♡33. 𝙒𝙤𝙬, 𝙄 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙙 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚♡

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(I was listening to 'Valentino' on repeat and I got the idea of Y/n taking Val to Lust Ring only if he behaved)

3rd Person's POV:

ºAngelic Courtroomº

Wow...It brings me back so much memories from Chapter 4... I feel so loved here

Charlie and Vaggie are sat down. Then Charlie spotted Y/n's collarbone filled with bitemarks and hickeys. "Nanny, what happened to you?" "Me? I was fighting with a giant bird" She answered, aka lied to Charlie.

Adam walks by on his way to his seat with Lute. "Oh no, not him again!" Charlie groaned and hugged her head. Adam noticed them, but only greeted Y/n, wiggling his fingers, then talked to Charlie.

"What up, baby? Saw that you went to my manager. Low blow, Karen" Adam placed his arm on the desk. "We are gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in Hell can be redeemed into the heavenly realm via means of this Hazbin Hotel. Princess Morningstar?"

Y/n just sat beside Vaggie, rolling her eyes at what stupidity Charlie might say next. Because Y/n analized this situation quickly about this whole Charlie's redemptioning sinners idea. 

Charlie, As a Dreamer like her father was, must know that It's even more important to put forward the credibility of this plan Instead of talking about redemption and believing in sinners all the time. There must be certain standards for how to redeem them and how to judge sinners.

Of course, that was one of the reasons on why Y/n suggested the Exterminations, just to execute those scumbag sinners that had no hope of being redeemed.

Charlie sighed and stood up as Y/n put on her signature leg crossed sitting. "Thank you, Seraphim. Ahem, Webster's dictionary defines redemption as—" Adam raised his hand and interrupted her.

"Objection, lame and unoriginal" Y/n nodded by Adam's easy to understand but straight-forward protest. "Sustained. No further dictionary references please" Sera pointed out on Charlie, who shuffles through multiple cards, all which have various dictionary references on.

Charlie's Excessive Sympathetic Heart just proves that she is Lucifer's daughter. Isn't this Overly Kind-heartedness also a kind of Arrogance and Pride? Thinking that what they do is correct and the best way to resolve everything with just Love?

Y/n traced her hand on her forehead by Charlie's airheaded attitude, she was stressed by all this, Adam noticed this and got kinda worried by Y/n's condition. "Uh, Sugar Tits why don't you have a word hm?" He pointed Y/n out.

Y/n raised her head and looked over at Adam, then sly smiled. "Sera?" Sera nodded. "Permitted" Y/n stood up and placed both her hands on the desk, then took Charlie's cards and burnt them all.

"As we all know, Sinners burn down in Hell because once they were alive they've sinned. I believe that the way we perform this... 'you know what activity' in the wrong way. Because you permit this activity so that they won't climb up to here, but imagine that they really have a way to climb up, and start a war... Wouldn't that cause a worse relationship between these 2 sides?" Everyone in court murmured in agreement and theorizing her sayings.

"Sustained, Sera, this shit Sugar Tits just said was very logical! And totally the topic we need to discuss" Adam supported Y/n's speech, even tho he didn't understand shit.

"Nanny what are you doing?!..." Charlie whispered yelled at her as Vaggie low-key agrees with Y/n. 

"Shut up Charlotte, I'm trying to get us the win of this fucking court" She gritted her teeth and whispered back to Charlie. 

"Heavenly people, please listen to my say. If Hell is not a threat anymore for Heaven, wouldn't this universe be a better place? Wouldn't you wanna resolve this difficult and complicated conflict between these 2 sides? And not be a fucking saint believing that all sinners can be redeemed just by this Hotel we made" Y/n eyed Charlie when she said the part Saint. 

Sera smiled by Y/n's planified project and extended her hand."Good point, please go on and tell us more. Why are you so confidence about this problem to be resloved?" Y/n walked to the center and summoned her Angelic Weapon, supporting both her hands with it on the ground. 

"I have a way to deduct if those sinners are redeemable or not. If those sinners are not redeemable we'll just have them rot–" "No" Charlie stood up. "Nanny! You can't do this! We need to believe that my people will change!" Charlie took her hands.

Oh Gosh here we go again

"Charlotte, get your hands away from me. I'm no Disney Princess like you willing to forgive every sinner, I have standards" "Well- Appearance it's not what it looks like!" "Charlotte, hear me out. I'm sure you'll be with me-" "Stop calling me that! I know what I'm doing Nanny!" "No you don't, now let me go!" Y/n was trying to withdrew her hands.

Vaggie was telling Charlie to keep it down, as Adam started to get pissed by Charlie's attitude, he flied down and withdrew Charlie's hand off Y/n. "We're here to discuss the matter if your shitty little Hotel is working or not. Not to see 2 women fighting. If you have actual evidence, then show it already"

He flied back to his seat, and Charlie calmed down while Y/n stood there, looking away from her. "We have a patron right now who is making incredible progress!" "Who?" Adam asked.

"Angel Dust" "Oh yeah, the porn demon. He's totally worth being redeemed" Adam blows raspberry his tongue, making Y/n raised her head to look, and snickered softly by his silly gestures. Adam seeing that, he was happy of cheering Y/n up a little.

Wait- How come he knows who Anthony is? Doesn't he never put a slight interest on any sinners? OH NO DON'T FUCKING TELL ME HE-

"Well, if you know so much, what do you think it takes to get into Heaven?" Charlie asked Adam, which made him think.

"Uhmm... w-well... Uhh..."-Adam.

"Is everything ok, Adam?"-Sera.

" Give me a fucking minute, ok?" Adam then muttered something under his breath back facing the other angels, and scrawls something down on a golden piece of paper, before teleporting it over to Vaggie. 

Vaggie read the list "'Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man'. Are you fucking serious?" "Ok give me that" Y/n took the list and read it, the list also add little hearts around a small doodle of her face.

"Ok the first 2 I can understand it as you want to follow the rules... But the 3rd, stick it to the man... Why would you-" Then she suddenly remembers one shit in the bible. "Oh...." She raised her head and looked at Adam with a pitiful expression. She feels really bad for him.

"That explains so much, I feel so sorry for you Adam"

♡𝙴𝚅𝙸𝙻♡//𝙷𝙰𝚉𝙱𝙸𝙽 𝙷𝙾𝚃𝙴𝙻//(☆𝙾𝙽 𝙷𝙾𝙻𝙳☆)Where stories live. Discover now