16. Newt Likes to Plant Flowers

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   "pauses, then says, you're my best friend
and you knew what it was. He is in love."


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"Gosh, Newt. You chew so loud."

"Well, bloody hell, can't a man have peace and quiet whilst he's eating?"

"I can't imagine you're giving yourself peace chewing like that."

Newt scoffed. Then made mocking noise towards Thomas like Chuck often did. Speaking of little Chucky,

"Hey guys!" Chuck screamed, is clothes drenched in water, as were Newt and Thomases. "If it isn't Chuckles,"

Chuck cleared his throat. "Anyway, I was just outside gardening and then Minho started talking to me, right? So I just went into this trance- and then my hand slipped and I accidentally flung the dirt on his face!"

Chuck squealed. He couldn't tell if he was proud, or scared Minho was right outside the door, ready to kill Chuck with the very shovel the dirt was flung on him with.

Thomas laughed, and Newt did too. All whilst carrot was still in his mouth. "Oh, ew! Newt chew with your mouth closed please!"

"Yes, dad. Will get right to that." Newt groaned.

"Oh, right," Newt said, like he had reminded himself of something.

"What's up?"

"Tommy, what's your favorite flower?"

Why had he asked that?

"Oh.. there's these ones, and it's like a bunch of mini little flowers in one. I don't know the name, though."


"Yes.. hy- that." Thomas cleared his throat.

"Okay.. I mean I was just,"

Thomas listened.

"Never mind."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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