Events Leading Up To The Story

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June 19th, 2024 - After tremendous amounts of international scrutiny and sanctions, Israel pulls out of Gaza as Benjamin Netanyahu steps down from his position as Prime Minister.

July 17th, 2024 - Under a new administration, Israel sends units of the Iron Dome Defense System to Ukraine.

November 6th, 2024: US Presidential Elections kick in.

November 2024 - January 2025: A joint intervention between France and Poland happens in Ukraine.

January 16th, 2025 - Another missile strike towards Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was launched by Russian Forces; however it was shot down by the Iron Dome, causing the strike to fail.

January 20, 2025: Donald Trump becomes the 47th President of the United States. (A/N: This is for the story's sake. I'm not a Trump supporter or anything. I'm neutral when it comes to politics.)

January - April 2025: Russian citizens and soldiers loyal to Vladimir Putin started leaving the Crimean peninsula.

April 9th, 2025: Due to the terrorist border crossings and subsequent bombings of Indian border towns, the Indo-Pak border dispute fully escalates into the 5th Indo-Pakistan War. The Indian government had stopped the flow of the Beas, Ravi, and Indus rivers into Pakistan.

April 29th - May 9th, 2025: The Battle of Crimea begins between the remaining Russian Loyalists and the Ukrainian Army (along with any Crimean Rebels still present).

May 10th, 2025: Ukraine fully retakes Crimea, thus ending the Russo-Ukrainian War.

May 12th, 2025: Reconstruction of Ukraine begins.

May 25th, 2025: The Treaty of Warsaw is signed by both Russia and Ukraine.


Treaty of Warsaw

- Russia returns the Oblasts of Crimea, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson to Ukraine

- Russia pays $50 billion in war reparations

- Russia must give 90% of their T-14 Armatas and 80% of their Sukhoi Su-57's to Ukraine

- Russian Military forces are to be reduced by 30% and will act as a Self Defense Force similar to Japan


June 3rd, 2025: Austria joins NATO.

July 7th, 2025: The members of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) established a military alliance called the Birleşik Türk Orduları (United Turkic Armies)

November 2025: NASA, along with the ESA and JAXA, launched their first exploration/colonization missions on the Moon and Mars.

January 2nd, 2026: Pakistani-occupied Kashmir region falls as the Indian Army marches into the Sindh region of Pakistan.

January 4th, 2026: The Indian Army burns down the city of Karachi as the Indian Navy captures many Pakistani naval assets and bases.

January 6th, 2026: Members of the Turan united under a single government called the Yeni Türk Kağanlığı (New Turkic Khaganate). The YTK is still a part of NATO due to Türkiye being a part of the Khaganate.

February 12th, 2026: Karachi falls as the Indian Air Force starts carpet bombing the Balochistan region.

February 23rd, 2026: In an act of complete and utter desperation, Pakistan launches a dozen nuclear missiles towards India; half of the missiles were intercepted by India's Ballistic Missile Defense System while the other half had hit the Indian cities of Mumbai and Chennai. This marks the second time that nuclear weapons were used in warfare.

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