♡21. 𝙄'𝙢 𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙬𝙚𝙖𝙠 𝙃𝙚'𝙨 𝙂𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧♡

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3rd Person's POV:

"You've waited for me?"

Alastor was genuinely surprised seeing Y/n outside the Hotel, standing there smiling, as a waiting sign for him. "It'll be weird for them if we're not entering together am I right?" She lowered her gaze and saw the Egg Boiz.

"You... Didn't got rid of them?" "Hm, Nope! These little things seems to be pretty useful at some points. The one said that Carmilla killed your former soldier" Alastor smiled at her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Oh...Anyways, Come on let's get in" Y/n calmly replied.


Vaggie returns the hotel, and apologizes to Charlie for messing up with the exercise. Charlie forgives her as her exercise has built trust between the guests and the workers. Alastor returns with the egg minions, and Vaggie lets Sir Pentious keep the Egg Boiz.

"Alastor, do you have a moment?" Y/n asked him, and asked him to follow her. "Hm? Of course my dear!" Alastor spinned his cane and followed the Angel to her room, he looked around with an ethusiastic smile.

Y/n whispered some spell and summoned her pair of bloody wings, Alastor's eyes widen when he saw that pair of golden wings, as gold substance stained the carpets.

"Are those?..."-Alastor.

"Eat this"-Y/n.

Alastor seems stunned by her sudden saying. "Pardon?" His eyes sparkled, and his smile even wider. "I have the privilege to do this?" "Yes, but I want you to eat this after picking out the feathers and hand it back to me, I don't need this pair of wings anymore. Since I'm in Hell, and Devils Don't Fly (Gacha 2018 pun intended) Well no, I take it back. I'm not a sinner"

Alastor grabbed the wings and grinned widely. "I'll make sure to leave it featherless. But what do you need the feathers for if I can be so bold?"

"... I need a pair of new wings. We have an inventor here right?"


"Guess who I am!"

Lucifer flied over the Right hand of God covering the girl's eyes, as a play game. Y/n, who chuckled by her Lord's childish actions, placed her hand over his.

"Oh my me. Now who would that be? Maybe Sera?" Lucifer snickered and shook his head even if Y/n didn't see it. "Boo Boo! Wrong answer!"

"Hmm...Azrael? Michael?" Y/n smiled as she kept 'guessing', Lucifer pouted in jealousy hearing their names. "Hey! Are they really more important than me that you only remember their names??"

Then Y/n grabbed his hands and fell with him on the white ground. "Of course I knew it was you, My Lord Lucifer" She laughed with him and kissed his palms, which made the naive boy blush by her acts.

"Y/n... That tickled..." He narrowed his eyes, still flustered. Then they both laid on the ground, staring at each other.

Lucifer examinated Y/n's flawless face, then traced his hand on her palm, slightly rubbing her lips with his thumb. "You're Beautiful Y/n...I've never seen someone as beautiful as you...Not even Lilith"

Of course, Lucifer felt guilty about loving 2 persons at the same time, one was the Holy Servant, and the other was a human. Y/n didn't know about this, she just thought that his feelings for Lilith didn't decrease instead, she believes those words were said because he thought that Lilith had more charms than a pretty face.

"I... Thanks, Starlight" Lucifer leans closer to her after hearing that but She sat up as Michael called her to discuss important matters.

Then after that, she didn't wanted to recall more in this dream.



Y/n woke up, breathing heavily, she sat up from bed and looked at the Solid Sparkle on her nightstand, she cracked up a smile and glared at the object, slamming it on the wall. "...Why did you push me so far to do this Lucifer?...This is your fucking fault I'm here now..."

She couldn't deny it, of course, she still felt something for him, but more was the desire of Revenge, hatred and regret, believing that her feelings were tricked by him more than anything.

"Now Hypocritely, General Y/n is forever stucked in this place, mentally fucked up and feed her wings to a fucking demon" She lays back on the bed, questioning her existence, then someone knocked on the door.

"Hm?" "It's me dearest! Open up please!" Oh, it was just Alastor. Y/n twirled her finger and the door opened, her pijama was unbuttoned and her hair looks messy, but that's all right cause Alastor didn't come here to fuck her! You dirty minded little Imp readers!

He walked in with a tray of Rice Pudding and a cup of tea, he looked over the Solid Sparkle on the floor, and kicked it away slightly.

"Here, I've heard that sweet things makes one feel better. You should try it" He placed the tray on the nightstand, taking a hand filled of spoon, waiting for Y/n to take a first bite. 

Then, Alastor began to feed Y/n the Pudding as he listened to Y/n's every complain about Lucifer, on how she caught feelings for him, how they spend the times together, he tricked with her feelings, got away with Lilith, on how he was the main culprit of creating hell, and blaming him for making her being sinful and was casted down here.

"If he accepted me instead of that human none of this would have happened! If he was more patience and be obidient none of this would happen! Now I'm fucked up and there's nothing I can do about it down here apart of trying to redeem myself by taking care of his FUCKING delusional daughter!" She hugged her head as she gets more and more angry. Alastor saw this all, her emotions, her drastical changes of attitude, he find it all amusing, but yet felt pitiful for her, doing all the right things she believed so much, and making only one mistake, and she has collapsed.

He didn't say anything, just traced his arm around Y/n and made her leans on him, he patted her shoulder slightly. "There there" The female by the time has calmed down, she sighed. "Thanks Al, I feel better now" She stood up and took the Sparkle, placing it back down her nightstand.

"Always a pleasure my dear! I'm always available if you're feeling down" He smiled at her genuinely, she looked at him and both of them laughed in the long and such ordinary night.


ºIn a Duck Craft Officeº

"Ow...Why did my Heart just had an ache?... I hope Nanny's still doing Ok up there"

♡𝙴𝚅𝙸𝙻♡//𝙷𝙰𝚉𝙱𝙸𝙽 𝙷𝙾𝚃𝙴𝙻//(☆𝙾𝙽 𝙷𝙾𝙻𝙳☆)Where stories live. Discover now