An offer that's hard to refuse

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Jacob stepped in, pulling Kathryz away from Adam. Thus, the seeds of a love triangle were sown.

Jacob held onto Kathryz's hand, while Adam refused to let go of her other hand. The tension was palpable as they all stood there, caught in a complex web of emotions.

Kathryz, caught in this tug-of-war, was suddenly struck by an urgent need. "I need to...uh...use the comfort room," she stammered.

Both Jacob and Adam, too caught up in their own emotions, didn't let go of her hands. "Guys, seriously!" Kathryz exclaimed, trying to wriggle free.

But their grip remained firm. Kathryz felt a sense of urgency creeping up on her. If she didn't make it to the comfort room soon, well...things could get really awkward.

"Alright, that's it!" Kathryz declared, mustering all her strength to break free from the two men. She darted off, leaving Jacob and Adam standing there, hands still outstretched, a look of surprise on their faces as they watched her dash towards the comfort room.

All this while, Lily had been observing the whole spectacle from the rooftop, trying her best to stifle her laughter. She had a bird's eye view of the entire scene unfolding below, and she found the whole situation hilariously absurd.

Watching her best friend Kathryz dash away from the two men, leaving them standing there in bewilderment, sent Lily into fits of laughter. She clutched her stomach, her laughter echoing across the rooftop.

As she finally managed to calm herself down, a mischievous twinkle appeared in her eyes. Now she had the perfect ammunition to tease her best friend. She could hardly wait to see Kathryz again, ready with her playful jibes and a hearty laugh at the day's unexpected events.

While waiting for Kathryz, who was in the comfort room, both Adam and Jacob received urgent calls. Adam's manager called him, and Jacob's secretary contacted him. They explained that they needed to leave immediately to attend to important matters. Unfortunately, this meant that they couldn't wait for Kathryz any longer.

Night has fallen, and Kathryz, along with her family, gathered for a cozy dinner. Lily, a close friend, was also present.

As they enjoyed their dinner, Lily turned to Kathryz and asked, "So, Kathryz, what's your plan now? I can tell that Jacob and Adam are really into you!" 

Kathryz burst into laughter and replied, "Oh, come on, Lily! You must be kidding. Adam and I are like peas in a pod, but being in a romantic relationship would be quite a challenge. And as for Jacob, he talks about marriage, but he hasn't even properly confessed! It's hard to take them seriously."

Kathryz's dad chimed in with a mischievous smile, "Well, my darling, let's play a 'what if' game. What if they were actually serious? Who would you choose?"

Kathryz couldn't contain her laughter and said, "Oh, Dad, you're too funny! Seriously, I highly doubt they're serious about me. I firmly believe it's all in good fun."

Despite Kathryz's skepticism, her mother and Lily continued to tease her, adding a playful and lighthearted atmosphere to the dinner table.

Lily asked Kathryz, "Ah, by the way, you're leaving in the morning, right?" 

 "Yes, I have to go back to our camp," Kathryz replied. 

 "Why don't you stay?" Kathryz's dad suggested. 

 "Dad, it's my work. I can't always stay because I have a job. It's for the country," Kathryz explained. 

 "You know what, you're turning 30 this year, my daughter, and I believe it's very dangerous for you to still work as an army. Maybe you can work in our company now," Kathryz's dad proposed. 

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