Waiting for you

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Two months had passed since Adam had been admitted to the hospital. He was still on the road to recovery, and though he was patient, he couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment each day Kathryz didn't show up.

One day, Adam decided to venture up to the hospital's rooftop. He took in the sprawling cityscape, the twinkling lights a stark contrast to his somber mood. After a while, he returned to his room, his face a mask of sadness.

Once back in his room, he turned to one of his bodyguards. "Did a girl come to visit me today?" he asked, his voice hopeful.

"She's petite, around 163 cm, with straight hair and fair skin. In short, she's beautiful," Adam described Kathryz, his heart aching a little at the thought of her.

"I'm sorry, sir, but there's been no sign of a woman fitting that description," the bodyguard replied, his tone apologetic.

A wave of disappointment washed over Adam. Without another word, he turned away, deciding to call it a night. As he drifted off to sleep, all he could think about was Kathryz and the hope that she might visit him soon.

Unbeknownst to Adam, Kathryz had actually visited him earlier that morning. She had left a cake and a bouquet with the bodyguard, but insisted that he not wake Adam up. She had to leave quickly, but wanted to make sure he received her gifts.

When Adam finally woke up, he was surprised to find a cake and a bouquet on his table. The words on the cake, "I hope you recover soon," brought tears to his eyes. He tried to hold back his emotions, but the tears flowed freely. He couldn't quite explain why he was so moved, but seeing the thoughtful gesture filled him with a sense of joy and motivation.

 Curiosity got the better of him, and Adam called his bodyguard to inquire about who had sent the cake and bouquet. He wondered if it was one of his fans or perhaps a friend.

The bodyguard described the visitor, mentioning Kathryz's features. However, he admitted that she hadn't given her name before leaving.

"I think it might be Kathryz," Adam mused, a glimmer of hope in his voice. "I hope I'm not mistaken. Maybe I should try giving her a call. This gives me a reason to reach out to her."

But his excitement quickly turned to disappointment as he realized he had lost his phone, along with Kathryz's contact information. He couldn't call her directly.

So, Adam grabbed his new phone and decided to send Lily a message through Instagram . He mustered up the courage to ask if she could provide him with Kathryz's phone number. He knew that Lily would tease him mercilessly, but he saw this as an opportunity he couldn't pass up.

With a mix of anticipation and nervousness, Adam composed the message to Lily, hoping that she would be willing to help him reconnect with Kathryz.

Lily responded to Adam's message immediately, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness. With newfound hope, he dialed Kathryz's number and anxiously waited for her to pick up.

"Hello?" Kathryz answered, her voice filled with curiosity.

"It's me, Adam," he replied, a smile evident in his voice.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't recognize your voice," Kathryz confessed, a hint of embarrassment in her tone. "Kathryz double-checked the phone number and got confused because it was different. Your number must have changed, that's why I couldn't recognize it. Haha, sorry, Adam."

Adam chuckled, feeling relieved. "No need to apologize, Kathryz. It's completely understandable."

Adam then mustered up the courage to ask if Kathryz was the one who had sent the cake and bouquet to him earlier that day.

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