7. Newt and Minho Argue

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"Glad your not dead, Tommy. I'm really, really glad."


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    "Hey!" Newts eyes turned soft, he remembered Alby rules. Thought he didn't have to follow them. Hey, he was second-in-command. Maybe thats a bad excuse.

"Get the hell off me!" Gally screamed, his eyes full of rage. That's usually what they looked like anyway. "You know the rules, Newt! Do something like that again, we'll make Minho the leader for all I care!"

Alby spat. It was strange, Thomas had never seen Alby get mad before. Thomas had only been here for a day, so who really knows?

Making Minho the leader wouldn't work out. Minho was already the Keeper of The Runners. Hey, he was quite strong. He could be the leader if he really wanted.

"Sorry. I'm sorry." Newt looked defeated, yet pride hid behind those glistening brown eyes. Proud he was defending his friend.

"Hey, you're alright, Tommy?" Why was he asking that?

"Yeah, yeah i'm good." Newt nodded as if he was glad Thomas didn't get hurt.
Ever since Thomas came up, Newts been getting battered. First, he drank too much "moonshine", That's what Gally calls it. Now, he was picking fights to defend his friend.


"Minho! Hey!" Chuck screamed with his "girl voice" Thomas liked to call it that.
"'Ya find anything this time?"
"No. Nothing but dead ends, and grievers."
Chucks face cringed at that.

It seemed everybody in The Glade was afraid of the creature they called "grievers", Thomas thought they called them that because of the horrid sounds that came from them.

Newts face looked disappointed, discouraged. He looked as though he was tired of Minho and the other runners going out for nothing each day. Yet Thomas had convinced himself it wasn't for nothing. It wasn't.

"Minho.. Maybe tomorrow you could take a day off. Help me and the Track-Hoes?"
"You know I can't do that, Newt."
"Why not?" Newt looked defeated.
"You know I have to go out there. It makes a difference."
"What difference does it make! Everyday, you just run The Maze, and find absolutely nothing. I'm sick of it."
"You want to try running it? No, Alby won't let you. He doesn't want a repeat of the last time you went out there." What was Minho talking about?
"What the hell is your problem?"
Minho laughed. "You heard me, Newt. You can't even go in The Maze. So just don't talk about me, and what I want to do."
"Fine. Go run it. See if I care."

Minho ran past him, "accidentally" bumping his shoulder, causing Newt to swing around. His eyes narrowed on Minho, who'd been with him in The Maze since the start. Newt started walking away, hurt by Minhos words. Newt walked towards the forest, his heavy limp visible. Although he couldn't hear it, Newt was obviously a mix of angry and upset, cursing Minho. This boy had some temper.

Without Newt noticing, Thomas followed.

Thomas knew he shouldn't, but if his friend was upset, Thomas wanted to help. Somehow, Thomas needed to help.

As he reached the forest, with leaves crunching against his feet, a twig snapped. This caused Next to snap his head around, revealing a puffy, red-eyed boy, with tears flowing from his eyes.

His rosy red cheeks were extremely visible, with salty tears not stopping anytime soon. Newt looked away, ashamed. "Go away, Thomas."
Thomas.. He thought.

"Newt.. Hey.." Thomas said with a surprising comforting voice. This made Newt turn around.

"You can't help me. I don't want to be bloody comforted."

Thomas went and sat next to him on a log. "Tell me what's wrong," Thomas already knew the gist of it, yet he knew that wasn't the only thing. "I just feel.. like i'm missing out. All i've ever wanted to do was escape this place. Ever since I came here, I hated it. That's why I.."
"You what?"

"I jumped off The Maze walls."

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