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Once the team was created, after gaining a few glares from those who were told that I would be their commander for this plan, we marched into the valley. Thankfully, no one argued against me and listened seriously. I'm not sure if it was because I was a royal, or if it was because my Grandfather had been name dropped as the reason I was here, or even because my Uncle personally introduced me as his nephew, student, and heir to the Sky Tribe's General position, but they listened and followed my orders without much of a fuss. Some rolled their eyes or looked displeased, but they didn't do anything against me and that's all I could've really asked for.

We had to leave early so we'd been sitting in the trees and the brush for the past few hours.

I yawned as I let myself relax a little more into the tree I was currently sat in.

"Commander, there's still no sign of Xing's forces," one of the wind soldiers told me, poking his head down from a branch just slightly higher up than mine after hopping over into the tree I was in.

"Just as expected," I stood up and looked out over the valley, "are they still at the other end of the valley?"

"Yes," he nodded.

"They're waiting until evening to attack," I nodded, I'm glad they're doing just as I expected of them, "spread it through the ranks."

"Yes, sir," the soldier nodded before jumping off to the side.

I closed my eyes and crossed my arms as I listened to everything around me.

It seems Xing was expecting us to attack them straight away once we learnt of their position in the valley and with the lack of our first attack they've decided to wait until nightfall to make their own. They were fools. Well, they were fools to attack us at all but this, tonight, will be their fall and their final attack on our lands for a while. Or so I hope.

Please, whoever watches over us, let this plan work.

There are three rules to follow when thinking about war strategy and they break each and every one of them every time. They're no match for us.


"They're coming," someone whispered to me, I looked into the valley to see lights approaching.

"Get everyone into position," I whispered back.

"Yes, sir."

I took a moment to steel myself before slowly pulling myself up and jumping out the tree. We'd all been giving the uniform of the Xing army before leaving the main army earlier in the day. I suspect they're likely the uniforms of the dead, but we can't be picky tonight. A lot of lives ride on our success. Quickly, I pulled on my set of the uniform and then slipped through the trees. Eventually, I came upon the army and watched as they passed me until I figured I was about halfway down their march and carefully slotted myself into the army marching across the ground unnoticed, horses dotted around us, I recognised two to my distance right, people from the Water Tribe, and one on my left was one of the Wind Tribesmen.

There were others here and there, and we made each other known to each other by nodding our heads as subtly as we could when making eye contact with each other. The more we knew who was around us, the better.

Slowly, I began to drift through the group, careful not to be noticed as moving too much as I drifted to the back of the group. Each step I made felt like I was going to die from the stress of trying to not be caught.

And then, the first person got into their agreed upon position.

"It's the Koukian forces!" one of the men shouted from somewhere in the middle.

Kouka's Crowned Prince | oc insertWhere stories live. Discover now