10. I Make a Promise

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    "The boy known as Newt had not been immune to the Flare.

No, he hadn't been immune in the slightest, unlike his friends in the Maze.

But he was the cure.

Yes, that boy. The one named Newt. Subject A4, The Glue, brother to Sonya.

The Cure."


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"This is so- st-stupid Lizzy.." Newt had red, puffy eyes and tears falling from them. He was sobbing into his sisters shoulder, son- or.. Lizzy. She was in Group B.

"I know.." Lizzy held his face, almost like a mothers touch. Newts eyes softened..

Sometimes Thomas wished he had a sibling.. Or at least someone to go to when he was upset. A person to admire.

"I have to go," Newt choked out, as Harriet  and Rachel even seemed to be hiding a few tears themselves. "I love you, Lizzy."

"I love you too," Lizzy gave him a nod of approval, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Come on, Tommy.."
Newt came and put his arm around Thomas's back. He smiled, he loved moments with Newt when they were like this. Raw, and full of emotion.

The whole way back, Newts soft sniffles and cries were audible. "Come to my room tonight," Thomas said. Not as a question, but as a statement. Newt only smiled weakly, and nodded.

Newt leaned on his bed, too tired to do anything more. "Thomas-" Newt choked, practically running for Thomas's arms. He wasn't usually seeking comfort from him. Ever.
"Shhh.. shut up."
"Okay.." His mouth was closed. Newt was taller than him, wrapping his arms against his stomach.

"Can you promise me something, Tommy?"

"What is it?"

"Find a cure. For me. For all of us." He stifled a sob.

"Don't worry. I won't let you crank out on me,"

Thomas mumbled, as if he was unsure.

"I promise." He whispered into Newts ear.

"With your pinky?" They interlocked their pinky's as Newt stared down at him.

"Yes. With my pinky, I swear."

Newt smiled. "Good."

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