, though. But I don't want to waste getting all dressed up. Besides, I'm intrigued as to the speeches that Hank, Boden, Matt, and Kelly have to offer. Hank has not made a formal speech in a long time...." 

"I'm actually surprised that he accepted Miller's request." Jay nods his head, remembering one of the initial things noted when he joined Intelligence - never put yourself in the newspaper in anyway, from involving yourself in a news conference to a story. It ruins your ability to be undercover for the next case. It was why he was not forced to be on stage. It was why he would be honored on unknown identity to those in attendance, and given his award away from the cameras and those in attendance for his heroics that day. 

"I don't think Miller gave him much of a choice. She drives a hard bargain when she wants something. She's almost as bad as Trudy - not quite there though. At least I don't have to do anything..." She watches his eyes swirl with the comment, knowing where his thoughts were going immediately. It was why she worried about attending to begin with. "I get that we saved lives that day. I get that we stopped a bomb from blowing up a big part of the city. But I was just doing my job. I just did what I was trained to do and what I am supposed to do. I just ran in and took charge of the situation. I followed the protocols of training - deescalate, remove individuals, and disarm the device. Isn't that what we get paid to do? It doesn't make sense to get a special honor...." 

"It's because you're a hero. Not many people could fathom walking into a building with an armed bomb, let alone being chained to that device. Look at all the people running away and freaking out. It takes a special part of a bravery. That's a bravery that they feel warranted to honor..." 

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