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Jacob found himself in a painful predicament, knowing he had to let go of Kathryz, the woman he loved. He understood she was no longer happy with him, and he chose to step aside, watching her find happiness with someone else. As he made this decision, tears welled up in his eyes, a testament to the heartache he was enduring.

It was far from easy for Jacob to let go, but he recognized it was the only way for Kathryz to truly find happiness. However, when Jacob's father, Nicolas, found out about their breakup, he was livid. In his anger, he lashed out, throwing anything within his reach and even slapping Jacob, demanding to know why he had let Kathryz go. Jacob stood there, tears streaming down his face, unable to retaliate against his father's wrath.

Nicolas, in his misguided attempt to protect his son, decided to make Kathryz suffer for causing Jacob pain. However, when Jacob learned of his father's actions, he confronted him.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Jacob asked, his voice shaking with anger. "Why are you doing this to Kathryz? She deserves better. Please, let her be happy with Adam. I support their relationship."

Nicolas, however, was not easily swayed. "Let her be? When you're here, miserable? No... a big no, my son," he retorted, his voice booming in the room.

The argument between father and son escalated until Jacob, in desperation, fell to his knees, begging his father to let Kathryz be happy and to stop sabotaging her company. His tears flowed freely, and seeing his son so distraught, Nicolas finally felt a pang of regret for his actions.

Realizing that his attempts to make Kathryz suffer were only causing Jacob more pain, Nicolas decided to make amends. He agreed to let Jacob help Kathryz, allowing his son to keep his promise to her, to support her no matter what.

Things finally began to fall into place. Kathryz managed to revive her company, thanks to Jacob's investment, and Kathryz's father was recovering well from his injuries. They were still waiting for Kathryz's mother to regain consciousness, but things were looking up.

Jacob and Kathryz had managed to transition into a comfortable friendship.

"Hey... How are you doing?" Kathryz asked one day.

"I'm good. I heard you're a supermodel now?" Jacob replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I decided to go for it. Trust me, it's not a walk in the park," Kathryz admitted, laughing.

Jacob couldn't help but smile. "You're gorgeous, and you have what it takes. I knew you could do it. And I heard Adam made your relationship public. He announced it to the whole world, didn't he?" Jacob asked, trying to keep his tone light.

"Well, he said he wanted the world to know about us, so I just went along with it," Kathryz said, shrugging.

"Are you happy?" Jacob asked, looking at Kathryz earnestly.

Kathryz smiled, "Yes, I am. I'm content."

"I'm glad you are," Jacob replied, his smile genuine. He stood up from the couch, ready to leave, when Kathryz's voice stopped him.

"Can we be friends? Like, real friends? Not just in business, but in our personal lives too?" Kathryz asked, her voice hopeful.

"Why not? Of course, we can," Jacob answered, his smile widening.

Kathryz then invited Jacob to a casual lunch with her  friend, Lily. They spent the afternoon laughing and joking around, just like old friends do. It was a happy, light-hearted gathering.

Later, Jacob called Adam, requesting a meet-up. Adam agreed, and they sat down for a chat.

"Adam, could you promise me something? Could you promise to take care of Kathryz?" Jacob asked, his tone serious.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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