♡40. 𝙁𝙪𝙘𝙠 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣, 𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡♡

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3rd Person's POV:

Scene cuts back at the gates of the Hotel. Charlie is coming from the left with the army of cannibals while Vaggie is coming from the right with multiple crates of weapons. 

"Looks like you had a busy day" Vaggie looked aside, staring at Alastor who took Y/n by the waist as she tried to look through her phone if she has any contact with the Vees, but aparently she didn't have their numbers.

She groaned slightly by Alastor's shameless gestures towards her former boss and crush. "You too" Charlie finally spoken up.

Vaggie, guilty for hiding the secret. "Charlie, I-" Charlie stopped her, raising her hand in the air. "Hold that thought. Err.. Ah! I got you a souvenir from Cannibal Town" It was a keychain that looks like that head in Hotel Transylvania.

Vaggie gasps and has an apologetic expression. She goes to hug Charlie. "Oh, Charlie" Y/n quickly put her phone away, and stared at the lesbian couple hugging eachother.

Y/n looked at them with a smile, her eyes feels hot as Alastor passed her a tissue. "So wholesome Alastor..." "I know, Darling" Alastor patted Y/n's head, ruffling her hair while doing it. 

"When will I find a love like this?" "You already did, Sweetie" "Oh right, Adam" Alastor's hand stopped.

"What did you say? It's not me?"-ABSOLUTELY Not Jealous Alastor.

"What?" Y/n looked at him confused, Alastor sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. 

'Ugh, forget it. Why am I even caring so much about it? Well, killing Adam wouldn't hurt in the upcoming Extermination'-Alastor.

"Haha! Nothing my dear!" Alastor shrugged it off and pinched her cheek, which made Y/n care even less than she already was. 


ºAdam's Houseº


He then zoom in and saw how touchy Alastor was with you, your waist, your cheek, your head. EVERY PART, he gripped on the orb and yelled. "HEY HEY HEY!! JUST WHERE DOES HE THINK HE'S TOUCHING!? WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS!? TOUCHING MY FUCKING WOMAN!? FUCKING DIPSHIT I'M KILLING THIS LANKY PIECE OF SHIT!"


"The wings are new. They look nice~" Y/n heard that from Charlie and look over at Vaggie.

Seeing Vaggie's newly grown wings she couldn't help but finally cry, she went up towards her former Lieutenant and teared up. "Vagatha! You look so pretty! Oh my me! Ahhhhh!!!" She really missed Vaggie's old self, Vaggie smiled and patted Y/n's back.

"It's ok Ma'am..." Yes, for her it was the most comfortable to call her Ma'am than by her name. Then she realised something. "Ma'am, how come your wings aren't grown back?" Y/n pulled out from the hug and smiled. "I cut them off" Vaggie raised her brow.

"With the-" "Yes, the Angelic Weapon" Vaggie pursed her lips, she sometimes really don't know what's going on inside her boss's head.

Y/n clapped her hands together and place it on both Vaggie and Charlie's shoulders. "Come on, let's go home" Both Vaggie and Charlie walk into the hotel, as they find Angel Dust, Nifty, Sir Pentious, and Husk all working on defenses for the hotel together.

"Come along, let's put some effort into these fortifications"-Pentious.

"Yeah, fortify that... Well, look who decided to show up. We thought we were fightin' by ourselves"-Angel Dust.

Vaggie widen her eyes and gave them a relieved smile. "You're... you're still here?" Sir Pentious pouted as Angel hugged both him and Husk by the shoulder.

"What? Do you think we're a bunch of pusssssies?"-Pentious.

Husk scoffed. "I just got used to you guys. I ain't finding no new drinking buddies" Y/n raised a brow and smile teasingly. "Kitty got attached to us huh?" Husk rolled his eyes.

"Shut it General, I ain't not Kitten" He looked away, chuckling. "I've named all the stains on the carpet. That one's Fred" Niffty giggled. "Well, looks like we have a lot of work to do" Charlie held Vaggie's hand.

Y/n looked around to find Alastor, no luck. She sighed and walked up towards Charlie. "Charlotte, there's something I must inform you" Charlie looked back and smiled.

"Sure Nanny, uh. What's the problem?" It was the 1st time Y/n has ever told her some issues she has and oh boy, that got Charlie quite nervous. "First. Promise me this, PLEASE don't kill Adam"

Charlie eyes widen but then she looked away, thinking. 

Yeah, Adam was Y/n's long lifetime Colleague, Co-Worker and Friend. It give Y/n a Critical Attack if Adam died in the battle, Charlie inhaled deeply. "Ok, Nanny. I promise you this" Y/n got relieved and patted her head.

'Wow...Ma'am is serious about Adam. Welp, Gotta pray that we don't accidentaly kill him or she will go Berserk'-Vaggie.


ºPentagram City's Streetsº

Y/n was singing a tune as she spin her pocket sized scissors in the air, walking in the street alone. "Welcome to hell, This Hazbin Hotel. You've got big dreams, well. I got some news for you, Charlotte. You should pack up and sell. These demons aren't well, You rose and you fell. Shame I was late to the party"

She raised her head and narrowed her eyes when she looked at Heaven, she shadowed her eyes with her hand and mumbled. "Cause Heaven's not goin' open the gates. To let a bunch of mistakes. Pretend they got redeemed...Well shucks. And yes I guess it's kind of a shame. But they've got themselves to blame... An unrealistic dream"

She recalled that one insecure moment when Charlie thought Lucifer was right about her while giving her mother a call. Y/n looked at a moth flying around her and her smile turned more sinister. She launched her scissors at the moth and killed it along with 3 other sinners.

She took her Weapon off the wall and cleaned the blood with a disgusted smile. "Welcome to hell. Where all the demons are dying. You might... As well. Just give up and stop fucking trying. Don't blame yourself. Oh, come now dear, Don't start crying...You've tried to help... But their time here is expiring"

At last, she got to the Vee's Tower. "Ahh..." She mumbled out, as her grip on the Angelic Weapon tighten.

"I'm going to have so much fun abusing that bug"

♡𝙴𝚅𝙸𝙻♡//𝙷𝙰𝚉𝙱𝙸𝙽 𝙷𝙾𝚃𝙴𝙻//(☆𝙾𝙽 𝙷𝙾𝙻𝙳☆)Where stories live. Discover now