♡6. 𝙉𝙤𝙬 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙀𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩♡

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3rd Person's POV:

"Eugh...Ugh...*Pants*...Shit...My body hurts"

Y/n woke up in an dark Alleyway near the trash can, she sat on the ground, and groaned in pain by her actions, her back hurted a lot. 

She crawl to the wall and tried to stand up, she didn't have the best physical condition since she was more focused on getting better at powers (More or less like an Alastor's goal code).

Her vision blurred and was about to blank out if it weren't for someone to catch her.

And no it wasn't Lucifer you fucking thirsty readers, it was his FUCKING daughter. "Oh my gosh!...Are you alright?" 

She held Y/n's injured body as she traced her hand on Y/n's back to support her, she yelped in pain and Charlie quickly apologised. "Sorry! I-...Huh?" She stared at Y/n's golden blood on her palm and looked back at her in unbelief. "An Angel?..." "Fallen" Y/n corrected her.

Charlie gasped in surprise but there was no time to think, she quickly brought her to a rather big building that resembles a Hotel, she was taken in and two flying Goats went up with a first aid kit, the both looks cute and dumb but caring.

"What...Is this place?" Y/n finally asked after being patched up. Charlie smiled and coughed slightly, standing up. "Welcome to the Happy Hotel!" 

She then started to explain that she has been planning on a project in this place, is a hotel run by her for clients who are undergoing rehabilitation to stay at. Pentagram City It is located in within this Pride Ring of Hell. 

The mission statement of the hotel is to see sinners check in and the staff attempt to redeem them, sending them to Heaven via rehabilitation, there by curbing Hell's overpopulation crisis and the ongoing yearly Extermination.

Y/n stared at her, seeing Charlie who resembles a lot to Lucifer, knowing that this might his daughter with Lilith, she was annoyed, but more was jealousy, she lowered her head and stared at her cup of tea.

"Hey... Are...A-Are you ok?" Charlie looked at Y/n worried, placing a hand on her shoulder, she breath deeply and smiled at her. "All fine, Starlight" She smiled back with a huge grin.

"That's good to hear!... So...What do you think about this whole...Uh, Plan?" She asked her, making Y/n think and analize the situation.

"The whole idea is pretty nice" Charlie was visibly happy. "But" She quickly frowned hearing that.

"First of all, it'll be difficult getting this idea to be approved by ALL Heaven, and 2nd, The Extermination won't be so easy to deal with alone, specially Exorcist who holds a strong power" She informed and half lied about this informations to the naive Princess of Hell who didn't know SHIT of whatever Heaven does.

Charlie nodded, taking serious studies on whatever Y/n was saying and then she asked. "Then what should I do? I can't just let my people die"

"Easy, every business person has a colleague to help them achieve somethings, you, tell your Dad that I'll be in charge of the military force of Hell and I will help you achieve your dreams, with the condition of letting me live here with you. How about it?" Y/n extended her hand, waiting for her to accept. Charlie didn't hesitate and shook it.

Of course she didn't thought about the consequences, some demontte who only lived for 2 centuries that's Lucifer's precious little girl doesn't have experience in such cruelty of the world... Lucifer, I might just destroy and control this blondie of yours if I see you not going the way I planned ever again...


º7 Years Later, Still in the Pride Ringº

"Miss General" A TV demon knocked on the door of The main entrance of Heaven Embassy. He just teleported there with one of his Drone, pretty accurate shit.

He coughed slightly, while hiding a bouquet of flower behind him, obviously with a dark glitch of red across his flat faced screen. 

The Doors were opened, revealing Y/n, in an Tieless Tuxedo and a pair of Stilletto Heels. "Hello Vox, what can I do for you in this...Hellish morning?" She tilted her head, smiling at him while placing her hands behind her back. 

"Oh Nothing, just here to give you a gift heh... ON BEHALF THE VEES OF COURSE! Hah!..." Vox tried to explain himself as he pulled out a bouquet of Roses, bringing it towards Y/n, The Fallen Angel's eye twitched slightly but still gave him a smile.

She traced her hand on his, making his screen face flickered a bit with a shade of red and pink, then she took the bouquet. "It's Lovely Vox, thank you" 

He smiled back at her with nothing more than love and admiration. "Miss General, you're the loveliest being I've ever seen in this afterlife, I have never respected someone so much as I do with you and I-" She cutted him off. 

"Vox, I know you're a very busy person, so how about we talk about this when you're schedule it's not so full?" In other words, Y/n is tired of his rambling, she wanted to get back to what she was doing and finish it ASAP.

"Oh... I uh, well, I've cancelled all my morning appointments just to come all the way here and deliver this to you personally, and well, the time still seems to be early and I've seen reviews about a pretty nice Café nearby, so I was thinking if we could first–" Vox was rambling and rubbing his nape, trying to look calm and normal.

Ok, why don't you just STFU you Stalker?

"Vox" Y/n called him out, then sighed. "I...I really do want to spend time with ya, but I still have work to do and to take care of Lucifer's Daughter, maybe next time yeah?" The TV demon was visibly dissapointed, and lowered his head.

"Yeah...Uh, well, I understand, my apologies for wasting your time...I'll, I'll be taking my leave" He then teleported back to his Screen filled room in the V tower, watching Y/n again from those screens and kisses one of the screen with her face on it. 

'Why can't you just notice my love?'-Vox. (OH-HO SHE DID NOTICED OTHER THING IS THAT SHE DOESN'T WANNA ANSWER)

He then turn to look at his phone and saw a pair of shoes of Y/n's size, don't ask how come he know your size, HE'S VOX, he knows your everything, maybe even YOUR BIGGEST FAN (Pun intended). He sipped coffee on his 'Fuck Alastor, Literally' Slogan mug and bought some new clothes that will look nice of Y/n.

'I really should give up on her...Oh look, this necklace look nice on that Angel'

♡𝙴𝚅𝙸𝙻♡//𝙷𝙰𝚉𝙱𝙸𝙽 𝙷𝙾𝚃𝙴𝙻//(☆𝙾𝙽 𝙷𝙾𝙻𝙳☆)Where stories live. Discover now