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"Here you go," Mundok passed me my food, I nodded in thanks and started to slowly eat the meal.

My muscles hurt so much.

"Well we fixed that defence problem of yours," Yu-Hon noted, "now there's just your pitiful stamina, your weak strength, and your clunky technique."

Wow, just kick a kid while he's hurting, why don't you?

"Oh. And your weapon of choice," he seemed to fall into deep thought, "a sword maybe? A spear? Hsu Quandao maybe? Hm..."

"What weapon are you wanting to wield, Aric?" Mundok asked, I shrugged.

"I haven't really thought about it yet," I told him honestly, "can you pass me some more rice, please?"

"Of course," he nodded and passed me it over before seemingly analysing me with his eyes, "I think you might be one of the only people who can master wielding twin blades in a short amount of time. You have impeccable hand eye coordination and you're ambidextrous, so you've got that in your corner as well."

"Two blades?" I hummed, "but do we know anyone who wields two blades to help teach me?"

"That's not necessary," Uncle shook his head, "I can teach you."

"You know how to dual wield?" Mundok shot him a doubtful look.

"Who do you think I am?" Yu-Hon asked, puffing his chest out in confidence, "I'm Yu-Hon, general and first prince of Kouka."

"Confident, I see," I smiled.

"Of course!" he grinned, shooting me a thumbs up, "and soon you'll be as confident as I! We'll destroy any and all weakness inside of you. I swear it."

"I don't think I'm lacking in much confidence, Uncle," I stated. The weakness thing is a harder one to argue against. It's pretty obvious I haven't done any exercising until recently. My arms are noodles, and I can barely keep myself up when I'm doing a push up.

"You are if you can't look at my Father without being scared," he replied, hitting me lightly on the top of my head with the holding end of his chop sticks.

"He's a scary guy," I quickly said, "he basically screams bow down to me or die. Forgive me for being scared."

Mundok let out a loud laugh.

"Why did you want to fight anyway, Aric?" Mundok asked.

"Because I don't want to be useless," I replied, "besides it's not like I'll ever become a prince let alone the Emperor, so I think my place will be guarding the future heirs. You know, your kids, Uncle."

"Oh yeah?" Yu-Hon hummed seemingly amused, "Then I'm sure you won't have to wait too long because... I was going to keep this a secret a little longer knowing my dear wife's health but... Yong-Hi is pregnant."

"Whoa— really?" I asked.

"How far along is she?" Mundok asked as we finished eating and someone took our dishes away.

"A few months now," Yu-Hon replied with a large smile, "she's due to give birth a few months before your birthday, Aric."

"Oh?" I looked at him curiously, "so I'll have a little cousin before my ninth birthday, huh? What are you hoping for?"

"Yong-Hi wants a son, I do too but I'll be happy if I got a daughter too, I know Yong-Hi wouldn't mind either way," he replied, "you promise me to look after them, yes?"

"Of course," I nodded, "as much as I can."

"I'm glad to hear that," he nodded, "now you should head to bed now that you've eaten. Rest up, we'll be training again in the morning."

Kouka's Crowned Prince | oc insertWhere stories live. Discover now