Present Time

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Kathryz and Lily met up at a cozy café in the heart of Manila. As they settled into their seats, Lily couldn't help but tease Kathryz about her love life.

"How are you here, Kathryz? Any news about your love life?" Lily said, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Kathryz let out a dramatic sigh. "Naaah, don't even ask. Now that I've joined the army, no man dares to approach me. And besides, I can't have a boyfriend. He'll probably leave me after just a few weeks of dating anyway."

Lily burst into laughter, playfully nudging Kathryz. "Oh, come on! You're a catch, Kath! Don't be so hard on yourself. Plus, you're 29 years old now and still single. Time to live a little!"

Kathryz rolled her eyes, but a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Well, being single does have its perks. No one to nag me about leaving the toilet seat up or stealing the blankets at night."

Lily chuckled. "True, true. But seriously, how's life been for you? Tell me all about your adventures in the army!"

Kathryz's eyes lit up as she began sharing stories of her training, the camaraderie she had developed with her fellow soldiers, and the challenges she faced. Lily listened intently, genuinely proud of her friend's bravery and dedication.

In between their laughter and catching up, they reminisced about their college days, their dreams, and how far they had come. Lily shared tales of her glamorous life in , while Kathryz recounted her thrilling experiences in the Special Forces.

As the conversation continued, Lily couldn't resist dropping a bombshell on Kathryz.

"Oh, by the way, there's a man who's interested in meeting you," Lily said with a mischievous grin.

Kathryz's eyes widened in surprise. "Why would he want to meet me? Does he even know who I am?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Lily shrugged playfully. "I don't know, but when I posted a picture of you on my , he reached out to me and asked if I could arrange a meeting between you two."

Kathryz's jaw dropped. "No way! What's his name?" she asked, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Lily smirked. "His name is Xu Adam," she revealed.

Kathryz's eyes widened even further, her mind struggling to process the surprising revelation. "Wait, you know him?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine surprise.

Lily couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Yes, we both performed at the together, and we even have a movie together. Oh my dear friend, how come you haven't watched my series yet?" she teased, nudging Kathryz playfully.

Kathryz playfully rolled her eyes. "Well, you know I'm not really up-to-date with the world of celebrities. I don't have social media and all, so I'm a bit out of the loop. But seriously, Lily, why would someone like Xu Adam want to meet me? and don't worry I'll watch your movie later when I have time HAHA".

Lily shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Who knows, Kathryz? Maybe he's heard about your incredible bravery in the and wants to be in the presence of a real-life superhero!"

Kathryz couldn't help but laugh at Lily's playful remark. "Oh, please! I highly doubt that's the reason. But hey, maybe he's just curious to meet the enigmatic Kathryz, the woman who's been making waves in the military while staying under the radar of Hollywood gossip!"

Lily grinned, enjoying the banter between them. "Well, my dear friend, it seems like you're about to embark on a thrilling adventure. Who knows what surprises await you when you finally meet Xu Adam?"

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