(6) taking some break...

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After the crew posted a literal food tutorial they decided to take a break

Pinkleaf was making adobo,pancit.
Because he decided to go to the beach with everyone because he chooses this way to give the crew some chilling rest

Ominous::"pinkleaf... Why are there duck eggs here?...." He said worriedly

Pinkleaf::"it's a Philippines dish! Balut! Wanna try one? I made some right now!" He went over to the table to get some

Ominous::"AHEM DUCKS INSIDE THE EGG ARE A PHILIPPINES DISH HOW--HOW DO YOU EVE-he went silent seeing pinkleaf eating a balut and even eating the baby boiled duck

Pinkleaf::"wanna try?" He chuckled


Thete now in the beach the others were swimming,eating,playing,making sand castle's...

Tanqr:"well isn't this amazing,cool air, perfect weather,cold water!" he lifted his leg to where kreek was walking, he fell "dumbo look where you looking at!" He laughed

Kreek looked at him with a frown look,he looked away looking down on her arms his ice cream fell

---pls let me skip time I'm lazy I'm sorry---

Everyone was hungry as they went to eat some were made by pinkleaf,ibella,Sabrina.

Ominous decided to try balut ominous:"yo... Pinkleaf uhm... How do you eat this?.."

Pinkleaf rolled it's eyes as he craked the egg open and forced ominous to eat it

Ominous:"W-WAIT!" To late he ate it, pinkleaf took the egg away looking at him waiting for his comment "wait... It's actually kinda tasty all it needs is salt?"

Pinkleaf:"want a 2nd one? I'll fed it to you gently like I did to you now! He smiled

Ominous:"THAT WASNT GENTLE THAT WAS FORCE YOU IDOIT!" he shouts as he wipes his mouth

Pinkleaf:"oh... Uhhh atleast it's tasty with force?..." He chuckled awkwardly

Sabrina:"guys it's getting kinda dark now ... Anybody wanna stay here for the night or go home it will only take for like ... 2 hours?" She said confusedly?

Everyone was still eating some food

Dj:"everyone shall find a partner for tonight since... There's not enough apartment for everyone, so Sabrina and I were deciding that russo chooses your partner!..to share the apartment!" He joyfully said it all

Everyone has gotten a partner they were chosen by russo btw

Tanqr - Kreek | room 1

bella - Denis  | room 2
Bandites - leah | room 3
Ominous nebula - pinkleaf | room 4
Megan - Sannah | room 5
Pghfilms - Thinknoodles | room 6
Calixo - Jayinge | room 7
Flamingo - russo | room 8
Dj - Sabrina | room 9

Everyone went into their room...

Room 1

Kreek:"you sleep on the floor!" He shouted

Tanqr:"no?...you sleep on the couch and I take the bed I'll give you the pillow and blanket that were size 2." He said with a serious tone.

Room 2

Ibella:"denis?...denis- oh." She saw him sleeping on the couch.

Room 3

Leah and bandites were playing games on the tv

Room 4

Ominous:"pinkleaf. Go. To. SLEEP!" He shouted at him

Pinkleaf:"NO!" he shouted back as he was doing his videos editing it to post it up to YouTube

Room 5

Megan:"just like this! Tada new shirt style! Do you .. like it?"she smiled fixing sannah's hair

Sannah:"ITS INSANELY BEAUTIFUL!!!"she smiled back at Megan

Room 6

Thinknoodles:"to cook a noodle you have to put water on the... PGHFILMS THAT'S NOT RIGHT DONT MAKE THE BOILING WATER TOO HIGH!"

Pghfilms was right next to it not knowing what to do and he was panicking

Room 7

Calixo was taped to the ceiling...
Jayinge was laughing

Room 8

Flamingo:"dye your hair to red so it would look like blood!" He smiled

Russo looked at him with a side eye looking

Room 9

Dj was asleep with Sabrina on his side

--words 636--

(Welp sorry for the late publish)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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