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"My son," a voice came from the door of my room as I finished putting on the hat I'd just been given. I'd requested for some plain clothes from one of the soldiers, though one of the maids had to do a lot of resizing for me so it somewhat fit.

"Mother," I greeted her. She looked at my clothes and let out a small sigh.

"I wish you didn't have to leave," she said as she adjusted the cream tunic I wore and then retied my sash holding it together.

Did I not put it on properly? I'm not used to this clothing... Not to mention, the material is kind of scratchy and uncomfortable. But I can't complain, the soldier gave them to me from his limited amount of clothes for his days off. I can't complain.

"As do I," I smiled as I grabbed my katanas that had been disguised as two walking stick like things so I could keep them on me, and no one would suspect that they were weapons.

"But I must," I told her as she adjusted my hat and reached back for my hair that I'd tied up into a bun. I'd stopped having it cut when I started to learn to fight with Uncle Yu-Hon so now, almost three years later, it's pretty long. Not as long as I hope it one day will be but long enough I can tie it up in a decently sized bun. She pulled at the piece of ribbon holding it all together and pulled it free, causing the hair to fall messily down around my face again.

"Please don't hide you beautiful hair," she begged as she ran her fingers through the section of hair that had the one strange section of crimson, a phenomenon that none of us had understood the reason for but no one really judged it to be honest, just considered it a little quirky side characteristic of mine along with my eye colour, another unusual thing about me, "I hope you find a safe place to stay, my son. May the gods take you down a peaceful path until the next battle. Then may they return you to me safely."

I stared at her with wide eyes before nodding and hugging her.

Gods? Why is she talking about the Gods?

"And I wish nothing more than you to stay healthy, Mother," I said as I stepped away, "if not for me then for Grandmother's health."

She smiled and nodded before tilting my head back and kissing my forehead.

"Travel wisely," she told me as I began walking away.

"I'll be back, I promise," I told her as I walked away, catching the sight of a tear rolling down her cheek as I turned the corner. I want to embrace her and tell her I'll be ok but honestly, will I?

When I reached the main gate, all the soldiers were lined up on either side, stood at attention. My Father, Uncle and Grandfather were all waiting. I reached them and stopped, awkwardly standing in silence with them all staring me down. Why are all these soldiers here too? What's going on? Am I dead? Is this my walk to the afterlife or something?

Yu-Hon let out a low sigh before pushing on a smile.

"Wow, if I didn't know you were my nephew I'd think there was a strange intruder in the castle," he joked as he pushed the hat further down on my head.

"Ugh—thanks, Uncle... I think," I retorted bitterly.

"Good luck," Grandfather told me, his glare still glued to his face. I nodded to him, and my Father pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"I expect to see you again," he told me, "I should never have let you continue your training with Yu-Hon. Its lead to disaster for you, my son."

"Just look after Mother, Father," I told him as I pulled away and then put my arm out, Yu-Hon's hawk shot down and landed on my arm, I staggered slightly before straightening myself up and watching as the hawk positioned itself on my shoulder.

"I'll be off," I started walking away, the two sticks that're my katanas were tied to ropes that I held onto and had slung over my shoulder, "see you when I see you."

"Good luck, Lord Aric! Return safely!" all the guards shouted. I paused, slightly startled by their words before smiling and pulling the front of my hat down slightly to try and hide my smile and growing embarrassment in front of them.

"Thanks," I nodded before walking away, I took a cloak that was held out for me and dramatically swung it over my shoulders, tying it in place (although awkwardly thanks to the hawk).

Time to explore for a bit.

I guess this is what I wanted to do anyway so I'm just getting what I asked for.


"Now if I look at this map..." I muttered, sat at a campfire with Yu-Hon's hawk sat beside me on a log, "then there are villages everywhere... basically... The northern mountains don't seem to have anything... Just a really deep valley. That'd be a great place to 'hide' in. What do you think?"

I turned to look at the hawk to see him eating a poor forest mouse.

"Don't know what I expected to see to be honest," I sighed as I rolled the map up, "the northern mountains it is."

Three days later_

I let out a long whistle.

"That's one hell of a drop," I commented as I looked down into the darkness below, "I should probably find an alternate way down, I doubt this rope I bought from the travelling merchant will reach anywhere near the bottom."

"Well, well, well, look what we have here," someone spoke up, I glanced to the side.

Oh. Bandits.

"It's a kid, all alone," another one sneered.

"Bet we could sell him for a pretty price right?" the third out of the group of four chuckled darkly.

"Let's see his face first," the fourth grinned.

I sighed and straightened up from looking over the edge of the cliff.

"I guess this was going too smoothly for these well-known bandit infested mountains," I muttered, "although, just one more day and I would've gotten somewhere without any problems. Pain in the ass."

"What're you muttering about over there, hm?" the first asked as he slowly started to approach me.

I lifted my hat slightly to get a good look at them.

Grubby clothes, stolen swords, battered appearances.

"Yeah... these guys aren't a problem," I shook my head and turned, my cloak dancing behind me as I moved, "I don't care."

Not worth the time, honestly.

I walked away before the sound of someone running at me caught my attention, I jumped as a blade swung down and landed on the ground, turning back to them as I skipped back a little.

"Please just leave, I have nothing of worth on me," I told them.

"Then you can be the profit yourself!" the second one came charging forward, I sighed and jumping up and kicking the guys face like I was kicking a ball and sent him flying into the wall to my left.

"Bastard!" one of the three left standing shouted, "you'll pay for that."

I told you to leave, thisis your issue, not mine...

Kouka's Crowned Prince | oc insertWhere stories live. Discover now