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Kathryz and Jacob announce there engagement. Almost the whole world knew about it. As Wen Nicolas is very influential man, he himself announce the engagement of his Son and to his future daughter in law. Their wedding is set to be day of Kathryz Birthday, December 8, and it has two weeks left before the wedding.

When Adam hears the news, he immediately goes to Kathryz. 

Adam stood there, his eyes welling up with tears. "So, it's true. You're engaged now," he said, his voice shaky.

"Yes, I am," Kathryz replied, her voice steady, her face devoid of any emotion.

Adam swallowed hard, struggling to keep his composure. "Why, Kathryz? Why did you choose him?"

Kathryz looked at him, her eyes filled with a mix of sadness and determination. "Adam, it's not as simple as choosing. There are a lot of things at stake here."

"But Kathryz," Adam interjected, "Isn't love supposed to be the most important thing? Isn't it supposed to be about choosing the person you love, regardless of the circumstances?"

Kathryz sighed. "Ideally, yes. But sometimes, reality is far from ideal. Sometimes, we have to make decisions that are not just about us, but about the people we care about."

"But Kathryz, do you love him?" Adam asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

There was a long pause before Kathryz finally spoke. "I care about Jacob. He's been a good friend to me. And I believe that with time, I can learn to love him."

Adam was silent for a moment, taking in her words. "And what about us, Kathryz? What about what we had?"

"Adam," Kathryz said, her voice filled with sorrow, "What we had was beautiful. But it's not enough. I have responsibilities, I have a family and a company to save. And if marrying Jacob can help me do that, then I will."

"But Kathryz, you're sacrificing your happiness. Is that what you really want?" Adam asked, his voice filled with desperation.

Kathryz looked at him, tears welling up in her eyes. "Sometimes, , we have to make sacrifices. And right now, this is the sacrifice I have to make."

With that, Kathryz turned and walked away, leaving Adam standing there, his heart breaking as he watched the woman he loved walk away. He knew then that Kathryz had made her decision, and there was nothing he could do to change it.

As Kathryz turned to walk away, Adam couldn't bear to let her go so easily. He ran towards her, reaching out and grabbing her hands.

"Tell me, Kathryz," Adam pleaded, tears streaming down his face. "Did you never love me? Did you truly not have any feelings for me?"

Kathryz's eyes welled up with tears, her own tears betraying her pain, her heart torn between her duty and her true emotions. She looked into Adam's eyes, searching for the right words to say. "Adam, please let go," she pleaded, her voice trembling.

As the heavy rain began to pour, drenching them both, they continued their conversation. Adam, crying uncontrollably, said, "I'll let you go, Kathryz. Just tell me that you don't like me because your actions have been confusing me, and I almost thought you felt the same way about me."

Kathryz wiped her tears and, taking a deep breath, replied, "I don't like you, Adam. I am engaged now. I will be a wife soon, so please let me go and find your own happiness." Her voice cracked as she spoke, and it took all her strength to maintain her composure.

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