8. I Comfort My Friend

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"He was surprised at his own reaction, he hadn't realized how much Newt meant to him."


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    "You did what?" Thomas knew there was more to the story, yet not that. Newt didn't dare give more context, until he saw Thomas's begging eyes.

"It was when I first came here. It was a dark day. I'd felt empty for a while, until one day I just.. gave in. I went out when nobody was looking, climbed up the walls and jumped. Simple as that."

"How'd you not die?" Thomas sounded like a curious little kid.

"I broke my leg," Newt tears had nearly stopped, but still, salty tears dropped from his eyes.

"That's why I have this pesky limp. It's embarrassing. Sometimes I really do wish i'd died that day."

Newt. The brave, smart, strong, second-in-command, was not what Thomas expected.

"The others gave me a rough time when I recovered" He said in air quotations. "Told me I was an idiot. Made me a slopper for a month as punishment. I felt alone, I was only just 13. Didn't understand how much my friends really ne-needed me,"

Thomas was all-ears. Never interrupted the blonde boy, not even once. Newts eyes were wet with tears, and he suddenly felt a bit awkward. "Do you want a hug?" Thomas said, his hair blowing in the breeze.

"I- uh.." Newt sighed, "bloody hell.." He mumbled, placing his hand behind his neck. Why was he nervous? Newt didn't say anything, just nodded.

Thomas reached in and gave him a hug. He didn't know where to put his hands, Newt was taller than him. Oddly enough, Newt seemed to have wanted it. Needed it. He hesitated resting his head on Thomas's shoulder.

Thomas pulled back. "I think that was the first hug i've had.. ever."

"I think so too.." Thomas said softly. Newt spoke calmer than anyone had before in the Glade. "Tommy?" Newt said, his big, brown eyes looking up at him.


"Thank you.." Newts eyes were dry. Thomas had been the reason for that.

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