{2#} broke in.

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**pghlfilms was the one who drove the car as they drove they crashed at a tree, tanqr gets out quickly and ran to kreeks door and knocked it down as it crashed tanqr went upstairs quickly and saw kreek still sleeping**

*Tanqr had a smirk on his face as he jumped on kreek*Tanqr::"WAKE UP!!!"

*Kreek woke up with a scream* kreek::"HOW THE HECK DID YOU..."*he breathes heavily from the scream he did*

*Tanqr looked at him*tanqr::"uhm no questions but can the baking krew borrow your kitchen?"*tanqr laughed*

*The sound of the car beeping from the crash kreek stands up, looked at the window*

*Kreek was shocked*kreek::"YOU GUYS CRASHED ON MY FAVORITE TREE!?"*kreek looked at tanqr with wide eyes*

*Tanqr sat on kreek's bed*tanqr::"well uhhh... There was no parking spot, we uhm..."*tanqr was processing*

*Kreek looked at him before looking at the trash can, grabbed the bat*kreek::"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!!"*kreek chases tanqr*

*Tanqr runs away quickly outside*

[Rb battles baking time!] [story cover by: Rin]Where stories live. Discover now