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I glanced around as I walked through the halls of Hiryuu Castle.

"Father!" I called out, "Grandfather? Mother? Where is everyone?"

We only moved to the palace a few months ago, it's a lot larger than our villa so it's unbelievably easy to get lost and it's even harder to find people when they're not in the spaces they're usually at.

"Lord Aric," my father's attendant approached me, "the Lord and King are greeting Prince Yu-Hon at the gates."

"Uncle?" I asked, he nodded, "he's returned?!"

"Yes he has, young master," he nodded, "would you like me to escort you there?"

"No need," I shook my head, "thank you for informing me."

"It was my pleasure, young master," he bowed his head to me, and I turned and ran off in the direction of the main gates.

Uncle Yu-Hon! He's returned from battle; it's been months since I last saw him. That means General Mundok has also returned. I'll have to convince father to let me visit Fuuga soon so I can see him.

The main gates quickly came into view so I quickly slowed myself before my Grandfather could see me running, he only scolds me when I run or shout, or really do anything that isn't "like royalty should act". As I glanced over the group, I couldn't help but grin as I saw my father and uncle all talking with each other, my grandfather seemingly just stood either watching them or listening to them, either way he was just stood there silently with his arms crossed, glaring.

"Uncle!" I called out, waving as I jogged over to them, trying to make it look like I was just walking quickly rather than jogging. The three men all turned and smiled, well, grandfather didn't smile. His permanent frown deepened slightly as I approached them. Once I was close enough, I began calmly walking towards them with a smile on my face.

"Hello, uncle, I'm glad you're back safe," I greeted Uncle Yu-Hon once I reached them. He knelt down to my height and smiled before ruffling my hair.

"It's good to see you too, Aric," he greeted me, "how has it been living here instead of your families villa?"

"Well grandfather has a lot of strict rules, but I've followed them to the best of my ability," I replied, "sometimes I slip up, though and get scolded."

He chuckled.

"At least you're trying," he smiled, "I assure you; you'll be able to return to your families villa soon enough."

"I really don't mind, uncle," I grinned, "did you see Aunt Yong-Hi before returning here?"

"I did," he nodded.

"Is she ok? I heard her illness has been getting worse lately," I asked, I'd been worried about this for a while but father said I couldn't visit her without Uncle Yu-Hon's permission, so I've really only been able to learn about her condition through letters and the mouths of others, Yu-Hon just ruffled my hair again.

"She's fine, Aric," Yu-Hon told me, "though I don't think she'll say no to your company. She enjoys your company."

"I enjoy hers too," I smiled, "she's really kind and always has interesting things to say."

"Now, now, Aric. Yu-Hon has only just returned," father cut in, "let him rest, my son."

"Of course, you're right," I nodded, bowing in apology, "If you'll allow it, I'll come talk to you later, Uncle. I'd like to hear your stories!"

"Alright," he nodded, "I'll see you then."

"Excuse me, father, uncle, grandfather," I bowed and then turned and walked away. I couldn't help but to smile as I started to feel a growing sense of confidence. Tonight all I want is to make a request to him. I'm going to ask uncle to start training me. Father will definitely try and stop this, I know he will, he's got a habit of that. But this time I'm not going to let him stop me. This is important to me. The war between Kouka and Xing is ongoing with no end in sight. Eventually, it's going to reach the time where I need to start making accomplishments befitting of my status. Grandfather has commented recently on as much. Not to mention, I want to help out some way, even if it's just knowing how to fight, that'll be enough for me.

"Young master?" my mother's attendant greeted me as I walked into the gardens where my mother usually likes to sit and read, since she wasn't with my father and grandfather greeting my uncle, I guessed she must've been out here somewhere.

"Good afternoon," I nodded to her before passing and approaching the black-haired woman sat under a tree, "mother!"

She looked up from her book and smiled at me.

"Good afternoon, Aric," she greeted me warmly, "would you like to have some tea with me?"

"Yes, of course," I nodded before offering my hand to her, she took it, and I pulled her to her feet again, "Uncle Yu-Hon has returned."

"I heard," my mother nodded, "the castle has been bustling with excitement over his arrival, though I hear he didn't bring Lady Yong-Hi with him."

"No, he came alone," I confirmed what she'd heard, "she's resting, I suppose. Her illness was getting worse as of late."

"It always does around this time of year," mother nodded thoughtfully as we moved to the table and chairs set under a small gazebo and sat down, "are Lord Yu-Hon and Il catching up?"

"Don't know," I shrugged as I watched one of the attendants pour the tea in our cups, "I just know grandfather was there and he was scary... though, I'd assume they would, don't they always when Uncle and he meet again after some time?"

Mother let out a small laugh before nodding, "quite possible."

"Anyway, you needn't fear the man, Aric," she turned her attention to my comment about Grandfather, "he cares for you just as much as he cares for your father and uncle. He just can't show it very well. Sentimentality is not his strongest point."

"Doesn't stop him from being terrifying," I mumbled as I pouted, "but mother, what was that you were reading? I don't think I recognise the cover."

"Oh? My book? It's new, let me ramble about it for a little while, yeah?" she almost seemed to glow with happiness as she started talking about her book.


I stopped outside of my uncle's room and took a breath before knocking, "Uncle? Can I come in?"

"Yes. Come, Aric," came Yu-Hon's response, I slid the door open and shut it behind me before walking into his room and kneeling on a floor pillow in front of him.

"Uncle, I have a request," I told him seriously, he put his cup of, what I'm guessing is sake, down onto the table and looked at me with a raised brow, almost as if he was showing that he was giving me his complete and undivided attention with that motion, "please start training me."

I bowed to him. It was the only thing I could really think of doing to show my sincerity in the request.

"Oh?" Yu-Hon seemed interested, "Why do you want to learn to fight?"

"Because I want to help," I replied, "but also because I want to be able to protect those I care about too. I'm useless as I am, and all father is doing is turning me into a soft child who will know nothing of the outside world or the troubles within it. I don't want to be in the position where not knowing how to fight may get me in worse situations than if I did know. So please, Uncle. As someone I respect and as a great warrior, I ask you not as your nephew but as someone who wants to learn. Please train me!"

It was silent for a couple moments before he let out a long breath.

"Il is going to kill me for this," he muttered before his hand landed on my head, "Alright, Aric, I'll train you."

I looked up, observing him for a moment to see if there was a hint of lying in his tone. When I found nothing but honesty, I grinned and threw myself at him, hugging him.

"Thank you, uncle!" I exclaimed.

"Calm down, Aric," he chuckled as he repositioned me on his knee and then gave me a smile that seemed too gentle for his rough looking appearance, "Remember, I am not training you as your Uncle but as someone accepting a student. We'll start bright and early in the morning so shall we hold off on the stories for the evening?"

"Maybe... Just one?" I suggested, still wanting to get a story out of him.

He exhaled a laugh before nodding.

"Alright, just one," he agreed.

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