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Yu-Hon's PoV

"I bet the brats been killed," Soo-Jin snorted from beside me, "it's been almost a whole day, and he still hasn't come out here or sent anyone to inform us of the situation. He's definitely dead."

I stayed silent but rolled my eyes. He's getting on my nerves now. I can't say anything because Aric has to prove himself and right now we aren't nephew and uncle, or student and master. We are simply soldier and his commander.

"You wish he were dead," I decided to say, glancing over to him, "Lord Aric is stronger and smarter than you think and if something went wrong, well, we'd know."

"If you believe that so much then why has your gaze been glued to the valley entrance since he left earlier in the day?" he retorted.

"Because I'm waiting," I replied, "it's either a success or a fail. I'm waiting to see which ending he brings to the table. I have faith that he'll bring the more ideal ending."

I'm also rather curious whether the boy truly has the mind for this kind of life. After all, is this not why he became a swordsman in the first place? To fight?

Suddenly a blur of black came zipping out of the entrance of the valley and we all got up ready to fight but relaxed when we realised it was one of the Water Tribesmen. He stopped in front of us and took to one knee before beginning to relay information back to us.

"Lord Aric's force has succeeded," he reported loudly, "there were few survivors amongst the Xing forces, but we have begun sending them back to their own territory as requested of the young lord."

"No," I stood up, "have all living soldiers arrested and brought to us."

"Sir?" he looked up at me slightly confused.

"That's an order," I stated.

"Y-yes, sir," he nodded, "I have two final things to report."

"What is it?" I asked.

"First, none of our men were killed or even injured during this encounter," he told me, "second, Lord Aric is currently crossing swords with one of the five stars of Xing, Neguro, the leader of this army."

"He's what?!" we all exclaimed.

"How is he holding up?" Geun-Tae asked with a rather excited expression on his face.

"Actually, sir," the messenger looked to us with pride, "the young Lord hasn't even taken a step from the spot he began fighting in. He's amazing!"

As expected of my nephew. No—student.

"Right," I nodded, "thank you for the update, now hurry back and bring me those soldiers."

"Yes, sir," he nodded and turned and began running away again.

Mundok let out a breath of relief.

"Stressed, old friend?" I looked at him out the corner of my eye.

"He's a child yet he's succeeding in a flawless battle," Mundok told me, "I must praise you, Prince Yu-Hon, it seems you've trained him well."

"Of course," I nodded as the sound of metal clashing against metal came to our attention.

A glint in the entrance of the valley pulled our gazes forward again as a mess of black hair came forward into the moon lit area. An exhausted man crumpled forward with his hands on his knees, taking deep breaths.

"No," I stopped Geun-Tae from advancing as I noticed him moving, "let's just observe for a moment."

A few minutes passed and then another figure walked out. It was Aric.

"Th-the kid doesn't even—" Geun-Tae burst out laughing, "his blades are still sheathed!"

I breathed out a laugh as well before forcing myself to stop. Staring at the sight amused. Is he acting cocky right now? On the battlefield? Wow—I didn't know he was so relaxed.

"Who do you think I am?!" Neguro shouted at Aric, "why do you not draw your swords?! You had them out before but now!"

"You couldn't move me from the spot I was stood in for ages, I had them unsheathed during that time. This is what your skill level demands of you," Aric stated with a slightly sullen face, "you just aren't strong enough to beat me. Plus I don't go around injuring people for no good reason. I'll just hit you with my sheathed blades and be done with it."

"You're a beast," Neguro shouted, "fight me like a man! You're just a snivelling coward!"

Aric didn't react to the words thrown at him, he just looked off to the side, bored by the conversation.

"Oh would you look at that, there are no clouds this evening," he whistled absent mindlessly.

He really is acting cocky. Where is my nephew?

"He's taunting the man," Joon-Gi stated, clearly unimpressed.

"No, I think Ar—Lord Aric is just bored," I cut in before watching Neguro swing his sword at Aric again. Aric just jumped up and then dropped down on the end of Neguro's blade forcing it to dig straight into the dirt below him and get stuck as clear by Neguro's struggling attempt to free it again.

"Just because you have a big weapon doesn't mean you can automatically beat your opponent, you know," Aric told him, "just surrender. This is becoming tedious."

"Fight me, Lord Aric, son of second Prince Il," Neguro demanded. Aric glanced down at him and sighed.

"I'll pass, if you want to fight someone then fight my Uncle," he pointed over to me. I just raised a brow to him. I didn't even know he'd realised we were over here like this.

Neguro looked over to me and then back to Aric.

"It was your plan, your troops, your ideas. It was all you!" Neguro shouted, "you managed to wipe out four fifths of my men and leave only a fifth to suffer in pain. You stole so many people from their families! Now you won't even indulge me and fight man to man? You may only be a child, but you're on the battlefield which means you're a man. A warrior. So start acting like one!"

"Aric! Watch out!" I shouted as I noticed Neguro change his grip on his blades hilt.

He pulled his arms up, pulling against Aric with a little less struggle than he was earlier.

The younger one of the two stared at the sudden move and seemed almost as if he didn't want to move but jumped at the last second before the sword managed to free itself from the ground and cut straight through his former space. Immediately, our sight to the battle was blocked off as a layer of dust was roused from its space across the floor, creating a thick cloud of dust across the space.

"Aric!" I shouted.

"Hold on," Mundok raised his spear and swung it around, creating a gust of air that swept away the dust.

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