I Know...

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I know I'm damaged,
I know I'm pathetic.
But 3 years gone in 3 minutes,
Am I really not worth it?
What would you have done?
If in my place you had been,
Giving my everything
But no efforts to be seen.

I was disturbed,
I was enraged,
Of all the feelings
That I had caged.
I made an insensitive mistake
In a moment of haste;
All the work of 3 months
In just 3 minutes had gone to waste.

I know I'm a jerk,
I know I'm an ass,
But that moment from my mind
I just couldn't let pass.
You owe me nothing,
I know that very well,
And right now am I anymore important?
I just can't tell.

I know I'm selfish,
I know I'm not brave.
But for some reason for me
I wanted you to wait.
If you did it intentionally or not,
I really didn't know.
"Is he really being close to her before my eyes?"
My head said yes, but my heart said no.

I don't know what to say,
I don't know what to believe.
At that moment I had wished
"Ah, I really hope he doesn't just leave".
Alas! you did without anything to say,
As if you didn't care and you didn't mind.
But you know unexpectedly,
It just hurt me, to have been left behind.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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