♡31. 𝙒𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙙? 𝙄 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙮 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙩 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙮𝙤𝙪♡

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3rd Person's POV:

ºHeaven but 10 years agoº


Vaggie saluted after entering Y/n's office. Y/n finished her work for today and stood up, walking towards Vaggie. "Name your business, Vagatha" "The Extermination day's near, we need to prepare the Division" Y/n stared at her for a good while.

Then she smiled, walking towards the exit. "Pre examination, if the Exorcist aren't prepared then we'll kick them out, and afterwards...Prepare the Corps!" Vagatha saluted. "Yes Ma'am!" She flied away to prepare for the day.


"Ladies! And Adam"

Y/n glanced over at the man, who smirked and nodded at her, walking to her side. "Yet again, We're here to perform another yearly kill to all those pitiful and repulsive sinners" She clapped her hands together as the Exorcist cheered, she made a silence sign and the crowd quiet down.

"As always, I expect a lot from you girls, this sacred duty that the Seraphim has put trust on us must be complete with no mistakes like we always did, Vagatha" She placed her hand on the shorter female's shoulder, making her blush. "Y-Yes Ma'am!" She pulled out a divine paper filled with a verse written by Y/n.

"Whoever gets the most kill, aside from the General and Captain, will get an salary increase of 5%"" Adam groaned in frustration by that. Y/n patted Adam's shoulder in order to ressure him.

"Alright ladies! Let's fuck shit up!" Adam and Y/n made rock hand sign and Y/n pointed out a portal she made.

"ATTACK!!"-Adam and Y/n.

"FORWARD!!"-Vaggie and Lute.


"Let's congratulate that Vagatha has won this year's prize!"

Lute groaned in frustration on losing to a newbie while Adam clapped his hand and whistled as Y/n gave her Lieutenant the prize. "359 Kills Vagatha! You're Magnificient!" She hugged the shorter female, who was blushing by the contact. "Uh... Thanks haha...Ma'am"

She whispered to Vagatha afterwards. "It's ok Vagatha, I won't tell them you've spared some Sinners... You're pure, I can sense it" Vaggie was ressured, she felt safe with Y/n.

After the celebration, Y/n went into an empty corridor and slide down to the floor, panting heavily, she got injured in the Extermination this year, weird, she was never injured before. 

She got into one conclusion, maybe her 'owner' was taking some of her power so that he had the chance to lock her up. She couldn't permit that, she needed more power, she wants to be free for the eternity, and she needs to find a way to break the deal. That of course.

A way that doesn't involves injuring Adam.


Adam walked out of the room, seeing the General's Halo flicker, he panicked. "SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK Y/N!? YOU HIDE THIS SHIT!?" He flied towards her quickly and hold her, his hand staining with gold blood. 

"Why are you here? I told you I'm fine, this is just a scratch...I can fix it" "No you can't you dumb bitch!" He used his power but it was useless.

"What the fuck?...WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING!?" "It may be an injury caused by our weapon, one of the girls might accidentally stabbed me" She won't tell Adam that she was stabbed on purpose by Lute, or tell him about another Angel that once told her this secret of Angels that can be killed. 

Adam raised an eyebrow, suspecting her knowledge and on the other hand on Lute. "How can you be so sure?" He asked suspiciously. "I just do ok? Just...Ugh-..." She held her wound and almost fell again, Adam quickly catch her and sweatdropped nervously.

"Ok fuck...Let's just get you to a Hospital, I don't want you dying here" He fly away from the building. He tried to be as fast as he could.


ºBack to the Presentº

Heavy footsteps was heard in the Hallways, Y/n felt uneasy by the footsteps behind her, she walks faster and was about to get the doorknob of her Hotel room. 

Then a sudden glow of light was shown on her neck, it was a glowing gold collar, chained from behind, Y/n panicked, she fell on the ground and was being dragged from behind. 


"And here I thought you were forever gone with that troublesome sibling of mine..." A cold voice was heard from behind. She knew what was coming for her, she turned back and her heart stopped seeing that face that tormented her.

"L-Lord...Michael..." The Older Angel gripped her collar with force, making her stare at him. "Was it fun being down there with that wretch that was my brother?"

She shook her head shakingly, staring at his blue eyes, the blonde male tilted his head. "Where's that smile that I always see?" Y/n's tears rolled down as Michael grabbed a handful of her hair. 

"Smile Y/n, I like that expression of you more than anything" She withdrew his hand with all her strength and panted in fear. Michael narrowed his eyes and threw her on the floor. "You should know I'm patient enough with you, as the Archangel of Justice, my duty is to mantain Heaven in absolute peace, and yet. YOU failed me"

He pulled out the golden sacred paper of the contract. "Remember this, I'm your master, and I've the absolute right to own your soul" 


"Mantain Lucifer down in Hell so God won't ever remember him again, for the sins thou commited he'll never know, and the interest you have shown for the 1st man. Or else, the consequences thou would pay will be severe, and Adam must perish if you try to disobey"

"Signed: Y/n"

The collar tighten up and it was hard to breath, Michael traced his hand over her face amd smiled blankly. "Of course, the contract will break if someone mentioned in there dies, isn't that exciting like those pathetic battles you get charged with those sinners?" His eyes narrowed. 

"You know that I won't most likely die, neither you nor those men. Because you're mine, and I can keep you alive" Y/n closed her eyes and slowly composured her breath. 

Her eyes tired and swollen, she curved her lips upwards and stood up, she was trembling, but it wasn't as noticiable as before. "You're right Michael, that's why I hate you. You may be the Angel of Justice, but that same face as Lucifer. Makes me feel repulsed, but you're worse than him. You're an egocentric piece of Sh-"


♡𝙴𝚅𝙸𝙻♡//𝙷𝙰𝚉𝙱𝙸𝙽 𝙷𝙾𝚃𝙴𝙻//(☆𝙾𝙽 𝙷𝙾𝙻𝙳☆)Where stories live. Discover now