11. I Dream of Newt

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"And life went on. It was not the same, but it went on."


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   All Thomas heard was Newts obnoxious snoring, as his mouth reeked of morning breath. It was around 2:00 A.M., if Thomas had been calculating the time well enough.

Newts snoring had somehow, not stopped, and he tried to work out a way to fall asleep with the noise of a jet blasting in his ear all night. "Ugh.." He said softly.


Thomas was sleeping, Newts snoring had stopped. At least that's what he thought. Dreams were not uncommon to Thomas, because he had them almost every night. Usually, it was just something random or someone speaking something that was inaudible.

Yet, tonight, things were different..

He dreamt of Newt. Yes, Newt. He knew that accent and that blonde hair. It was him.


"Newt, you wouldn't actually eat that?"

Thomas said as Newt made as sandwich consisting of cheese, turkey, more cheese, Cheetos, and, of course, skittles. Mmmm.

"Yes. Yes I would."

"Ew, please don't!"

Newt shoved the thing on his mouth before his cheeks turned pink, and a very strong look of regret washed over him.

He spit it out onto his tray, laughing while his did so. Thomas covered his mouth dramatically. "Newt! Stop!" Thomas said in-between giggles that made his stomach ache.

"That was delicious."

He said before they both threw their heads back into a laughing fit, Thomas holding his stomach and tears falling from Newts eyes.

"That was disgusting!"


Thomas awoke in a gasping state, holding his stomach. He'd never fallen asleep so deeply. He'd also never dreamt of Newt before. His head cocked to the sleeping boy, wondering if he knew something about Thomas he had never noticed before.

It was that glimpse of light in his eyes when he watched Thomas. That smirk. Newt had known Thomas as soon as he came up from the box.

Thomas knew Newt. Newt knew Thomas.

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