A Romantic Dilemma

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The day after Kathryz was discharged from the hospital, her parents arranged for a comfortable hotel stay so they could be with her during her recovery.

One day, they had an unexpected visit from the most affluent family in Hollywood, the Wen family. Wen Nicolas, the family patriarch, had brought along his son, Jacob, for the visit.

Kathryz, with her natural charm and hospitality, offered to bring them coffee. As she prepared their drinks, she couldn't help but notice Jacob's striking good looks. He had a friendly demeanor that made him instantly likable.

As their parents delved into their business discussion, Kathryz and Jacob found themselves engaged in a lively conversation. Their chemistry was palpable; their conversation flowed effortlessly, as if they were old friends.

"Jacob," Kathryz began, her tone casual and friendly, "if you don't mind me asking, why did you tag along with your dad? I mean, our fathers are discussing business matters, but what brings you here?"

Jacob chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, I was getting bored at home, and I've always loved this hotel. So, I thought, why not?"

Kathryz, seizing the opportunity for a tease, quipped, "Oh, so it's the hotel that lured you here, not the chance to meet the daughter of your father's business associate?"

Jacob, caught off guard, burst into laughter. "Maybe not just the hotel," he admitted, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "My dad did mention that he was meeting a businessman with a beautiful daughter. I guess I was curious."

Kathryz's laughter echoed Jacob's, their shared amusement filling the room. The atmosphere was light and jovial, their conversation a delightful mix of humor and camaraderie. Despite their different backgrounds, they found common ground in their shared sense of humor and easy-going nature.

Once the business meeting concluded, Jacob turned to Kathryz, a sincere look in his eyes. "Kathryz," he began, "I was wondering if I could come back tomorrow? I've heard about your recent ordeal, and I thought I could bring you some extra medicine. It's the least I can do."

Kathryz, touched by his thoughtfulness, nodded in agreement. "That's very kind of you, Jacob, but I'm fine no need to bring some medicine."

"No, Kathryz," Jacob insisted gently, his voice filled with sincerity. "I really want to help. It would give me peace of mind to know that I've done something to assist in your recovery. Please, let me bring the medicine."

Kathryz, moved by his genuine concern, finally relented. "Alright, Jacob," she said with a smile. "If it means that much to you, I'll accept your kind offer. Thank you for your thoughtfulness."

Jacob's face lit up with a grateful smile. "Thank you, Kathryz. I'll make sure to bring the best medicine available. And who knows, maybe I'll bring a little treat to lift your spirits too."

Kathryz chuckled, appreciating his lightheartedness. "That sounds wonderful. I look forward to your visit tomorrow, Jacob."

As they bid each other goodbye, Kathryz couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for Jacob's persistence and kindness. His determination to help her in any way he could touched her heart, and she knew that his visit the next day would bring a ray of sunshine to her recovery journey.

In a minute, Kathryz phone is ringing. She pick up.

Kathryz couldn't help but laugh as she answered the phone. "Hello, Lily! Why are you calling?" she said, playfully teasing her friend.

Lily's voice came through the line, filled with genuine concern. "I just wanted to check in and see how my friend is doing," she said.

Kathryz smirked, knowing there was more to Lily's call. "Is that it? I know you too well, Lily. You never just call to check in."

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