Chapter 11 - Fateful Requests

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The dawn of my day unfolds in the grandeur of shared breakfasts among the royals. No longer do I dine alone in the solitude of my chambers. Since my betrothal to Prince Casimir, the communal meals are deemed essential by the king himself. Today, my plate is an intricate mosaic of eggs, pastries, and meats, an exquisite display of wealth the nobles have accumulated over the years. Yet, my heart races with impatience as I hurriedly consume my meal, eager to return to the concealed papers hidden beneath a loose floorboard in my chambers. These documents house secrets that could sway the destiny of Anamore, and they must remain hidden from prying eyes.

Throughout breakfast, Prince Casimir offers smiles that veil the unspoken truths between us. His intentions remain shrouded in mystery, his eyes betraying a concealed desire. As we conclude our meal, he approaches with practiced charm, detaining me before I can retreat to confront the secrets within those papers.

"Princess Elysia," Prince Casimir's voice carries a hint of warmth, his lips curved with practiced charm. "You are looking particularly radiant this morn."

A rosy blush blooms across my cheeks, though I know this compliment veers far from the truth. Yet, last night's restless wanderings are a burden I bear willingly.

"I had hoped to steal a moment alone with you," he continues, his gaze lingering on me. "Perhaps a stroll through the gardens? The flowers are in full bloom, much like the beauty that graces your presence."

I turn my attention to the King, seeking approval for this undoubtedly overheard request. With the King's reluctant consent granted with a nod, I exchange a brief but calculated glance with him. His stoic demeanor betrays the facade we all uphold. To my left, Prince Abraham appears disinterested, his gaze fixed on his untouched food. His disapproval hangs heavy in the air, yet I cannot be swayed. My path is set, and I must continue down it.

As Prince Casimir leads, I follow, enveloped in the garden's tranquility. Amidst nature's beauty, my senses awaken to the symphony around me. Vibrant hues paint the landscape, while birdsong offers respite from court intrigue.

Lost in this sensory delight, it takes me a moment to realize that our path deviates from the one leading to the flowers he praised earlier. Curiosity sparks, and I cannot help but voice my puzzlement.

"Prince Casimir," I inquire, my voice tinged with curiosity, "are we not heading towards the flowers you spoke of? are they not on the other side of the garden?"

He responds with a gentle laugh, his eyes alight with amusement. "Indeed, my dear, we are." he concedes. "But I thought a quieter spot might afford us the opportunity for a private conversation."

His foresight in selecting this secluded spot impresses me, and I nod in understanding as we reach our destination-a secluded bench nestled amidst the blossoms.

Seated beside him, I cast a glance at the vibrant blooms surrounding us, their beauty a stark contrast to the secrets we are about to unveil. Prince Casimir's presence beside me is reassuring as he turns to face me, his eyes filled with curiosity and empathy.

Turning to face me, his eyes brimming with curiosity and a tender empathy, I feel the weight of unspoken truths pressing upon me. With a fluttering heart, I confess, "I hardly know where to begin."

Prince Casimir's encouraging smile urges me forward. "Why don't you begin by telling me your real name?" he suggests gently.

"Isabel," I whisper, the sound of my true name feeling like a revelation in itself. The simple act of speaking it aloud, in his presence, feels like shedding layers of pretense.

Prince Casimir's gaze meets mine with a warmth that sends a thrill through me. "Isabel," he repeats, as if savoring the sound of it on his lips. "A name as beautiful as the woman who bears it. It suits you better than Elysia, I must say." His comforting hand finds mine, and I grasp it tightly, finding strength in his support.

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