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Kathryz sat down with her best friend, Lily, at their favorite coffee shop. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as they settled into their cozy corner booth. Kathryz let out a deep sigh, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and disbelief. 

 "You know, Lily, I've come to a conclusion. True love? It's like spotting a unicorn riding a rainbow. It just doesn't exist!" Kathryz exclaimed, rolling her eyes dramatically.

 Lily raised an eyebrow and took a sip of her cappuccino. "Oh, come on, Kathryz. Don't be so pessimistic! True love might be elusive, but it's not entirely mythical. You just need to find the right person who won't vanish like a magician's disappearing act." 

 Kathryz let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Right person? More like a 'right-now' person. Every time I think I've found someone special, they pull a Houdini on me. Poof! Gone!" 

 Lily leaned in, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Maybe you need to start dating magicians, Kathryz. At least then, you'll always have a front-row seat to their disappearing acts!" 

 Kathryz couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the idea. "You know what, Lily? That might actually be a genius plan! I'll join a dating app exclusively for magicians. Who needs love when you can have a never-ending supply of magic tricks?"

 Lily grinned, playing along. "Imagine the first date, Kathryz. He pulls a bouquet of flowers out of his hat, and then suddenly, a live rabbit hops onto the table!" 

 Kathryz giggled, picturing the hilarious scenario. "And instead of a romantic dinner, we could have a magic show! Who needs candlelight when you can have levitating cards and disappearing coins?"

As they continued brainstorming outrageous ideas, their laughter filled the coffee shop, drawing curious glances from other patrons. For a moment, Kathryz forgot about her frustrations with love and found solace in the joy of friendship and laughter. 

13 years ago.....

Thirteen years ago, in the bustling City of Lapu-Lapu, a young and adventurous Kathryz found herself in the midst of high school life. With a mischievous sparkle in her eyes, she addressed her classmates one morning. 

 "Good morning, fellow Earthlings! I, Kathryz, the explorer extraordinaire, have arrived!" she declared, a playful smile dancing on her lips. "But don't worry, I won't make you sing the 'Backpack' song like Dora. We'll save that for another time!" 

 The classroom erupted in laughter, as her classmates joined in on the joke. Kathryz had a knack for bringing joy and laughter wherever she went. 

 One day, as the school bell rang, a boy named Jai mustered up the courage to approach Kathryz. He was known for his kindness, genius intellect, and undeniable handsomeness. With a shy smile, he asked if he could court her. 

 Kathryz, caught off guard, couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in her heart. She had admired Jai from afar, but never imagined that he would be interested in her. After a moment of contemplation, she decided to give him a chance.

 "Alright, Jai, you've won me over with your charm and persistence," Kathryz said, her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. "But remember, no pressure! We'll take it one step at a time, just like true explorers." 

 Jai beamed with joy, grateful for the opportunity. "I promise, Kathryz, I'll be patient and understanding. We'll embark on this journey together, discovering new adventures and creating beautiful memories." 

 And so, their journey began. They went on dates to local cafes, explored hidden trails in the city, and shared countless laughs along the way. Their conversations were filled with heartfelt moments and lighthearted banter, creating a unique bond between them. 

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